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DEI/Dutch East Indies/Insulindia spelling errors dei.10 dei_flavor.4 dei_flavor.1 ins.75 dei_flavor.5 dei_flavor.2 #1338

Closed eragaxshim closed 6 years ago

eragaxshim commented 6 years ago

Explanation of the issue:

dei.10 ministry of colonies->Ministry of Colonies indoeuropean->I think Indo might be a term preferable to Indo-European, as Indo-European has a clear and more widely used other meaning, otherwise maybe European Insuldians or something similar inlanders->Inlanders; Inlanders is a very Dutch term, so maybe just natives would be better, but specifically Inlanders (with a capital letter) should be okay too correct version: dei.10.d:0 "The Ministry of Colonies has decided to appoint Alidius Tjarda van Starkenborgh-Stachouwer as our new Governor-General, as most had expected, considering his career. The new Governor-General is expected to try to keep a balance between repression and compromise with hopes to some day give the Indies equal status within the kingdom.\nThe white ruling class and the Indo community approve of this choice, while the Inlanders are indifferent."

dei_flavor.4 it's->its (first sentence, just as a note, it's always means "it is", so it's a pronoun with a verb, while its is the possessive pronoun used for neuter) already seems to become->seems to have already become Dullah, lived->Dullah, who lived (sentence becomes really long here, maybe split up? I put a possible edit down below, but it's quite heavily edited) after which he saved->after which he is saved it's->its (last sentence) correct version dei_flavor.4.d:0 "The Insulindian-Malay language film Terang Boelan (Full Moon) has seen it's first public display last week and already seems to become a commercial success.\nThe film features two lovers, Kasim and Rohaya who have to separate due to the bride's father's choice of another man, Musa. The two decide to elope to Malakka, where they find an old friend, whose name is Dullah. Kasim and Rohaya live there until Musa, who turns out to be an opium dealer, discovers their location and has Rohaya brought back to their home village. Kasim follows them and starts a fight against Musa, after which he is saved by Dullah, so the the two can marry.\n The film seems to have brought new life to a film industry that was on a downturn for several years as a result of Babelsberg films entering the East Indian market, with its popularity even crossing the Malacca strait into German Malaya."

dei_flavor.1 As seen below, Antera and Antara are both used as names, not sure which one is right. dei_flavor.1.t:0 "Antara Founded" dei_flavor.1.d:0 "20 years ago, in 1917, the Aneta, the General New and Telegraph Agency was founded by Dominique Berretty, being the first news outlet in the Indies and thus growing to become the primary news outlet in the Indies. Today, a group of Insulindian nationalists, dissatified with the lack of coverage of local news, have launched their own news agency, by the name of Antera. Many in the colonial government fear this organisation will support the general independence movement in their struggle."

ins.75 Tsunami's->tsunamis correct version ins.75.d:0 "On the first of February 1938, 19:04 local time, the Banda Sea was hit by an earthquake of magnitude 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale of high intensity. Despite the subsequent creation of destructive tsunamis of up to 1.5 meters high, no human lives have been lost in the catastrophe due to its location."

dei_flavor.5: familiar of->familiar with redaction->editors/editorial office (I know redaction is wrong, but not sure of editorial office fits here either) also last sentence is a bit strange, I've edited it a bit in the version below, jewel of the empire might also not be a fully correct term in English, but I'm not sure so can just leave it there correct version dei_flavor.5.d:0 "The first edition of the 'Cultureel Indië' weekmagazine has been released this week. The paper, made by the editorial office of the ethnological department of the East Indian Institute in Amsterdam, harbours articles about the culture and daily life in the Dutch East Indies. The first edition has become a resounding success, and has helped make the people of the Dutch mainland much more familiar with the jewel of the empire."

dei_flavor.2 it's->its (second it's of the second sentence, near the end, in front of "grace") correct version dei_flavor.2.d:0 "The 'Sociëteit Concordia' building in Bandoeng was originally built as a place for the inhabitants of Bandoeng to come together in 1895, built in neoclassicist style. While we've already rebuilt the building in 1926, in Art-Deco style at that, we are currently seeing that it's once more losing its grace. The local government of Bandoeng is requesting us permission to allow architect Albert Aalbers to lead the renovation."

Thomahawk2k commented 6 years ago
