Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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BUL/AUS - Allow Bulgaria to offer the Donau-Adriabund to Austria when looking for allies. #14817

Closed Minuda closed 3 years ago

Minuda commented 3 years ago

HOI4 version: 1.10.4 Kaiserreich version: 0.16.1

Upon Bulgaria losing the 4th Balkan Wars, allow Bulgaria to ask for the Donau-Adriabund to join Austria instead of being forced to stay neutral or join the Reichspakt.

The situation is probably more so self-explanatory. When Bulgaria loses the 4th Balkan war, they will usually follow some sort of regime change followed by joining an alliance (unless they were couped). This will usually result in joining Germany, in which the current lore surrounding the rest of the Belgrade Pact makes this move inconvenient for both powers. On one hand, Bulgaria joining the Reichspakt would realistically prompt the Belgrade Pact to align with Russia (which they do but only when Austria joins), this means that Germany (and/or Ukraine) now has to divert resources from the East to hold the border with Romania. On the other hand, Bulgaria joining the Reichspakt now means that Bulgaria is willingly pulling themselves into an inevitable conflict with both France and Russia, something they would gain absolutely nothing by doing. On the opposite side of this is Austria, who can only invite Bulgaria to the faction by doing the focus (which usually comes to late to invite them in), or by offering them Macedonia provided Bulgaria stayed neutral (even less likely to happen). However, both sides only stand to gain by offering the alliance then and there. In this situation, both powers have mutual enemies in Serbia and Romania, and unlike Germany, there isn't an immediate risk of Bulgaria being pulled into an international conflict as Austria has technically just left Italy. Wheras Austria stands to benefit by having a valuably ally that is more than willing to pacify their mutual enemies, and a second front, dividing already limited divisions for the Belgrade Pact, making subjugation easier. Therefore, it makes much more sense that Bulgaria would first choose to join Austria, (and in this case would simply ask to create the Donau-Adriabund if it doesn't exist.) And only then, should Austria have refused the offer would it be really reasonable for Bulgaria to ask and join the Reichspakt.

TL;DR, Germany only gains future enemies by propping up Bulgaria, while Bulgaria runs the risk of fighting half of the world. Whereas Austria gains a valuable ally that will help pacify the Balkans, and Bulgaria gains an ally that shares a similiar disdain for the Belgrade Pact, without the immediate risk of fighting half of the world.

Rylock commented 3 years ago

@Minuda Err... it can join Austria's faction? It has a decision to do so and can even do so with the "Join the Second Weltkrieg" decision. Why do you think it can't?

Minuda commented 3 years ago

@Minuda Err... it can join Austria's faction? It has a decision to do so and can even do so with the "Join the Second Weltkrieg" decision. Why do you think it can't?

I'm asking if it can form the Donau-Adriabund since they always join Germany because the Donau-Adriabund usually never exists by the time they join one. If they can create the faction to join Austria already then my apologies, I've never seen it happen and the person who answered me on ask a dev didn't say as much, and I'll delete this suggestion if such is the case. But if they can only join the Donau-Adriabund if it already exists then I'm asking if they can get Austria to create it rather than be forced to pick the Reichspakt, sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Edit(s): Grammar and sentence fixes.

Rylock commented 3 years ago

So you want... Bulgaria to force Austria to create an alliance if Austria hasn't formed it yet? Essentially pre-empting their focus to do so? Or you want Bulgaria to now be the leader of the Donau-Adriabund and draw Austria into it, and so then they presumably wouldn't get involved in WK2 or join the Reichspakt?

Minuda commented 3 years ago

So you want... Bulgaria to force Austria to create an alliance if Austria hasn't formed it yet? Essentially pre-empting their focus to do so? Or you want Bulgaria to now be the leader of the Donau-Adriabund and draw Austria into it, and so then they presumably wouldn't get involved in WK2 or join the Reichspakt?

Technically the former, but I'd imagine for the sake of realism instead of forcing Austria to outright create the faction it results in the two exchanging guarantees and a NAP, and only when Austria is able to create the Donau-Adriabund through their focus should Bulgaria (then immediately) join. It makes more sense for Bulgaria to offer an informal alliance now and be brought in formally later then to throw it's weight in with an alliance about to be the subject of a World War, simply because the AI made the decision to join a faction right then and there.

Augenis commented 3 years ago

I don't think this is necessary, Bulgaria gets an option to join Austria's faction once it is created. Just wait for it to be created, then join via decision.