KaiqiangXiong / CL-MVSNet

[ICCV2023] CL-MVSNet: Unsupervised Multi-view Stereo with Dual-level Contrastive Learning
MIT License
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question about training on my custom dataset #6

Open fariba87 opened 1 month ago

fariba87 commented 1 month ago

I appreciate your great work and i have some question I want to train the model on my custom data. here is my steps: 1) i captured some pictures while moving around a stationary object by iphone 14 2) i use foreground masks in feature extraction process of COLMAP to restrict the sparse point cloud to foreground object 3) i do refine bundle adjustment to refine focal length and principle point 4) i bitwise_and image and masks so the inputs are also masked images(without Background) 5) i use colmap2mvsnet to create cam.txt and pair.txt 6) for ground truth depthmap, i used rendered depthmap from agisoft metashape(gray image[0-255], then i use minmaxscaler from sklearn to scale it between [depthmin and depthmax] per image(resulted from cam.txt files)

KaiqiangXiong commented 1 month ago

Based on your description, I am curious to know if the sparse reconstruction process in COLMAP was successful. Could you possibly share the sparse point cloud and your input images for further analysis?

fariba87 commented 1 month ago

Based on your description, I am curious to know if the sparse reconstruction process in COLMAP was successful. Could you possibly share the sparse point cloud and your input images for further analysis?

I did two experiment. 1) without applying mask-> colmap tried to find points on background as well in sparse reconstruction step 2) with applying mask in feature extraction step of COLMAP -> colmap just found the sparse points on the object. likewise, i can see the size of point3d.bin file in the later one is smaller. if i plot those points via matplotlib they are also only limited to my object. my question is regarding depth_gt and depth_min and depth_max. how should they correctly be specified?

KaiqiangXiong commented 6 days ago

Sorry, I haven't tried agisoft metashape before. Maybe it's better to use depthmin and depthmax in cam.txt files from colmap .