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TRK - Is renaming possible? #15862

Closed Wlodzimierz-42 closed 3 years ago

Wlodzimierz-42 commented 3 years ago

Describe the specific change you would like: Turkestan Republic should be renamed because the current name suggests a claim at a much larger territory than is, in fact, controlled or claimed. My suggestion is to name it either after one of the major cities (ex. "Kokand/Tashkent/Ferghana Republic"; in this way, Turkestan Republic is possible if the city of Turkestan is added) or "Syr Darya Republic" (as it is located largely in Syr Darya drainage basin, and most of the territory was part of the Syr Darya oblast under Russian empire).

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: "Turkestan" is a very broad term that has three possible usages:

  1. Narrowly speaking, it includes territory of Turkestan Governorate-General/Krai/ASSR, which in-game corresponds with the pre-breakup Turkestan plus the provinces of Semirechye and Mangyshlak.
  2. Most commonly, it is used synonymously with "Central Asia", to include Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, and all of Kazakhstan.
  3. Under the broadest definition, it includes all of Central Asia as well as Xinjiang and the northern third of Afghanistan. TRK corresponded very well to 1) before Khiva and Bukhara were separated from it, but now the name comes off too pretentious for such a small country.

Additional context or comments: Maps, with approximate TRK borders in red: Turkestan_1900-en svg Administrative division of Turkestan Krai, 1900.

Plemena-Turkestana-map Ethnographic map of Turkestan Krai, 1913. The current borders seem to be based mainly on it, but it is still a good illustration as to why the country name should be based on geographic rather than ethnographic features.

SyrdaryaBasin Syr Darya Basin. It covers most of TRK's current territory and includes all major cities except Khorugh. If, and when, focus trees are added for Central Asian countries, the river's importance may complement TRK's economic branch nicely.

Ferghana Turkestan A map illustrating the location of Ferghana and Turkestan.

Alpinia commented 3 years ago

This was the name of an OTL movement in this region which did in fact advocate for Central Asian unification - so the name fits.