Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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RUS, FIN, SOV - Render the bulk of the Kola Peninsula as impassible territory. #17543

Closed daveboy2000 closed 2 years ago

daveboy2000 commented 2 years ago

Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.10.8 Kaiserreich version: 0.19.1

Describe the specific change you would like: Render the Kola peninsula east of Lake Imandra (rendered on the map as a river) impassible terrain.

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: The eastern reaches of the Kola peninsula, to this very day, remain extremely undeveloped with extremely low population densities and little to no infrastructure. The sole exceptions being a couple fishing villages along the coast and the odd inland Sami settlement reliant on logging or reindeer herding. Besides there being no reasonable military objective in the region during the era Kaiserreich is set in, the lack of infrastructure would make it near impossible to have any significant military presence prior to modern logistics involving bush planes or helicopters. The only military significant in the aforementioned impassible area would be Murmansk-140, OTL a naval base/closed city established in 1941 in the area formerly known as Yokanga pogost, a native Sami settlement.

Additional context or comments: Most of the region is fairly abandoned, with even the Russian claim to the area being a formality at best. Russia had little to no real administration in the region until 1935 OTL. While it wouldn't do to make it a 'no-man's land' belonging to no nation at all, making it impassible would simplify any Karelian/Kola front on a gameplay level and make it easier to say it 'belongs' to Finland or Russia depending on who owns Murmansk and the Murman/Kirov railway, since that would be realistically who get what little trade flows out of the region by land to begin with.

Gideones commented 2 years ago

From gameplay perspective it don't worth it. While your arguments are correct, area is passable for armies (it's not Sahara, after all) and nearest to impassable area what we can get there is area in center of peninsula, with coastal line being habitable and passable. So, overall, it don't worth creation of impassable area.