Legacy Stories are stories that were conceptualised in September 2021, before the timeline was on Tiki-Toki, let alone GitHub. The story in its current form lives here. And you are very welcome to share any thoughts you have on how this story can be improved by commenting below!
Legacy Stories are stories that were conceptualised in September 2021, before the timeline was on Tiki-Toki, let alone GitHub. The story in its current form lives here. And you are very welcome to share any thoughts you have on how this story can be improved by commenting below!
Legacy story: Novum Organum, by Francis Bacon
Date or Period 📅
1620 (e.g.: Britannica).
Elevator Pitch
Bacon argues for empirical approaches to making scientific discoveries.
A whole new way to do science!
Unformed Thoughts
None as of yet...