Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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Event to end war with Japan as Mongolia doesn't work #150

Closed ComradeDispenser closed 6 years ago

ComradeDispenser commented 6 years ago

OS: [e.g. Windows 10] Version: [e.g. 0.5.2]

Fighting Japan as Mongolia I had an event pop up that Japan wants a peace deal, giving me Fengtian and some other land in exchange for ending the war. I hit yes but the war did not end. I annexed Fengtian and as such they no longer exist as a nation, but I am still at war with Japan even though we had supposedly signed a ceasefire.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Be Mongolia 2.Occupy Fengtian 3.Have Japan offer peace 4.Accept it

Zankoas commented 6 years ago

Do you remember the name of the event?

ComradeDispenser commented 6 years ago

No sorry, I didn't catch what it was called, I just remember the text being about Japan calling for a peace deal with the offer giving you Formosa and Sakhalin as well as Fengtian, and my options were either to agree to this deal or say that we wanted total victory and continue the war. I had Fengtian and Korea fully occupied for a while and had been continuously repelling Japanese naval invasions. I had also annexed all of China sans Tibet, Germany and Portugal's areas and the Legation Cities at this point, as the Qing had managed to annex Shanxi, Yunnan and AOG and then declared war on me.

I selected the peace option and it added cores to some of Fengtian's land and Sakhalin, and removed Fengtian as a nation, like I had fully annexed them, rather than making them capitulate, and the game gave me control of Formosa and Sakhalin, however it was quickly reoccupied by Japan as I had never landed troops on the islands.

VirtualHummingbird commented 6 years ago

Odd. I just tested the event (japer.170 I believe) right now and it seemed to work just fine. Mongolia and Japan white peaced with one another. Did you have any puppets when the event fired?

ComradeDispenser commented 6 years ago

No, but both me and Japan were in factions. Me with Turkestan and Japan with Hawaii and the Philippines, could that have affected it?

VirtualHummingbird commented 6 years ago

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I’ll have to look into that as well. White peace between factions can be a bit buggy, sometimes.

VirtualHummingbird commented 6 years ago

Hm, so I’ve tried the event under the same conditions (both Mongolia and Japan in their respective factions) and the white peace has seemed to work.

Zankoas commented 6 years ago

IIRC correctly flame added a new peace event for this war, it may be that event that is causing the issue, let me so if I can find it

Zankoas commented 6 years ago

Fixed, thanks for reporting