Kairos-Automotive / carla-brain

Autonomous Car System Integration Project on Udacity SDC ND
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simulator bug: max speed #107

Open asimonov opened 6 years ago

asimonov commented 6 years ago

The maximum speed of the vehicle during testing was 21.79kmph, which is slightly higher than the 20kmph we set for testing on the simulator.

Please ensure that the vehicle adheres to the speed limit set in the launch file: https://github.com/udacity/CarND-Capstone/blob/master/ros/src/waypoint_loader/launch/waypoint_loader.launch

asimonov commented 6 years ago

just followed that link to original loader launch file they provided. it says:

<param name="velocity" value="40" />
  1. funny where they get the figure of '20' for the review. when they said '20kph we set for testing on the simulator' -- I wonder if they actually changed the setting in the file.
  2. that 40 in the original udacity file -- is it kph or mph? if we assume they changed it to 20 then from what they said above it should be treated as kph.
asimonov commented 6 years ago

and finally -- I am sure what we see in simulator screen is MpH, not KpH as stated in the review.

asimonov commented 6 years ago

classroom (https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd013/parts/6047fe34-d93c-4f50-8336-b70ef10cb4b2/modules/e1a23b06-329a-4684-a717-ad476f0d8dff/lessons/462c933d-9f24-42d3-8bdc-a08a5fc866e4/concepts/afb9f3b2-58d7-4ec6-88f3-fc4f84d9a8a1) says:

Be sure to limit the top speed of the vehicle to the km/h velocity set by the velocity rosparam in waypoint_loader. Reviewers will test on the simulator with an adjusted top speed prior to testing on Carla