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GER - Error Log about the New Party Descriptions. #15438

Closed Asratius closed 3 years ago

Asratius commented 3 years ago

Quick questions OS: Windows 10. HOI4 version: Lastest. Kaiserreich version: Master. List any other mods used: Music Submod. Were you using Steam? Yes. Were you in multiplayer? No. Which expansions do you NOT have? I own all.

the following errors appear on the error log after the new German parties descriptions.

[23:33:30][persistent.cpp:52]: Error: "Malformed token: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands gWith its first predecessor being founded in 1863, the SPD (Social Democratic Party Germany) is one of oldest party in Germany, and one of the most popular left-wing parties in Europe. The SPD was regularly fought by the conservative establishment, with the two most important ones being the suppression of the SPD under Bismarck and later Ludendorff. Before the First World War, the SPD was the strongest party in the Reichstag, however during the First World War the SPD split in two; the moderate MSPD and the more radical anti-war USPD. After a failed peaceful revolution in September 1918, both parties once more reconciled and reunited under the banner of the SPD. The SPD was the most vocal opponent of the Ludendorff dictatorship and the target of many government instructed sanctions.

SPD representatives were present at the dismissal of the dictator and many people within the Empire attribute the fall of the dictatorship to them. Under Germany’s "second-greatest" chancellor, Alfred von Tirpitz, the SPD also has had to struggle against increasing levels of wealth among workers leading to decreased electoral output even in former core territories. The SPD's voter block is mostly among the lower classes and the industrial areas along the Rhine in the Kingdom of Saxony and in cities in Silesia, but Elsaß-Lothringen is also proving to be a hotbed of German social democracy, especially after the decline of the Zentrum and the ongoing centralization efforts of the government.!, near line: 0" in file: "save games/peaceconference_1936_10_26_01.hoi4" near line: 0 [23:33:30][persistent.cpp:52]: Error: "Malformed token: Nationalliberale Partei gCreated in 1866, the NLP began as the most prominent German party, becoming a main backer of the Bismarck chancellorship, however after Bismarck's turn the right, the party's influence has been continuously waning. The NLP was mainly powerless in the Reichstag during the Weltkrieg, though cooperating with the left-wing parties at times. When the DVLP was created, some thought the NLP would get usurped by them, but Stresemann was able to keep the NLP independent, with him leading the NLP to be neutral on the Ludendorff dictatorship.

After Ludendorff's fall and the rise of Tirpitz, the NLP joined Tirpitz's great coalition, with it supporting German colonialism, expansion of the military, and liberal economic policies in the government. Stresemann was able to make the NLP flourish, thus his death in 1929 strongly weakened the NLP. Dingeldey led the NLP in its worst election result ever, causing his resignation, and him unable to give the NLP a position in the government. Dingeldey was replaced by Reichsbankpräsident Hjalmar Schacht as leader, with Julius Curtius being the chancellor candidate of the NLP. The NLP has strong support among industry giants and the more well-off, though some of them have been moving away from the NLP, looking for a new champion of their interests.!, near line: 0" in file: "save games/peaceconference_1936_10_26_01.hoi4" near line: 0 [23:33:30][persistent.cpp:52]: Error: "Malformed token: Zentrumspartei gCreated in 1870, the Zentrum (Centre) has always represented the interests of German Catholics. The party was the main enemy of Bismarck during the Kulturkampf, with it later becoming more and more integrated into day-to-day ruling. The Zentrum was a main architect of the Reichstag’s Peace Resolution of 1917, under the guise of the leader of the parliamentary faction, Matthias Erzberger. The Zentrum was opposed to the Ludendorff dictatorships, though it refrained from supporting protests. The party tried to widen its appeal in 1923, however this failed massively, causing the rise of the centrist Wilhelm Marx, however he was unable to turn the fortunes of the party, with the Zentrum losing another election in 1932.

With both the leftists and centrists within the party discredited, the right-wing under the leadership of Franz von Papen took over, pursuing an unitarian vision, which caused many defections from the party, with him also causing the left-wing of the party to jump ship and form the CSRP. The party is strongly aligned to the DkP, however there Heinrich Brüning is leading the opposition towards von Papen's leadership, wanting a return to the original federalist elements of the Zentrum, with him also wishing to reunite the Zentrum with its splinter parties. !, near line: 0" in file: "save games/peaceconference_1936_10_26_01.hoi4" near line: 0 [23:33:30][persistent.cpp:52]: Error: "Malformed token: Deutschkonservative Partei gThe DkP (German Conservative Party) was founded in 1876, being extremely influential during the Bismarck era, leading the shift towards protectionism. However, after 1912 the party was unable to become the leading party of the right, which caused the formation of the DVLP, which usurped a lot of DkP members. The DkP was initially a supporter of the Ludendorff dictatorship, but turned against it in the 1920s.

After the 1923 elections, the DkP under Ernst von Heydebrand und der Lasa and Kuno Graf von Westarp reluctantly joined the Great Coalition of von Tirpitz. After the 1928 elections, Kuno von Westarp, under the pressure of the growing DVLP began the process of modernising the DkP to also attract urban right wing voters and reform into a conservative-tent party. With it even backing an expansion of social welfare, though it also is in favour of cutting spending, except for agricultural subsidies. After the surprising death of von Tirpitz in 1930, the Kaiser picked von Westarp as his successor. Following two years of uneventful rule, the German electorate voted to let von Westarp be the new administrator and keeper of its wealth. Kuno von Westarp has done as was demanded, and the last few years have been quiet, with as little change as possible. The party continues to support the centralization of the Empire and strictly opposes voting reforms.!, near line: 0" in file: "save games/peaceconference_1936_10_26_01.hoi4" near line: 0

El-Daddy commented 3 years ago
