Describe the change you would like:
Right now the code for Nevada flipping is
`country_event = { # Nevada flips to PSA
id = amcivwar.310
immediate = { log = "[GetDateText]: [Root.GetName]: event amcivwar.310" }
title = amcivwar.310.t
desc = amcivwar.310.d
picture = GFX_report_event_PSA_legislature
is_triggered_only = yes
major = yes
show_major = {
OR = {
tag = USA
tag = CSA
tag = TEX
tag = PSA
trigger = {
country_exists = PSA
NOT = { has_global_flag = USA_civil_war_begun_flag }
379 = { is_owned_and_controlled_by = USA }
PSA = { is_ai = yes }
NOT = {
CSA = { is_ai = no }
TEX = { is_ai = no }
immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
379 = {
remove_claim_by = PSA
add_core_of = PSA
remove_core_of = USA
add_claim_by = USA
PSA = { transfer_state = 379 }
option = {
name = amcivwar.310.a
trigger = { tag = PSA }
option = {
name = amcivwar.310.b
trigger = { NOT = { tag = PSA } }
I would like it changed so the PSA gets a fair chance to secure or influence Nevada normally.
Also also, looking at the localisation, it seems like the governor of Nevada changes depending on event.
The event for when Nevada aligns with PSA if Macarthur tries to hold everything
amcivwar.310.d:0 "Richard Kirman, Sr. today declared Nevada's allegiance with the Pacific States who refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of General MacArthur's government. The governor had been in consultation with the Pacific government since its creation, and in a radio address said he could not stand by and let democracy fail in America without taking a stand. So far, federal forces have withdrawn from army bases in the region without threat of further violence."
The event for when Nevada goes Yorktown
"amcivwar.705.d:0 "When Federal troops withdrew from the area of the Rocky Mountains, there were initially split responses. The Governor of Nevada, Maurice J. Sullivan, refused to allow Federal troops to evacuate or abandon their equipment, but the governors of Arizona, Idaho and Utah were more willing to accommodate the President. However, a recent regional conference of the four governors in Salt Lake City has led to them deciding to collectively rely on the provisional government in California for protection and support. Apparently, most of them were led to this by their clear abandonment by the Washington government. They have denounced MacArthur’s takeover pro forma and the Sacramento government has already sent in its own soldiers and airmen to occupy the abandoned bases in the west."
Kirman was the OTL Governor, Sullivan was Lieutenant governor not during 1937 according to Wikipedia. I would amend the Yorktown event to either indicate that Sullivan won or has ousted Kirman.
Explain the reasoning behind this change:
Right now the event text requires that the AI control AUS, CSA and PSA for Nevada to flip. This means that PSA will only get Nevada is the player is not PSA, CSA or AUS. So in other words, this serves mainly to punish a Federalist USA player. This event by the way fires if Macarthur (player I believe can only choose this) tries to hold the entire country at once.
I think this is unfair and should be revised. I understand the PSA doesn't get "radical strength modifiers" like the CSA and AUS, which makes coding for it hard. And in all honesty, I do not know the history of Nevada in 1937 to actually justify whether or not the state would go Macarthur or PSA. I believe however, if KR does have scenarios where PSA can secure Nevada prewar, it should be able to do so whether player controlled or not.
PSA isn't that strong so I do not believe Nevada is too big of a loss for Macarthur, especially if he is trying to retain control of all Federalist starting lands.
I think the bounce event should check for 3 conditions.
-If Macarthur overthrew a radical President, Nevada should learn towards Federalists. If not, Nevada should learn PSA.
-If the socialists won the Washington special election, Nevada should be more likely to stay Federalist (the PSA presumably will be having a harder time keeping the Washington socialists down and won't be as likely to take Nevada)
Finally, the Native American Citizenship act - if it was passed previously, Nevada should have a higher likelihood of flipping PSA or Federalist (I'm sort of torn which way because the people who passed it would probably be Feds). Nevada had a small population in 1940, around 100k according to wikipedia. I was looking at the descriptor for one of the events for Nevada, "amcivwar.701.a:0 "Perhaps the Navajo will come out again, now the Feds are gone.", which sort of inspired me. Anyway, I found this document from the census bureau
A quick search suggests 2,660 Mono, Panamint, Paviotso, Snake, Paiute, or Chemehuevi natives in 1930 in Nevada. Another 389 Washoan natives. I think another 19 or so other natives from the count I saw. So not a huge percentage of Nevada, but still about 3% are natives. I believe it should be a factor.
Maybe something along the lines of
50/50 by default
PSA gets a 1.3 modifier if Macarthur overthrew a moderate
USA gets a 1.3 modifier if Macarthur overthrew a radical
USA gets a 1.1 modifier if the SPA won the Washington Election
PSA gets a 1.1 modifier if Native American citizenship got passed
So each side can maximize their chances of securing the state from 50% to 58.9%
Additional context or comments:
Thank you for reading my suggestion. I really appreciate the work KR devs put into making this mod great, and the 2ACW is one of my favorite parts of the mod
Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.10.3 Kaiserreich version: 0.16
Describe the change you would like: Right now the code for Nevada flipping is `country_event = { # Nevada flips to PSA id = amcivwar.310 immediate = { log = "[GetDateText]: [Root.GetName]: event amcivwar.310" } title = amcivwar.310.t desc = amcivwar.310.d picture = GFX_report_event_PSA_legislature
} `
I would like it changed so the PSA gets a fair chance to secure or influence Nevada normally.
Also also, looking at the localisation, it seems like the governor of Nevada changes depending on event.
The event for when Nevada aligns with PSA if Macarthur tries to hold everything
amcivwar.310.d:0 "Richard Kirman, Sr. today declared Nevada's allegiance with the Pacific States who refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of General MacArthur's government. The governor had been in consultation with the Pacific government since its creation, and in a radio address said he could not stand by and let democracy fail in America without taking a stand. So far, federal forces have withdrawn from army bases in the region without threat of further violence."
The event for when Nevada goes Yorktown "amcivwar.705.d:0 "When Federal troops withdrew from the area of the Rocky Mountains, there were initially split responses. The Governor of Nevada, Maurice J. Sullivan, refused to allow Federal troops to evacuate or abandon their equipment, but the governors of Arizona, Idaho and Utah were more willing to accommodate the President. However, a recent regional conference of the four governors in Salt Lake City has led to them deciding to collectively rely on the provisional government in California for protection and support. Apparently, most of them were led to this by their clear abandonment by the Washington government. They have denounced MacArthur’s takeover pro forma and the Sacramento government has already sent in its own soldiers and airmen to occupy the abandoned bases in the west."Kirman was the OTL Governor, Sullivan was Lieutenant governor not during 1937 according to Wikipedia. I would amend the Yorktown event to either indicate that Sullivan won or has ousted Kirman.
Explain the reasoning behind this change: Right now the event text requires that the AI control AUS, CSA and PSA for Nevada to flip. This means that PSA will only get Nevada is the player is not PSA, CSA or AUS. So in other words, this serves mainly to punish a Federalist USA player. This event by the way fires if Macarthur (player I believe can only choose this) tries to hold the entire country at once.
I think this is unfair and should be revised. I understand the PSA doesn't get "radical strength modifiers" like the CSA and AUS, which makes coding for it hard. And in all honesty, I do not know the history of Nevada in 1937 to actually justify whether or not the state would go Macarthur or PSA. I believe however, if KR does have scenarios where PSA can secure Nevada prewar, it should be able to do so whether player controlled or not.
PSA isn't that strong so I do not believe Nevada is too big of a loss for Macarthur, especially if he is trying to retain control of all Federalist starting lands.
I think the bounce event should check for 3 conditions. -If Macarthur overthrew a radical President, Nevada should learn towards Federalists. If not, Nevada should learn PSA. -If the socialists won the Washington special election, Nevada should be more likely to stay Federalist (the PSA presumably will be having a harder time keeping the Washington socialists down and won't be as likely to take Nevada)
A quick search suggests 2,660 Mono, Panamint, Paviotso, Snake, Paiute, or Chemehuevi natives in 1930 in Nevada. Another 389 Washoan natives. I think another 19 or so other natives from the count I saw. So not a huge percentage of Nevada, but still about 3% are natives. I believe it should be a factor.
Maybe something along the lines of 50/50 by default PSA gets a 1.3 modifier if Macarthur overthrew a moderate USA gets a 1.3 modifier if Macarthur overthrew a radical USA gets a 1.1 modifier if the SPA won the Washington Election PSA gets a 1.1 modifier if Native American citizenship got passed
So each side can maximize their chances of securing the state from 50% to 58.9%
Additional context or comments: Thank you for reading my suggestion. I really appreciate the work KR devs put into making this mod great, and the 2ACW is one of my favorite parts of the mod