Here are some personal suggestions to refresh HOL content.
70 days focuses. To avoid repeating, it'll be mentioned here. 70 days focuses can be reduced to 56, especially if they are not critical. 70 days feels outdated and "generic", like vanilla hoi4. Some of 70-days ones for crucial things like black monday focus are fine, but in most cases reducing them to 56 will improve player experience.
Air warfare focus tree
[x] 1. HOL_luchtvaartacademie. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with generic_air_command.
Reason: current icon is more connected with actual production than air theory.
[x] 2. HOL_gilze_rijen_airbase. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with GFX_goal_generic_air_production.
Reason: current icon is a default one for air doctrine research.
Add 1 or 2 additional levels of air base or add something else to this focus.
Reason: even with 56 days it is not worth to pick it for just level 3 airbase
[x] 3. HOL_koolhoven. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 4. HOL_koolhoven_naval_bomber. Reduce to 56 days.
Swap bonus with naval_bomber2.
Reason: HOL has naval_bomber1 tech from the beginning, so giving another bonus for naval_bomber1 doesn't make sense. Probably this bonus was intended to be for naval_bomber2 anyway, because the only koolhoven naval bomber is naval_bomber2.
Replace icon with generic_air_naval_bomber2_new.
Reason: Current icon is a fighter icon.
[x] 5. HOL_carrier_planes. Reduce to 56 days.
Increase bonus from 50% to 100% or number of uses from 1 to 2, allow the bonus to be used for cv_naval_bomber too.
Reason: 1x50% is too weak, especially for such a uninque thing as HOL aircraft fighters. Since the text mention carrier variants of planes and does not specify fighters, it can be expanded for cv naval bombers too.
Move focus to the naval tree, after HOL_fleet_carrier.
Reason - focus text specifies The Gouden Leeuw carrier, so it makes sense to research the cv planes after the carrier path is chosen and HOL_fleet_carrier is completed, as a continuation of Carrier branch of naval tree.
Rewrite the description.
Reason: it mentions content that is currently cut out if the game (The Gouden Leeuw carrier)
Replace icon with generic_air_naval_bomber2_new
Reason: Current icon is a fortification icon.
[x] 6. HOL_koolhoven_fighter. Reduce to 56 days.
Remove 60 days delay between focus and reward.
Reason: player has already spent time on a focus. There is no need for additional delay between focus and reward,. Especially if this delay is not mentioned anywhere.
event holfocus.400 (reward event) - add bonus for researching fighter tech if fighter 1936 is already researched
Reason: current revard is a variant of 1936 figher or 1940 figher, it can be improved.
Add effect description that this focus grants fighter 1936 tech or (if added) boost to fighter research. Or rename the event to show that this is related to the fighter research.
Reason - Event name "koolhoven f.k. 55 developed" creates a question - what is koolhoven f.k. 55? HOL fighter 1936 is D.XXI, there are no planes in the research tab named koolhoven f.k. 55.
Replace icon with generic_air_fighter2_new.
Reason: Current icon is a fortification icon.
[x] 7. HOL_fokker. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 8. HOL_fokker_jachtkruiser. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 9. HOL_fokker_ontwerp_115. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with generic_air_bomber_new.
Reason: suggested icon reflects better that this is a strat tech research. Generic icon is not so clear.
[x] 10. HOL_fokker_fighter. Reduce to 56 days.
Remove 60 days delay between focus and reward (see p.6).
event holfocus.401 (reward event) - add bonus for researching fighter tech if fighter 1936 is already researched
Reason: see p.6.
[x] 11. HOL_new_bomber. Reduce to 56 days.
Remove 60 days delay between focus and reward (see p.6).
event holfocus.402 (reward event) - add bonus for researching cas/tac tech if cas/tac 1936 is already researched
Reason: see p.6.
[x] 12. HOL_cas_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 13. HOL_tactical_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
Naval warfare focus tree
[x] 14. HOL_protect_merchant_marine. Reduce to 56 days.
Allow to take this focus for any naval path avaiable
Reason: protecting convoys is a priority for HOL no matter what path is chosen, so it can be made avaiable without taking submarine path.
Replace reward with tech bonus research for convoy_sailing/ convoy_sailing_ti/ convoy_sailing_bs/ convoy_escorts_bs/ convoy_escorts.
Reason: description mentions tactics to defend against subs, current reward does not reflect this.
[x] 15. HOL_destroyer_escort_asw. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 16. HOL_flotilla_leader. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 17. HOL_civilian_convoys. Reduce to 56 days.
Add more convoys as a reward and small PP penalty.
Reason: 100 convoys is not that much considering HOL has 400 at the start. Also taking convoys from civilians for free should be punished.
Edit description/ make focus avaiable only at war.
Reason: description mentions being at war ("We are at war").
[x] 18. HOL_convoy_sailing. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 19. HOL_submarine_snorkel. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 20. HOL_submarine_colonial. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 21. HOL_ship_a_day. Reduce to 56 days.
Add 2x100% bonus for trade interdiction tech
Reason: add doctrine research for sub branch like the other branches have.
[x] 22. HOL_wolfpack. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 23. HOL_cl_doorman. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 24. HOL_pantserschip. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 25. HOL_dn_doorman. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 26. HOL_doctrine_doorman. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 27. HOL_dd_furstner. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 28. HOL_claa_furstner. Reduce to 56 days.
Unblock HOL_base_design_cl idea for MTG owners
Reason: why not?
[x] 29. HOL_carrier_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 30. HOL_fleet_carrier. Reduce to 56 days
Rewrite the description.
Reason: it mentions content that is currently cut out if the game.
Land warfare focus tree
[x] 31. HOL_infantry_focus. Reduce to 56 days.
Change the bonus to 2x bonus to support tech.
Reason: 1 focus for infantry equipment is enough. At the same time, dutch focus tree lacks focuses for support companies (hospitals/logistics/maintenance).
If accepted, replace the icon with generic_support_equipment.
[x] 32. HOL_machine_guns. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with generic_military_equipment.
Reason: suggested icon better reflects research and production of infantry equipment
[x] 33. HOL_land_doctrine_defensive. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 34. HOL_kai. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 35. HOL_anti_tank_focus. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 36. HOL_artillery_focus. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 37. HOL_reinforce_divisions. Reduce to 56 days.
Spawn 2-3 divisions of added template.
Reason: 20W template as a reward is not enough (current reward equals 20 army xp). The reward can be improved.
Replace the icon with generic_army_cooperation.
Reason: current icon does not reflect the effect of the focus.
[x] 38. HOL_korps_luchtafweer. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 39. HOL_study_defence_plans. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 40. HOL_mobilisation_preparation. Reduce to 56 days.
Add small recruitable_population_factor bonus.
Reason: the reward can be improved
[x] 41. HOL_korps_pioniers. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace 1x100% bonus with 2x100% or 2x75% bonus.
Reason: the reward can be improved.
[x] 42. HOL_prepare_the_inundation_lines. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 43. HOL_land_doctrine_mobile. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 44. HOL_bicycle_army. Reduce to 56 days.
Spawn 1 or 2 bicycle divisions.
Reason: the reward can be improved.
Replace icon with bicycle_infantry.
[x] 45. HOL_armoured_cars. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace a reward with bonus research for armored_car1 / armored_car2
Reason: currently this focus grants bonus research for basic_light_tank.
[x] 46. HOL_korps_verkenners. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace 1x100% bonus with 2x100% or 2x75% bonus.
Reason: a reward can be improved
[x] 47. HOL_gemotoriseerde_huzaren. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 48. HOL_requisition_trucks. Reduce to 35 days.
[x] 49. HOL_study_mobile_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 50. HOL_mech_infantry. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 51. HOL_pantserkorps. Reduce to 56 days.
Improve the granted template to 20W (12W is too weak).
Spawn a division as a reward
Reason: the reward can be improved (current reward equals 20 army xp).
Economic focus tree:
[x] 53. HOL_repay_government_debts. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 54. HOL_control_inflation. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 55. HOL_restore_regulation. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 56. HOL_startup_tax_cuts. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 57. HOL_eastern_industrialization. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 58. HOL_northern_industrialization. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 59. HOL_dutch_arms_industry. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 60. HOL_guns_for_mitteleuropa. Reduce to 35 days.
[x] 61. HOL_guns_for_entente. Reduce to 35 days.
[x] 62. HOL_big_corp_tax_cuts. Reduce to 56 days.
Add some factories to this economic path
Reason: startup_tax_cuts gives 6 factories, big_corp_tax_cuts - only 1.
[x] 63. HOL_subs_philips. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 64. HOL_subs_spyker. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 65. HOL_subs_fokker. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 66. HOL_buy_unsold_civ_planes. Reduce to 35 days.
Improve the reward, 25 tac_0 as a reward doesn't feel good.
[x] 67. HOL_fokker_fiscal_deal. Reduce to 35 days.
[x] 68. HOL_new_RnD. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 69. HOL_booming_economy. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 1. HOL_idea_luchtvaartacademie.
Replace icon with generic_air_bonus
Reason: current icon is "sell/convert planes" in vanilla hoi4, it is fine, but maybe proposed one fits better.
Add small bonus for ace generation/air incidents chance/ air doctrine research speed (these are mentioned just as an example).
Reason: 10% air xp boost feels weak, another small bonus that doesn't affect air combat directly can be helpful too if player decides to focus on airforce.
[x] 2. HOL_idea_huisje_boompje_beestje.
Replace reward air_close_air_support_attack_factor with ground_attack_factor
Reason: air_close_air_support_attack_factor is related to CAS efficiency in air combat, i.e. vs fighters cas bombers. These tactics affects CAS efficiency vs groud targets, so the proper stat should be modified.
[x] 3. HOL_idea_luchtkruiser_tactics.
Replace icon with combined_bomber_offensive.
Reason: current icon is used for selling or converting planes, suggested one reflects TAC combat better.
Replace reward air_cas_present_factor with air_close_air_support_attack_factor.
Reason: since the description mentions increased attack against other planes, air_close_air_support_attack_factor is reflecting the damage of any plane that do CAS mission against other planes. This fits more than ground support factor (which is improvement to land units stats from cas/bomber presence).
[x] 4. HOL_idea_wolfpack.
Replace navy_screen_attack_factor with navy_submarine_attack_factor
Reason: wolfpack is about submarines, not screens :)
Reduce build_cost_ic penalty for destroyers and actually make it a buff, remove other bonuses or make them debuffs.
Reason: the focus descriprion says about the need to have destroyers to cover the carriers. There isn't a single word about their torpedoes or depth charges. Even more, mentioned here destroyers should be as cheap as possibe, being a meat shield for carriers. So the suggestion is to reverse the idea, adding some penalties to torpedoes and depth charges but reducing their cost.
[x] 1. holnavy.5. Options holnavy.5.b and holnavy.5.c have small typos.
[x] 2. holnavy.6.
Option holnavy.6.a grants unusable ship variant with destroyer torpedoes and 1942 module installed.
Option holnavy.6.c grants ship variant with 1940-1942 modules.
Add capital_gunnery_two tech as a reward for both options if player has MTG.
Reason - a lot of added ship variants use 1936 capital guns, so it is easier to actually give this tech as a reward than manually replace it.
[x] 3. holnavy.8.
Option olnavy.8.c - add something as a reward for not throwing money at battleships. Or add pp costs for option holnavy.8.a.
Description - remove the mention of germans, as this option is blocked and not avaiable.
Option holnavy.8.a - tweak description, there is no decision to upgrade gained variants of ships.
Option holnavy.8.a grants ship variant with 1940 module installed.
[x] 1. HOL_build_tromp_class. Description mentions adding a pair of CL in the queue for 50pp, but it actually adds only 1 (second one is in the same queue), so the description is misleading, being techincally true. So HOL gets 20% of one 1936 cruiser for 50pp, which is definitely not exciting. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 2. HOL_build_isaac_sweers_class. 25% of one destroyer for 25pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 3. HOL_build_isaac_sweers_class_2. 25% of two destroyers for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 4. HOL_build_cheap_kijkduin_class. 33% of one cl_2 for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 5. HOL_build_pantserschip. 33% of one ACR for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 6. HOL_build_aa_cruisers. 33% of one cl_2 for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 7. HOL_vesting_holland. The decision must be rebalanced. 75pp, 3 factories and 300 days results in two level 2 forts. Either significantly reduce the costs both in PP and time or add more forts.
Chief of navy:
[x] 1. Set HOL_Johan_Furstner_cnav_pau trait to 'cnav_power_projection_doctrine'.
Reason: in focus tree he is a proponent of a carrier usage.
Additional context or comments:
Some bugs are mentioned here.
I've really enjoyed writing this list.
Good luck!
Quick questions Kaiserreich version: 0.16.1
Here are some personal suggestions to refresh HOL content.
70 days focuses. To avoid repeating, it'll be mentioned here. 70 days focuses can be reduced to 56, especially if they are not critical. 70 days feels outdated and "generic", like vanilla hoi4. Some of 70-days ones for crucial things like black monday focus are fine, but in most cases reducing them to 56 will improve player experience.
Air warfare focus tree
[x] 1. HOL_luchtvaartacademie. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with generic_air_command. Reason: current icon is more connected with actual production than air theory.
[x] 2. HOL_gilze_rijen_airbase. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with GFX_goal_generic_air_production. Reason: current icon is a default one for air doctrine research.
Add 1 or 2 additional levels of air base or add something else to this focus. Reason: even with 56 days it is not worth to pick it for just level 3 airbase
[x] 3. HOL_koolhoven. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 4. HOL_koolhoven_naval_bomber. Reduce to 56 days.
Swap bonus with naval_bomber2. Reason: HOL has naval_bomber1 tech from the beginning, so giving another bonus for naval_bomber1 doesn't make sense. Probably this bonus was intended to be for naval_bomber2 anyway, because the only koolhoven naval bomber is naval_bomber2.
Replace icon with generic_air_naval_bomber2_new. Reason: Current icon is a fighter icon.
[x] 5. HOL_carrier_planes. Reduce to 56 days.
Increase bonus from 50% to 100% or number of uses from 1 to 2, allow the bonus to be used for cv_naval_bomber too. Reason: 1x50% is too weak, especially for such a uninque thing as HOL aircraft fighters. Since the text mention carrier variants of planes and does not specify fighters, it can be expanded for cv naval bombers too.
[x] 6. HOL_koolhoven_fighter. Reduce to 56 days.
Remove 60 days delay between focus and reward. Reason: player has already spent time on a focus. There is no need for additional delay between focus and reward,. Especially if this delay is not mentioned anywhere.
event holfocus.400 (reward event) - add bonus for researching fighter tech if fighter 1936 is already researched Reason: current revard is a variant of 1936 figher or 1940 figher, it can be improved.
Add effect description that this focus grants fighter 1936 tech or (if added) boost to fighter research. Or rename the event to show that this is related to the fighter research. Reason - Event name "koolhoven f.k. 55 developed" creates a question - what is koolhoven f.k. 55? HOL fighter 1936 is D.XXI, there are no planes in the research tab named koolhoven f.k. 55.
Replace icon with generic_air_fighter2_new. Reason: Current icon is a fortification icon.
[x] 7. HOL_fokker. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 8. HOL_fokker_jachtkruiser. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 9. HOL_fokker_ontwerp_115. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 10. HOL_fokker_fighter. Reduce to 56 days.
Remove 60 days delay between focus and reward (see p.6).
event holfocus.401 (reward event) - add bonus for researching fighter tech if fighter 1936 is already researched Reason: see p.6.
[x] 11. HOL_new_bomber. Reduce to 56 days.
Remove 60 days delay between focus and reward (see p.6).
event holfocus.402 (reward event) - add bonus for researching cas/tac tech if cas/tac 1936 is already researched Reason: see p.6.
[x] 12. HOL_cas_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 13. HOL_tactical_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
Naval warfare focus tree
[x] 14. HOL_protect_merchant_marine. Reduce to 56 days.
Allow to take this focus for any naval path avaiable Reason: protecting convoys is a priority for HOL no matter what path is chosen, so it can be made avaiable without taking submarine path.
Replace reward with tech bonus research for convoy_sailing/ convoy_sailing_ti/ convoy_sailing_bs/ convoy_escorts_bs/ convoy_escorts. Reason: description mentions tactics to defend against subs, current reward does not reflect this.
[x] 15. HOL_destroyer_escort_asw. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 16. HOL_flotilla_leader. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 17. HOL_civilian_convoys. Reduce to 56 days.
Add more convoys as a reward and small PP penalty. Reason: 100 convoys is not that much considering HOL has 400 at the start. Also taking convoys from civilians for free should be punished.
Edit description/ make focus avaiable only at war. Reason: description mentions being at war ("We are at war").
[x] 18. HOL_convoy_sailing. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 19. HOL_submarine_snorkel. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 20. HOL_submarine_colonial. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 21. HOL_ship_a_day. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 22. HOL_wolfpack. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 23. HOL_cl_doorman. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 24. HOL_pantserschip. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 25. HOL_dn_doorman. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 26. HOL_doctrine_doorman. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 27. HOL_dd_furstner. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 28. HOL_claa_furstner. Reduce to 56 days.
Unblock HOL_base_design_cl idea for MTG owners Reason: why not?
[x] 29. HOL_carrier_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 30. HOL_fleet_carrier. Reduce to 56 days
Rewrite the description. Reason: it mentions content that is currently cut out if the game.
Land warfare focus tree
[x] 31. HOL_infantry_focus. Reduce to 56 days.
Change the bonus to 2x bonus to support tech. Reason: 1 focus for infantry equipment is enough. At the same time, dutch focus tree lacks focuses for support companies (hospitals/logistics/maintenance). If accepted, replace the icon with generic_support_equipment.
[x] 32. HOL_machine_guns. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace icon with generic_military_equipment. Reason: suggested icon better reflects research and production of infantry equipment
[x] 33. HOL_land_doctrine_defensive. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 34. HOL_kai. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 35. HOL_anti_tank_focus. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 36. HOL_artillery_focus. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 37. HOL_reinforce_divisions. Reduce to 56 days.
Spawn 2-3 divisions of added template. Reason: 20W template as a reward is not enough (current reward equals 20 army xp). The reward can be improved.
Replace the icon with generic_army_cooperation. Reason: current icon does not reflect the effect of the focus.
[x] 38. HOL_korps_luchtafweer. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 39. HOL_study_defence_plans. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 40. HOL_mobilisation_preparation. Reduce to 56 days.
Add small recruitable_population_factor bonus. Reason: the reward can be improved
[x] 41. HOL_korps_pioniers. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace 1x100% bonus with 2x100% or 2x75% bonus. Reason: the reward can be improved.
[x] 42. HOL_prepare_the_inundation_lines. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 43. HOL_land_doctrine_mobile. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 44. HOL_bicycle_army. Reduce to 56 days.
Spawn 1 or 2 bicycle divisions. Reason: the reward can be improved.
Replace icon with bicycle_infantry.
[x] 45. HOL_armoured_cars. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace a reward with bonus research for armored_car1 / armored_car2 Reason: currently this focus grants bonus research for basic_light_tank.
[x] 46. HOL_korps_verkenners. Reduce to 56 days.
Replace 1x100% bonus with 2x100% or 2x75% bonus. Reason: a reward can be improved
[x] 47. HOL_gemotoriseerde_huzaren. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 48. HOL_requisition_trucks. Reduce to 35 days.
[x] 49. HOL_study_mobile_tactics. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 50. HOL_mech_infantry. Reduce to 56 days.
[x] 51. HOL_pantserkorps. Reduce to 56 days.
Improve the granted template to 20W (12W is too weak).
Spawn a division as a reward Reason: the reward can be improved (current reward equals 20 army xp).
Economic focus tree:
[x] 1. HOL_idea_luchtvaartacademie.
Replace icon with generic_air_bonus Reason: current icon is "sell/convert planes" in vanilla hoi4, it is fine, but maybe proposed one fits better.
Add small bonus for ace generation/air incidents chance/ air doctrine research speed (these are mentioned just as an example). Reason: 10% air xp boost feels weak, another small bonus that doesn't affect air combat directly can be helpful too if player decides to focus on airforce.
[x] 2. HOL_idea_huisje_boompje_beestje.
Replace reward air_close_air_support_attack_factor with ground_attack_factor Reason: air_close_air_support_attack_factor is related to CAS efficiency in air combat, i.e. vs fighters cas bombers. These tactics affects CAS efficiency vs groud targets, so the proper stat should be modified.
[x] 3. HOL_idea_luchtkruiser_tactics.
Replace icon with combined_bomber_offensive. Reason: current icon is used for selling or converting planes, suggested one reflects TAC combat better.
Replace reward air_cas_present_factor with air_close_air_support_attack_factor. Reason: since the description mentions increased attack against other planes, air_close_air_support_attack_factor is reflecting the damage of any plane that do CAS mission against other planes. This fits more than ground support factor (which is improvement to land units stats from cas/bomber presence).
[x] 4. HOL_idea_wolfpack.
Replace navy_screen_attack_factor with navy_submarine_attack_factor Reason: wolfpack is about submarines, not screens :)
[x] 5. HOL_base_design_dd / HOL_base_design_cl / HOL_base_design_dd_cl.
Reduce build_cost_ic penalty for destroyers and actually make it a buff, remove other bonuses or make them debuffs. Reason: the focus descriprion says about the need to have destroyers to cover the carriers. There isn't a single word about their torpedoes or depth charges. Even more, mentioned here destroyers should be as cheap as possibe, being a meat shield for carriers. So the suggestion is to reverse the idea, adding some penalties to torpedoes and depth charges but reducing their cost.
[x] 1. holnavy.5. Options holnavy.5.b and holnavy.5.c have small typos.
[x] 2. holnavy.6.
Option holnavy.6.c grants ship variant with 1940-1942 modules.
Add capital_gunnery_two tech as a reward for both options if player has MTG. Reason - a lot of added ship variants use 1936 capital guns, so it is easier to actually give this tech as a reward than manually replace it.
[x] 3. holnavy.8.
Option olnavy.8.c - add something as a reward for not throwing money at battleships. Or add pp costs for option holnavy.8.a.
Description - remove the mention of germans, as this option is blocked and not avaiable.
Option holnavy.8.a - tweak description, there is no decision to upgrade gained variants of ships.
Option holnavy.8.a grants ship variant with 1940 module installed.
[x] 1. HOL_build_tromp_class. Description mentions adding a pair of CL in the queue for 50pp, but it actually adds only 1 (second one is in the same queue), so the description is misleading, being techincally true. So HOL gets 20% of one 1936 cruiser for 50pp, which is definitely not exciting. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 2. HOL_build_isaac_sweers_class. 25% of one destroyer for 25pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 3. HOL_build_isaac_sweers_class_2. 25% of two destroyers for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 4. HOL_build_cheap_kijkduin_class. 33% of one cl_2 for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 5. HOL_build_pantserschip. 33% of one ACR for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 6. HOL_build_aa_cruisers. 33% of one cl_2 for 50pp. The reward (or PP cost) can be tweaked.
[x] 7. HOL_vesting_holland. The decision must be rebalanced. 75pp, 3 factories and 300 days results in two level 2 forts. Either significantly reduce the costs both in PP and time or add more forts.
Chief of navy:
Additional context or comments: Some bugs are mentioned here. I've really enjoyed writing this list. Good luck!