Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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New England Strike not Working #1167

Closed jtout89 closed 6 years ago

jtout89 commented 6 years ago

Explanation of the issue:

I don't know whether or not this is going to be relevant after the Americas rework, but the events after the CSA focus "New England Strike" are bugged - the strike can succeed, they'll become syndicalist, but they'll never be annexed.

Possible cause: There's just a typo in the event files. From Kr_combined_syndicates.txt:

`country_event = {# General Strike grows violent
    id = combinedsyndicates.31
    immediate = {log = "[GetDateText]: [Root.GetName]: event combinedsyndicates.31"}
    title = combinedsyndicates.31.t
    desc = combinedsyndicates.31.d
    picture = GFX_report_event_spain_civil_war_soldiers

    is_triggered_only = yes

    option = {# the Strikers take control!
        name = combinedsyndicates.31.a

        ai_chance = {
            factor = 80
        remove_ideas = { NEE_general_strike_malus }
        clr_global_flag = NEE_general_strike
        NEE = { country_event = { id = combinedsyndicates.35 days = 1 } }
        set_politics = { ruling_party = syndicalist }
        every_country = {
            limit = {
                is_faction_leader = yes
                is_in_faction_with = NEE
            remove_from_faction = NEE
    option = {# Order is restored
        name = combinedsyndicates.31.b
        ai_chance = {
            factor = 20
        clr_global_flag = NEE_general_strike
        remove_ideas = { NEE_general_strike_malus }
        hidden_effect = { CSA = { country_event = { id = combinedsyndicates.34 } } }
country_event = {# Strikers take control of the government
    id = combinedsyndicates.32
    immediate = {log = "[GetDateText]: [Root.GetName]: event combinedsyndicates.32"}
    title = combinedsyndicates.32.t
    desc = combinedsyndicates.32.d
    picture = GFX_report_event_spain_civil_war_soldiers

    is_triggered_only = yes

    option = {# Lets rejoin with America!
        name = combinedsyndicates.32.a
        CSA = { country_event = { id = combinedsyndicates.33 days = 1 } }


NEE = { country_event = { id = combinedsyndicates.35 days = 1 } } refences the wrong event - it should be NEE = { country_event = { id = combinedsyndicates.32 days = 1 } }

Rylock commented 6 years ago

This will be irrelevant for 0.7, but we can change it for the hotfix - thanks for the easy report.