Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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CSA, MEX, CAN - International effects of Exiling Reactionaries #13664

Closed ramdomperson closed 3 years ago

ramdomperson commented 3 years ago

Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.10.3 Kaiserreich version: 0.16

Describe the change you would like: For the event "Prisons overflowing with Reactionaries", CSA choosing the option to Exile them to Canada and Mexico should have an effect on those countries, and those countries should have a say in whether they receive the exiles.

Perhaps the choice could be reworked into something like how FOP receives manpower through its volunteer focuses, where it is up to the target countries to agree to send help.

Explain the reasoning behind this change: Canada and Mexico can still be independent nations at the time of the event occurring, and so should be able to say no, negotiate about how many and what exiles they receive, or lodge diplomatic protests at the CSA dumping its unwanted onto them. This could especially be the case for a Mexico that is still a revolutionary state and may not want a bunch of reactionaries dumped onto them.

Additional context or comments:

Alpinia commented 3 years ago

This would at most be a couple thousand exiles, hardly worth the effort. Canada and Mexico already have plenty of problems to deal with.