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Fate of the Royal Navy - ENG, CAN, AST, SAF, CAF, RAJ (All "Anglo" Tags) #13572

Closed LoftonHenderson closed 3 years ago

LoftonHenderson commented 3 years ago


The state of the former RN is a bit of a mess right now to put it bluntly, especially since Jutland 2 is the big ded. I've made a list of every RN ship constructed between 1906 and 1919 along with what I feel are realistic proposals for their eventual fates, as well as a proposed post-war build program from 1919-1925, and a breakdown of which ships should go where during and after the chaos of the Revolution. I have a couple reasons for doing so:

  1. Even with major investments in naval infrastructure, Canada and Australasia would simply not be able to support the number of ships in their fleets at game start. Even with those ships mothballed, they still don't really have the manpower or funding for fleets that large. As an example, and having briefly consulted with Drachinifel (who has forgotten more about naval history than I will ever know), interwar Canada probably could have supported: "A cruiser squadron (or maybe 4-6 light and 2-3 heavy cruisers) plus a couple of DD flotilla's could be doable, plus a capital ship or two if they were willing to rely on UK yards for the big refit jobs." And immediate post-war Canada: "A Canadian carrier battlegroup with 2-3 large escorting cruisers and a couple of DD flotillas and some subs would have been perfectly viable. Possibly 2 if they wanted to duplicate efforts on either coast." Of course, KRTL Canada has the benefit of ~2 million more citizens, more industry, and more money, but even so the jump between "2 battle groups" and “nearly the entire RN" is pretty massive. There's definitely a plausible middle ground to be found.
  2. There are too many obsolete ships in these various tags, especially in the context of the renewed naval arms race, there shouldn't be any first-gen dreadnoughts around. Even the second-gen dreadnoughts would be obsolete by game-start (and anything predating 12-inch dreadnoughts would be a joke). Pietrus69 wrote a suggestion in March 2020 that came to similar conclusions for ENG -- the Republican Navy is probably too large considering the UOB's impoverished state compared to OTL and lack of imperial commitments. As per the new International lore, the vast majority of the RN sided with the loyalists, meaning that the UOB is left with very few ships in 1925. As a result, it likely would focus on a defensive navy supported by a land-based air force to contest the North Sea, defend the Isles, and choke off German trade (ironically, a force mirroring OTL Germany: modern, but relatively small, and utilizing lots of air power and subs). The UOB could conservatively probably annually produce at least 1 capital ship, requisite cruiser/destroyer escorts, and some subs in addition to finishing any ships already under construction/planned when the Revolution occurred. Furthermore, the new ships would likely be of a mixed coal-oil power-plant given the uncertainty of oil supplies in the event of war. Whatever older ships that fell into the UOB's hands in 1925 would almost certainly have been scrapped by game start. Given the Dominions' naval infrastructure, a lot of the older ships that escaped the Revolution would have met a similar fate by 1936. And the pre-Revolution UK would have scrapped quite a few obsolete ships post-Great War as well.
  3. I'm not sure if there's one consolidated list but I certainly have been confused by what ships exist and ended up where, and if there isn't one then hopefully this can be useful.

State of the 1925 Royal Navy:

My goal here is to offload a lot of older ships, either through scrapping or selling them to various foreign buyers, and create a plausible 1925 OOB for the RN, and a plausible post-war construction program. (If a ship was historically scrapped or converted independent of the Washington Naval Treaty, I am making the assumption that would go for the KRTL as well.) Then comes the task of deciding which tag gets what ship. This section is in "broad strokes," for an individual breakdown of every relevant RN ship built from 1906-1919, plus KRTL RN ships, see the sections below. The final section is where I’ll recommend how to allocate ships to the various tags.

5 CV (+2 undergoing conversion) = 7 28 BB (+4 laid down) = 29 14 BC (+2 planned) = 16 7 AC (+4 planned) = 11 67 C (+6 under construction, 5 laid down, 3 planned) = 81 254 DD (+9 under construction, 9 laid down) = 272 131 SS (+12 laid down, 6 planned) = 149

= 506 ships w/ 62 pending

Great War Service (468): 7 Aircraft Carriers: 2 Courageous-class (undergoing conversion) 1 Furious-class 1 Hermes-class 1 Eagle-class 1 Argus-class (in refit) 1 Vindictive (Hawkins)-class

23 Battleships: 5 Revenge-class 5 Queen Elizabeth-class (1 in refit: Warspite ’24-’26) 1 Erin-class (training ship) 4 Iron Duke-class 3 King George V-class (1 training ship, 2 in reserve) 4 Orion-class (1 training ship, 3 in reserve) 1 Colossus-class (training ship)

9 Battlecruisers: 3 Admiral-class 1 Hood-class 2 Renown-class (2 in refit: Renown ’22-Sept ’26, Repulse Nov ’25-July ’26) 1 Tiger-class (training ship) 1 Lion-class (in reserve) (RAN) 1 Indefatigable-class

57 Cruisers: 3 Emerald-class 5 Carlisle (C)-class 3 Hawkins-class 12 D-class 5 Ceres (C)-class 4 Caledon (C)-class 2 Centaur (C)-class (early) 4 Cambrian (C)-class (early) 2 Calliope (C)-class (early) 5 Caroline (C)-class (early) (training ships) (RCN) 1 Arethusa-class (RAN) 3 Birmingham (Town)-class (RAN) 4 Chatham (Town)-class 3 Weymouth (Town)-class (training ships) 1 Bristol (Town)-class (training ship)

241 Destroyers: 54 Modified W-class 53 V & W-class 65 S-class 59 R-class 10 M-class (6 RCN, 4 RAN)

131 Submarines: 22 L50-class 42 L9-class 8 L1-class 11 K-class (RAN) 6 J-class 30 H-class (2 RCN) 12 R-class

Post War (100): 9 Battleships: 4 Formidable-class (laid down) 5 Magnificent-class

7 Battlecruisers: 2 Victorious-class (planned) 4 Invincible-class 1 Nelson-class

11 Armored Cruisers: 4 Warrior-class (planned) 7 Barfleur (Battle)-class (1 RAN)

24 Cruisers: 3 Essex (County)-class (planned) 5 Norfolk (County)-class (laid down) 6 London (County)-class (2 RAN) (under construction) 10 Berwick (County)-class

31 Destroyers: 18 B & C-class (9 under construction, 9 laid down) 13 A-class (2 RCN)

18 Submarines: 6 Parthian-class (planned) 12 Odin-class (laid down)

Post-War Foreign Sales, 1919-1925: Chile: BB - Canada (ex Almirante Latorre) BC - Princess Royal, Inflexible, Indomitable DD - 6 Faulknor (ex Almirante Lynch)-class, 3 (Meteor, Mastiff, Nerissa) M-class SS - 6 H-class

Brazil: BB - Agincourt (ex Rio de Janeiro; ex Sultan Osman I) DD - 4 (Porpoise, Spitfire, Ambuscade, Acasta) Acasta (K)-class

Argentina: DD - 1 (Lark) Laforey (L)-class, 3 (Talisman, Termagant, Trident) Talisman-class

Greece: C - 2 (Birkenhead (ex Antinavarchos Kountouriotis), Chester (ex Lambros Katsonis)) Birkenhead (Town)-class DD - 3 (Medea, Chios, Samos) Medea (ex Kriti)-class

Siam: DD - 1 (Radiant) R-class

Royal Navy Escort Construction 1906-1919:

This section lists every non-capital ship constructed by the UK from 1906-1919, and lists their proposed fates (explaining why they aren’t still around in 1925). Ships with no details are in active service in 1925.

Pre-War (1906-1914) Minotaur class AC (1906): Minotaur - scrapped, 1920 Shannon - training ship, 1919; scrapped, 1923 Defence - sunk by magazine explosion, 1916

Tribal (F) class DD (1906): 12 ships - 4 sunk, 8 scrapped

C class SS (1906): 38 boats - 10 sunk, 28 scrapped

Boadicea class C (1908): Boadicea - reduced to reserve, 1919 Bellona - reduced to reserve, 1919; scrapped, 1921

D class SS (1908): 8 boats - 4 sunk, 4 scrapped

Bristol (Town) class C (1909): Bristol - scrapped, 1921 Glasgow - training ship, 1921 Gloucester - scrapped, 1921 Liverpool - scrapped, 1921 Newcastle - scrapped, 1921

Beagle (G) class DD (1909): 16 ships - 3 sunk; 13 scrapped

Weymouth (Town) class C (1910): Weymouth - Yarmouth - Dartmouth - Falmouth - sunk by U-63, 1916

Blonde class C (1910): Blonde - scrapped, 1921 Blanche - scrapped, 1921

Acorn (H) class DD (1910): 20 ships - 3 sunk; 17 scrapped

Chatham (Town) class C (1911): Chatham - transferred to NZ Division, 1920; transferred to RAN, 1924 Dublin - transferred to RAN, 1924 Southampton - transferred to RAN, 1924 Sydney - commissioned into RAN, 1913 Melbourne - commissioned into RAN, 1913 Brisbane - commissioned into RAN, 1916

Active class C (1911): Active - scrapped, 1920 Amphion - sunk by mine, 1914 Fearless - scrapped, 1921

Acheron (I) class DD (1911): 23 ships - 3 sunk; 20 scrapped

Acasta (K) class DD (1912): 20 ships - 7 sunk; 9 scrapped; 4 (Porpoise, Spitfire, Ambuscade, Acasta) sold to Brazil, 1920

Faulknor (ex Almirante Lynch) class DD/DL (1912): 6 ships - 1 sunk; 2 delivered to Chile, 1913; 3 resold to Chile, 1920

E class SS (1912): 58 boats - 21 sunk; 37 scrapped

Birmingham (Town) class C (1913): Birmingham - Lowestoft - Nottingham - sunk by U-52, 1916 Adelaide - commissioned into RAN, 1922

Arethusa class C (1913): Arethusa - sunk by mine, 1916 Aurora - transferred to RCN, 1920 Galatea - scrapped, 1921 Inconstant - scrapped, 1922 Penelope - scrapped, 1924 Phaeton - scrapped, 1922 Royalist - scrapped, 1923 Undaunted - scrapped, 1922

Laforey (L) class DD (1913): 22 ships - 3 sunk; 18 scrapped; 1 (Lark) sold to Argentina, 1921

Caroline (C) class C (1914): Caroline - static training ship, 1924 (Belfast) Carysfort - Cleopatra - Comus - Conquest - Cordelia - training ship, 1919; scrapped, 1923

Calliope (C) class C (1914): Calliope - Champion -

M class DD (1914): Admiralty M class: 85 ships - 8 sunk; 77 scrapped Hawthorne M class: 2 ships - 2 scrapped Thornycroft M class: 6 ships - 4 (Patrician, Patriot, Rapid, Ready) transferred to RCN, 1920; 2 (Meteor, Mastiff) sold to Chile, 1921 Yarrow M class: 10 ships - 7 scrapped; 2 (Relentless; Rival) transferred to RCN, 1920; 1 (Nerissa) sold to Chile, 1920 Yarrow Later M (Yarrow R) class: 7 ships - 3 sunk; 4 (Sabrina, Sybille, Truculent, Tyrant) transferred to RAN, 1920

Birkenhead (Town) (ex-Antinavarchos Kountouriotis) class C (1915): Birkenhead (ex-Antinavarchos Kountouriotis) - resold to Greece, 1921 Chester (ex-Lambros Katsonis) - resold to Greece, 1921

Marksman class DL (1915): 7 ships - 7 scrapped

Medea (ex Kriti) class DD (1915): 4 ships - 1 sunk; 3 resold to Greece, 1919

Talisman class DD (1915): 4 ships - 1 sunk; 3 sold to Argentina, 1921

F class SS (1915): 3 boats - 3 scrapped

War Construction (1914-1919) HMS Arno DD (1915): 1 ship - 1 sunk

G class SS (1915): 14 boats - 4 sunk; 10 scrapped

H class SS (1915): 52 boats - 5 sunk; 6 transferred to Chile, 1917

J class SS (1915): 7 boats - 1 sunk; 6 transferred to RAN, 1920

Cambrian (C) class C (1915): Cambrian - Canterbury - Castor - Constance -

Centaur (C) class C (1916): Centaur - Concord -

Caledon (C) class C (1916): Caledon - Calypso - Cassandra - Caradoc -

Ceres (C) class C (1916): Ceres - Cardiff - Coventry - Curacao - Curlew -

R class DD (1916): Admiralty R class: 50 ships - 5 sunk Admiralty Modified R class: 11 ships - 1 sunk Thornycroft R class: 5 ships - 1 (Radiant) sold to Siam, 1920 Yarrow Later M (Yarrow R) class - see M class DD

K class SS (1916): 17 boats - 6 sunk

Hawkins (Cavendish) class C (1917): Hawkins - Vindictive (ex Cavendish) - completed as CVL, 1918 Raleigh - wrecked, 1922 Frobisher - Effingham -

Danae (D) class C (1917): Danae - Dauntless - Dragon - Delhi - Dunedin - Durban - Despatch - Diomede - Daedalus - Daring - Desperate - Dryad -

S class DD (1917): Admiralty S class: 55 ships (2 more cancelled) - 5 (Success, Swordsman, Tasmania, Tattoo, Stalwart) transferred to RAN, 1919 Thornycroft S class: 5 ships - Yarrow S class: 7 ships - 1 (Tryphon) wrecked; 1 (Tomahawk) sunk by IRA

Admiralty V class DL (1917): 5 ships -

Thornycroft V & W class DD (1917): 4 ships -

L class SS (1917): L1 class: 8 boats - L2 class: 42 boats - L3 class: 22 boats -

Carlisle (C) class C (1918): Carlisle - Cairo - Calcutta - Capetown - Colombo -

R class SS (1918): 12 boats -

Admiralty V class DD (1918): 23 ships -

Admiralty W class DD (1918): 21 ships -

Emerald (E) class C (1919): Emerald - Enterprise - Euphrates -

Thornycroft Modified W class DD (1919): 2 ships -

Admiralty Modified W class DD (1919): 52 ships -

Royal Navy Capital Ship Construction 1906-1919:

This section lists every capital ship constructed by the UK from 1906-1919, and lists their proposed fates (explaining why they aren’t still around in 1925). Ships with no details are in active service in 1925.

Pre-War (1906-1914) HMS Dreadnaught BB (1906): Dreadnaught - scrapped, 1921

Lord Nelson class B (1906): Lord Nelson - scrapped, 1920 Agamemnon - converted to target ship, 1920

Bellerophon class BB (1907): Bellerophon - training ship, 1919; scrapped, 1921 Superb - target ship, 1922; scrapped, 1922 Temeraire - training ship, 1919; scrapped, 1921

Invincible class BC (1907): Invincible - sunk by magazine explosion, 1916 Inflexible - reduced to reserve, 1919; sold to Chile, 1920 Indomitable - reduced to reserve, 1919; sold to Chile, 1920

St Vincent class BB (1908): St Vincent - training ship, 1919; scrapped, 1921 Collingwood - reduced to reserve, 1920; scrapped, 1922 Vanguard - sunk by accidental magazine explosion, 1917

HMS Neptune BB (1909): Neptune - scrapped, 1922

Indefatigable class BC (1909): Indefatigable - sunk by magazine explosion, 1916 Australia - commissioned into RAN, 1913; reduced to reserve, 1925 New Zealand - scrapped, 1922

Colossus class BB (1910): Colossus - reduced to reserve, 1919; hulked training ship, 1923 Hercules - reduced to reserve, 1919; scrapped, 1922

Orion class BB (1910): Orion - training ship, 1921; reduced to reserve, 1922 Monarch - reduced to reserve, 1922 Conqueror - reduced to reserve, 1922 Thunderer - training ship, 1921

Lion class BC (1910): Lion - reduced to reserve, 1920 Princess Royal - sold to Chile, 1920

King George V class BB (1911): King George V - training ship, 1923 Centurion - reduced to reserve, 1924 Ajax - reduced to reserve, 1924 Audacious - sunk by mine, 1914

Iron Duke class BB (1912): Iron Duke - Marlborough - Benbow - Emperor of India -

HMS Queen Mary BC (1912): Queen Mary - sunk by magazine explosion, 1916

Queen Elizabeth class BB (1913): Queen Elizabeth - Warspite - refit, 1924-26 Valiant - Barham - Malaya -

HMS Erin BB (1913): Erin (ex Reşadiye) - training ship, 1920

HMS Agincourt BB (1913): Agincourt (ex Rio de Janeiro; ex Sultan Osman I) - reduced to reserve, 1919; resold to Brazil, 1920

HMS Canada BB (1913): Canada (ex Almirante Latorre) - reduced to reserve, 1919; resold to Chile, 1920 Eagle (ex Almirante Cochrane) - completed as CV, 1918

HMS Tiger BC (1913): Tiger -

Revenge class BB (1914): Revenge - Resolution - Royal Oak - Royal Sovereign - Ramillies -

War Construction (1914-1919) Renown class BC (1916): Renown - refit, 1922-1926 Repulse - refit, 1919-1921

Courageous class BC (1916): Courageous - converted to CV, 1924-1928 Glorious - converted to CV, 1924-1928 Furious - converted to CV, 1921-1925

HMS Argus CVL (1917): Argus - refit, 1925-1926

Hawkins (Cavendish) class C (1917): Vindictive (ex Cavendish) - completed as CVL, 1918

HMS Hood BC (1918): Hood -

Admiral class BC (1919): Anson - Howe - Rodney -

HMS Hermes CVL (1919): Hermes -

Proposed Royal Navy KRTL Build Program 1919+:

This section attempts to propose a plausible post-war build program for the Royal Navy from ~1919 to the outbreak of the Revolution in 1925.

Invincible (G3)-class BC (1921): (this class is the OTL G3 BC) Invincible - in commission by 1925 Inflexible - in commission by 1925 Indomitable - in commission by 1925 Indefatigable - in commission by 1925

HMS Nelson BC (1921): (I’m envisioning this as essentially a G3 but with less protection and 3x2 BL 15-inch/42 main guns to allow for faster construction) Nelson - in commission by 1925

Barfleur (Battle)-class AC (1921): (I envision this class as an ~18-19kt “super-cruiser” with reused pre-dreadnought 9.2-inch main guns and an 8-inch belt) Barfleur - in commission by 1925 Blenheim - in commission by 1925 Trafalgar - in commission by 1925 Waterloo - in commission by 1925 Agincourt - in commission by 1925 Cressy - in commission by 1925 HMAS Australia - in commission by 1925

Magnificent (N3)-class BB (1922): (this class is the OTL N3 BB) Magnificent - in commission by 1925 Majestic - in commission by 1925 Audacious - in commission by 1925 Vanguard - in commission by 1925 Albion - in commission by 1925

Berwick (County)-class C (1922): (all these County subclasses are the OTL Counties but with increased protection, and therefore a ~12-13kt displacement instead of OTL ~10kt thanks to the 4.5-inch belt) Berwick - in commission by 1925 Cumberland - in commission by 1925 Suffolk - in commission by 1925 Kent - in commission by 1925 Cornwall - in commission by 1925 Monmouth - in commission by 1925 Bedford - in commission by 1925 Argyll - in commission by 1925 Antrim - in commission by 1925 Roxburgh - in commission by 1925

A-class DD (1923): (OTL A & B class DD but a bit earlier) Amazon - in commission by 1925 Ambuscade - in commission by 1925 Adventure - in commission by 1925 Acasta - in commission by 1925 Achates - in commission by 1925 Active - in commission by 1925 Antelope - in commission by 1925 Anthony - in commission by 1925 Ardent - in commission by 1925 Arrow - in commission by 1925 Acheron - in commission by 1925 HMCS Saguenay - built in Canadian yards HMCS Skeena - built in Canadian yards

London (County)-class C (1924): (see Berwick (County)-class) London - under construction in 1925 Devonshire - under construction in 1925 Sussex - under construction in 1925 Shropshire - under construction in 1925 HMAS Canberra - under construction in 1925 HMAS Perth - under construction in 1925

B-class DD (1924): (OTL A & B class DD but a bit earlier) Bellona - under construction in 1925 Basilisk - under construction in 1925 Beagle - under construction in 1925 Blanche - under construction in 1925 Boadicea - under construction in 1925 Boreas - under construction in 1925 Brazen - under construction in 1925 Brilliant - under construction in 1925 Bulldog - under construction in 1925

Formidable-class BB (1925): (N3 with 20-inch guns, even heavier armor) Formidable - laid down in 1925 Temeraire - laid down in 1925 Prince of Wales - laid down in 1925 Resistance - laid down in 1925

Norfolk (County)-class C (1925): (see Berwick (County)-class) Norfolk - laid down in 1925 Dorsetshire - laid down in 1925 Surrey - laid down in 1925 Northumberland - laid down in 1925 Hampshire - laid down in 1925

C-class DD (1925): (OTL A & B class DD but a bit earlier) Challenger - laid down in 1925 Comet - laid down in 1925 Crusader - laid down in 1925 Cygnet - laid down in 1925 Crescent - laid down in 1925 Cadiz - laid down in 1925 Caesar - laid down in 1925 Canopus - laid down in 1925 Cavalier - laid down in 1925

Odin-class SS (1925): (same as OTL) 12 boats - laid down in 1925

Victorious-class BC (1926): (G3 with 18-inch guns and ~N3 armor) Victorious - planned for 1926 Vengeance - planned for 1926

Essex (County)-class C (1926): (see Berwick (County)-class) Essex - planned for 1926 Lancaster - planned for 1926 Carnarvon - planned for 1926

Warrior-class AC (1927): (~20-24kt “super-cruiser with 4 9.2-inch turrets, heavier armor) Warrior - planned for 1927 Defence - planned for 1927 Powerful - planned for 1927 Terrible - planned for 1927

Parthian-class SS (1928): (same as OTL) 6 boats - planned for 1928

Allocating Ships Existing in 1925, Determining Their Fates

Still a work in progress, will finish if there is any interest. Summary is essentially: ships under construction, in reserve, and training ships go to UOB - UOB builds most 1925+ planned ships but converts the BCs to carriers (makes more sense than converting a massive BB to a carrier, due to speed); for the most part, active ships go to Dominions but some of the older ships are scrapped due to lack of naval capacity; more ships are scrapped by both sides before game-start in 1936.

Rylock commented 3 years ago

Not really interested in changing anything relating to Canada, India or Australia any more than I was the last time this came up. Insofar as what Britain does, I'll leave that to you, @ZimbabweSaltCo.

ZimbabweSaltCo commented 3 years ago

Britain is already being extensively reviewed. The only ship likely to "change hands" is the Hood though this'll simply be a renaming of one ship with another. With that I'm closing this.