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China & GEA - List of the Character Problems and Suggestions #19199

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

I am a friend of Noel (the 2nd developer of Left KMT, who found most ministers of China). He asked me to report some problems about Chinese characters. The text below is written by him.

Unused Characters

The current KR doesn't allow manual switching of ministers. For performance, these characters can be removed. (If you guys had said earlier that KR would ban switching ministers, then I wouldn't have to look for so much.)

You don't have to think about improving performance while thinking about possible use of them in the future. KR team have a GitHub repository for archiving where you can put them.


CHI_Li_Dazhao_hog_syn CHI_Shao_Shiping_hog_syn CHI_Cai_Hesen_hog_rso CHI_Li_Fuchun_hog_rso CHI_Bai_Wenwei_hog_sli CHI_Yang_Yongtai_for_tot CHI_Dong_Biwu_for_syn CHI_Qu_Qiubai_for_syn CHI_Su_Zhaozheng_for_syn CHI_Fang_Shengtao_for_rso CHI_Zhang_Shenfu_for_rso CHI_Zhang_Qun_for_sli CHI_Liu_Ding_eco_tot CHI_Xiong_Shihui_eco_tot CHI_Chen_Yun_eco_syn CHI_Deng_Zihui_eco_syn CHI_Lin_Boqu_eco_syn CHI_Deng_Xiaoping_eco_rso CHI_Ruan_Xiaoxian_eco_rso CHI_Zhi_Bingyuan_eco_sli CHI_Ding_Mocun_sec_tot CHI_Mao_Renfeng_sec_tot CHI_Deng_Zhongxia_sec_syn CHI_Hua_Kezhi_sec_syn CHI_Yang_Xingfo_sec_rso CHI_Zeng_Xing_sec_rso CHI_Mei_Siping_sec_sde CHI_Yu_Youren_sec_sli Portrait_CHI_Ariade_Lee.png Portrait_CHI_Chen_Gongbo.png (I don't know if he will become an optional leader after rework.) Portrait_CHI_Zhou_Enlai_Army.png (I don't know if he will become a general after rework.)

FNG_Liang_Shiyi_hog_sco FNG_Zhang_Zuolin_hog_pau FNG_Wang_Yitang_hog_ade FNG_Jin_Yunpeng_hog_ade FNG_Jin_Yunpeng_eco_ade Portrait_FNG_Ariade_Lee.png

GXC_Lee_Kong_Chian_hog_sde GXC_Zheng_Yanfen_for_ade GXC_Ye_Zaifu_eco_sde GXC_Li_Renren_eco_ade GXC_Lu_Zhide_sec_sde GXC_Li_Yuri_sec_ade Portrait_GXC_Tan_Kah_Kee.png

HNN_Chen_Quzhen_hog_pau HNN_Luo_Shujia_for_sco HNN_Wang_Dongyuan_for_sco HNN_Zhang_Renmin_for_ade HNN_Cao_Dianqiu_eco_sde HNN_Fan_Xudong_eco_sde HNN_Ren_Kainan_eco_sli HNN_He_Lian_eco_mli HNN_Liu_Tingfang_eco_mli HNN_Lai_Lian_eco_sco HNN_Peng_Guojun_eco_sco HNN_Tang_Youren_eco_ade HNN_Chou_Ao_sec_sde HNN_Ming_Zhen_sec_sde HNN_Xu_Kexiang_sec_ade


LEC_John_Leighton_Stuart_hog_mli LEC_Stirling_Fessenden_hog_mli LEC_Cecil_Clementi_hog_sco LEC_Siegmund_Bodenheimer_hog_pau LEC_Yuan_Kewen_boss_sli Portrait_LEC_Cecil_Clementi.png

LEP_Xu_Dingkang_for_ade LEP_Chen_Yuguang_eco_mli LEP_Yin_Ruli_eco_sco LEP_Zhang_Xinyi_eco_sco LEP_Pan_Guogang_eco_pau LEP_Xu_Shiying_sec_ade LEP_Tang_Erhe_sec_pau Portrait_AOG_Board.png

MON_Dashiin_Damba_hog_rso MON_Jambyn_Lkhuembe_hog_rso MON_Dambyn_Chagdarjav_hog_sde MON_Andrey_Bakich_hog_pau MON_Toegs_Ochiryn_Namnansueren_hog_pau MON_Sukhbaataryn_Yanjmaa_for_rso MON_Dogsomyn_Bodoo_for_sde MON_Manlaibaatar_Damdinsuren_for_ade MON_Xia_Gong_for_pau MON_Gelegdorjiin_Demid_eco_syn MON_Yumjaagiin_Tsedenbal_eco_rso MON_Gorjorjab_eco_ade MON_Yu_Pinqing_eco_pau POLITICS_TOGTOKH_GUN_DESC POLITICS_LI_SHOUXIN_DESC POLITICS_DEMCHUGDONGRUB_ARMY_DESC

QIE_Aisin_Gioro_Pujie_hog_sco QIE_Zhang_Tianran_hog_npo QIE_Li_Linsi_for_sde QIE_Zhang_Junmai_for_sde (Also the optional leader of Federal China) QIE_Victor_Zai_for_sli QIE_Zhang_Liangren_for_mli QIE_Philip_ZC_Diao_for_sco QIE_Zhang_Dongsun_for_sco QIE_Zheng_Xiaoxu_for_sco QIE_Luo_Zhenyu_for_sco QIE_Li_Yuming_for_npo QIE_Zhang_Yutai_for_npo QIE_Sa_Bendong_eco_sde QIE_Sa_Fujun_eco_sde QIE_Zhang_Fuliang_eco_sde QIE_Zhang_Wenzhi_eco_sde QIE_Guo_Lin_eco_sli QIE_Hu_Boyuan_eco_sli QIE_Yang_Junsheng_eco_sli QIE_Zhang_Yinghua_eco_sli QIE_Chen_Guangyuan_eco_mli QIE_Huang_Boqiao_eco_mli QIE_Huang_Jintao_eco_mli QIE_Wu_Shaozeng_eco_sco QIE_Zhang_Guogan_eco_sco QIE_Fu_Xiaoan_eco_ade QIE_Shui_Junshao_eco_ade QIE_Zhou_Xuexi_eco_ade QIE_Hao_Jinying_eco_npo QIE_Liu_Quanxiang_eco_npo QIE_Sa_Junyu_sec_sde QIE_Aisin_Gioro_Xianyu_sec_sco QIE_Xing_Shilian_sec_sco Portrait_QIE_Zaize.png QIE_Xianyu_Qing_Uniform.png (The developer of QIE wanted to give her a chance to join QIE, but it never materialized.) QIE_STILLWELL_ARMY_DESC QIE_FRANK_MERRILL_ARMY_DESC

SHX_Yu_Xinqing_for_ade SHX_Xu_Fanting_for_pau SHX_Qiao_Mingli_eco_ade SHX_Xue_Dubi_eco_ade SHX_Xia_Gong_eco_pau SHX_Ge_Jinzhang_sec_ade SHX_Huang_Shaogu_sec_ade SHX_Zhang_Peimei_sec_pau

SQI_Kong_Decheng_hog_ade SQI_Zhu_Qinglan_hog_ade SQI_Liu_Guitang_hog_pau SQI_Liu_Guitang_hog_pau SQI_Wu_Xinxue_hog_npo SQI_Ding_Shujing_for_ade SQI_Zhang_Huaizhi_for_npo SQI_Cao_Fulin_eco_ade SQI_Han_Qichang_eco_ade SQI_Xu_Yuanquan_eco_pau SQI_Zhang_Jingyao_sec_pau

TIB_Lhawang_Tobgyal_Surkhang_for_ade TIB_Ngawang_Wangyal_for_ade TIB_Surkhang_Wangchen_Gelek_for_ade TIB_Ngagchen_Rinpoche_for_pau TIB_Wangchuk_Deden_Shakabpa_eco_ade TIB_Kyibu_sec_ade TIB_Sonam_Wangfel_Laden_sec_ade TIB_Tsewang_Rabden_Lukhangnga_sec_ade TIB_Jamyang_Tenpe_Gyeltsen_sec_pau TIB_Khakhyap_Dorje_sec_pau POLITICS_TAISHI_DONDRUBN_DESC

XSM_Ma_Chengxiang_eco_ade XSM_Ma_Biao_sec_pau XSM_Ma_Tingxiang_sec_npo POLITICS_MA_WANFU_DESC

YUN_Jin_Handing_eco_sde YUN_Miao_Yuntai_eco_mli YUN_Fang_Shiliang_sec_sde Portrait_Yunnan_Zhang_Weihan.png

- **Explains:** They are all unused and can be removed.

### Description


FNG_yang_yuting (corps_commander) → desc = POLITICS_YANG_YUTING_ARMY_DESC FNG_zhang_zuolin (field_marshal) → desc = POLITICS_ZHANG_ZUOLIN_ARMY_DESC FNG_tang_shaoyi → desc = POLITICS_TANG_SHAOYI_DESC FNG_wu_junsheng → desc = POLITICS_WU_JUNSHENG_ARMY_DESC FNG_zhang_zuoxiang → desc = POLITICS_ZHANG_ZUOXIANG_ARMY_DESC FNG_wang_shuchang → desc = POLITICS_WANG_SHUCHANG_ARMY_DESC FNG_ma_zhanshan → desc = POLITICS_MA_ZHANSHAN_ARMY_DESC FNG_wan_fulin → desc = POLITICS_WAN_FULIN_ARMY_DESC FNG_zang_shiyi → desc = POLITICS_ZANG_SHIYI_ARMY_DESC FNG_zhang_haipeng → desc = POLITICS_ZHANG_HAIPENG_ARMY_DESC FNG_tang_yulin → desc = POLITICS_TANG_YULIN_ARMY_DESC FNG_bao_wenyue → desc = POLITICS_BAO_WENYUE_ARMY_DESC FNG_zhang_jinghui → desc = POLITICS_ZHANG_JINGHUI_ARMY_DESC FNG_feng_zhanhai → desc = POLITICS_FENG_ZHANHAI_ARMY_DESC FNG_su_bingwen → desc = POLITICS_SU_BINGWEN_ARMY_DESC FNG_xing_shilian → desc = POLITICS_XING_SHILIAN_ARMY_DESC FNG_yu_zhishan → desc = POLITICS_YU_ZHISHAN_ARMY_DESC FNG_shen_honglie → desc = POLITICS_SHEN_HONGLIE_NAVY_DESC

HNN_cheng_qian (field_marshal) → desc = POLITICS_CHI_CHENG_QIAN_ARMY_DESC

LEC_francis_wogan_festing → desc = LEC_FRANCIS_FESTING_ARMY_DESC LEC_william_ewart_fairbairn → desc = LEC_WILLIAM_FAIRBAIRN_ARMY_DESC


MON_roman_von_ungernsternberg (field_marshal) → desc = POLITICS_STERNBERG_ARMY_DESC MON_manlaibaatar_damdinsuren → desc = POLITICS_MANLAIBAATAR_DAMDINSUREN_DESC MON_altanochir → desc = POLITICS_ALTANOCHIR_DESC MON_mikhail_tornovsky → desc = POLITICS_MIKHAIL_TORNOVSKY_DESC MON_nikolay_kazagrandi → desc = POLITICS_NIKOLAY_KAZAGRANDI_DESC MON_boris_rezukhin → desc = POLITICS_BORIS_REZUKHIN_DESC MON_urzhin_garmaev → desc = POLITICS_URZHIN_GARMAEV_DESC

QIE_aisin_gioro_pujie (corps_commander) → desc = QIE_PUJIE_ARMY_DESC QIE_wu_peifu (field_marshal) → desc = QIE_WU_PEIFU_ARMY_DESC QIE_aisin_gioro_puyi (national_populist_subtype) → desc = POLITICS_PUYI_RESTORED__YIGUANDAO_DESC QIE_jiang_baili → desc = QIE_JIANG_BAILI_ARMY_DESC QIE_wang_huaiqing → desc = QIE_WANG_HUAIQING_ARMY_DESC QIE_aisin_gioro_zaitao → desc = QIE_ZAITAO_ARMY_DESC QIE_cai_chengxun → desc = QIE_CAI_CHENGXUN_ARMY_DESC QIE_liu_menggeng → desc = QIE_LIU_MENGGENG_ARMY_DESC QIE_wang_chengbin → desc = QIE_WANG_CHENGBIN_ARMY_DESC QIE_gobulo_runqi → desc = QIE_GOBULO_RUNQI_ARMY_DESC QIE_zhang_qihuang → desc = QIE_ZHANG_QIHUANG_ARMY_DESC QIE_lu_xiangting → desc = QIE_LU_XIANGTING_ARMY_DESC QIE_xiao_yaonan → desc = QIE_XIAO_YAONAN_ARMY_DESC QIE_li_bingzhi → desc = QIE_LI_BINGZHI_ARMY_DESC QIE_aisin_gioro_xiqia → desc = QIE_XIQIA_ARMY_DESC QIE_cao_shijie → desc = QIE_CAO_SHIJIE_ARMY_DESC QIE_zhang_shaozeng → desc = QIE_ZHANG_SHAOZENG_ARMY_DESC QIE_wu_renli → desc = QIE_WU_RENLI_NAVY_DESC QIE_sa_zhenbing → desc = QIE_SA_ZHENBING_NAVY_DESC QIE_du_xigui → desc = QIE_DU_XIGUI_NAVY_DESC

SIK_burhan_shahidi → desc = POLITICS_BURHAN_SHAHIDI_DESC

SQI_zhao_hong_wenguo (Wrongly written as POLITICS_FENG_ANBANG_DESC) → desc = SQI_ZHAO_HONG_WENGUO_DESC


XSM_ma_hongbin (field_marshal) → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_HONGBIN_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_fuxiang (field_marshal) → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_FUXIANG_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_bufang (field_marshal) → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_BUFANG_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_hongkui (corps_commander) → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_HONGKUI_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_biao → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_BIAO_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_dunjing → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_DUNJING_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_zhongying → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_ZHONGYING_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_hushan → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_HUSHAN_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_buqing → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_BUQING_ARMY_DESC XSM_ma_jiyuan → desc = POLITICS_XSM_MA_JIYUAN_ARMY_DESC XSM_han_youwen → desc = POLITICS_XSM_HAN_YOUWEN_ARMY_DESC

- [x] **Suggestions:** Fix
- **Explains:** No transfer of description to these characters.

### Portraits
[Biography of Fomin](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD,_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9_%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87)
[Shanghai Russian Regiment & Thieme](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BA)
- [x] **Suggestions:** Change the name from **Nikolay Fomin** to **German Germanovich Thieme**.
- **Explains:** The portrait of **Nikolay Fomin** (Николай Георгиевич Фоми́н) is actually that of **German Germanovich Thieme** (Герман Германович Тиме). Both Fomin and Thieme are Russian generals in exile in Shanghai, and both are members of the Shanghai Russian Regiment, so the rename won't break anything.


[Biography and Portrait of Nur Ahmadjan Bughra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nur_Ahmadjan_Bughra)
[Portrait of Abdulkerim Abbas](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Abdakarim_Abassov.jpg)
- [ ] **Suggestions:** Find a photo of **an old guy** to replace the current portrait.
- **Explains:** The portrait of **Nur Ahmadjan Bughra** is actually that of **Abdulkerim Abbas**. There is only one photo of **Nur Ahmadjan Bughra**. In OTL, he died in **1934**, and this photo shows him a bit **old**. The photo of **Abdulkerim Abbas** is **young** for him.


[Biography and Portrait of Zou Taofen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zou_Taofen)
[Portrait of Miao Yuntai](http://img.mp.itc.cn/upload/20160507/b80ddc85dc5342e38b877ef377e478de_th.jpg)
- [x] **Suggestions:** Replace the current portrait with **Miao Yuntai's photo**.
- **Explains:** The portrait of **Miao Yuntai** is actually that of **Zou Taofen**. This is [a picture of Miao Yuntai in World War II (the civilian in the middle)](https://5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com/images/20170717/3c3e98b431114024b67f95411765e9b3.jpeg), you can see the wrinkles on his face. Therefore, Zou Taofen's photo is **young** for him. Although his photo is in his later years, considering that he is a puppet leader, he can't gain power by normal means. So, I don't think he needs other people's photos to disguise himself.


[Biography and Portrait of Han Youwen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_Youwen)
- **Explains:** Han Youwen's portrait is of himself, but too old. Considering that there are no other photos of him, no changes are required. (I'm just making a mark here.)

Portrait_TIB_Trimon.png Portrait_GXC_Yu_Zuobai.png Portrait_QIE_Wu_Renli.png Portrait_QIE_Cao_Shijie.png Portrait_QIE_Lu_Xiangting.png

- **Explains:** None of their portraits are themselves, they are other people whose names are recorded in history (for me who is familiar with China, it is easy to find them. But for most players, it is difficult.) Their photo sources are all blurry, so like **Han Youwen**, no changes are needed. I'm just making a mark (if the better sources can be found in the future).
- [Trimon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trim%C3%B6n) → [Tsarong Dzasa](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_135-S-13-06-35,_Tibetexpedition,_Tsarong_Dzasa.jpg)
- [Yu Zuobai](https://p1-bk.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-mlhdmxsy5m/5c9198c850384a76a4014f55c2126761~tplv-mlhdmxsy5m-q75:0:0.image) → [Zhan Ming](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B1%95%E6%98%8E)
- [Wu Renli](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Wu_Renli.jpg?20120621012015) → [Cheng Biguang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheng_Biguang)
- [Cao Shijie](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9B%B9%E5%A3%AB%E6%9D%B0/11031267) → [Cao Ying](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9B%B9%E9%94%B3) (Cao Shijie's photo on the Chinese wiki is wrong, don't use it.)
- [Lu Xiangting](https://i.postimg.cc/2yWdwD4v/Lu-Xiangting.jpg) → A Fengtian general whose name I forgot, but I once searched for his details.  (Lu Xiangting's photo on the Chinese wiki is wrong, don't use it.)


[Source 1](http://www.ncsdaj.cn/upload/img/1450773401.jpg) (WWII. Both are Yang Sen)
[Source 2](http://www.ncsdaj.cn/upload/img/1451977367.jpg) (WWII. The one on the left is Yang Sen)
[Source 3](http://www.ncsdaj.cn/upload/img/1452736520.jpg) (WWII)
[Source 4](http://www.ncsdaj.cn/upload/img/1452736567.jpg) (WWII)
[Source 5](https://p6-tt.byteimg.com/origin/pgc-image/458d0dd0a297408e961761aa36a5310f) (Before 1928)
[Source 6](https://p1-tt.byteimg.com/origin/pgc-image/01d1d2e425f14adc90dba9a3255a3b53.jpg) (Unknown Year)
- **Explains:** The current portrait of **Yang Sen** is a portrait of him in his later years. Here are a few pictures of him in WWII. Honestly, I don't see any difference. Therefore, no changes are required.

- [ ] **Some ministers' portraits are wrong, here are the correct portrait:** https://postimg.cc/gallery/21W1ftg

### Bugs (including Typos)


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him and replace him with **Zheng Xiaoxu**.
- **Explains:** He was a housekeeper without political experience and retired in 1913, please replace him with **QIE_Zheng_Xiaoxu_for_sco**.

QIE_Xing_Shilian_sec_sco QIE_He_Guoguang_cos

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** **Xing** is a general of **FNG** and **He** is a general of **SZC**.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Rename and fix bugs
- **Explains:** In **SIK_beiyuan_defection**, **SIK_beiyuan_mobilize**, **SIK_check_beiyuan**, **xin.42**, **xin.43**, **xin.44** and **xin.45**, his name is **Zhang Beiyuan**. It is a wrong translation of **Zhang Peiyuan**. In **xin.43**, he is described as having defected from **SIK** to **KUM**, but is still the **minister of SIK**.

SHX_Xia_Gong_eco_pau MON_Xia_Gong_for_pau MON_Yu_Pinqing_eco_pau

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** The two are Han Chinese, not Mongolian. **MON** has no use for them and they can be deleted.

CHI_Yang_Yongtai_for_tot GXC_Yang_Yongtai_for_ade

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** He was an opportunist who had taken refuge with the Kuomintang, the Guangxi Clique and the Zhili Clique. In the Zhili Clique, he was a member of the Political Science Clique. The Political Science Clique was disbanded over opposition to Cao Kun's election bribery, and Yang was briefly out of politics.
- **OTL:** After the Northern Expedition, he wanted to serve in the New Guangxi Clique, but was rejected, so he went to serve in Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government. He has since become one of the leaders of the New Political Science Clique and a confidant of Chiang Kai-shek. (The two Political Science Cliques have little relationship except for the repetition of members, not inheritance. This name is more used to satirize those who used to oppose Sun Yat-sen and now serve in the Nationalist Government.)
- **KRTL:** Since the Zhili Clique did not fail, the New Political Science Clique wouldn't have been established. If Yang wanted to get back into politics, he could possibly be a member of YCP in the Qing government, not the (in his opinion) remnants of KMT with little chance of winning.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** I didn't find out his relationship with the Air Force, maybe I wrote the wrong name at the time.

QIE_Sa_Fulin_eco_sde:0 "Sa Fulin" QIE_Victor_Zai_for_sli:0 "Victor Zai" QIE_Philip_ZC_Diao_for_sco:0 "Philip Z.C. Diao"

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change **Sa Fulin** to **Sa Fumao**. Change **Victor Zai**  to **Victor Hoo** or **Hu Shize**. Change 
 **Philip Z.C. Diao** to **Phillip Tyau** or **Diao Zuoqian**.
- **Explains:** These are mistranslations.

Deng Ruzuo

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Rename
- **Explains:** **Deng Ruzhou** in **lep.116**, **lep.117**, **lepcollapse.101**, **lepcollapse.102** and **lepcollapse.109** should be changed to **Deng Ruzuo**.

`Third is Xia Chao, a minor commander with no real notable victories to his name. Really, he has one main positive, that being his loyalty to League-Marshal Qi. Having worked under Qi for years, he might be the best choice if we want to keep Zhejiang closely linked to Nanjing.`
- [ ] **Suggestions:** Fix bugs
- **Explains:** This is the description of **Xia Chao** in **lep.114**, but he was the starting minister of **ANQ**.

He Jian

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Fix bugs
- **Explains:** The descriptions of **HNN_join_zhili**, **hnn.109** and **hnn.110** say that **He Jian** and **Zhili Clique** are allies. **He Jian** is actually a **right KMT**, more should go to **YUN** or **GXC**.

The Blue Party, ironically named Qing despite being completely unrelated to the Qing Dynasty, was founded today in Yunnan by Jiang Zhongzheng, in no small part thanks to Long Yun funding his efforts. While the party seems more like a paramilitary than a proper party, considering the province only has local level elections, their leader has stated that they stand in harsh rejection of the recent strikes that took place in Kunming, and advice further rabble-rousers to stay at home or face justice from the Blue Party.

- [x] **Suggestions:** Rename
- **Explains:** Description of **yun.321**. **Jiang Zhongzheng (蒋中正)** is another name for **Chiang Kai-shek (蒋介石)**, please replace him with someone else.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him or move him to **FNG**.
- **Explains:** Although born in Liangguang, he was a member of the Fengtian Clique.

HNN_He_Xuan_cos HNN_Zhang_Renmin_for_ade

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove them or move them to **GXC**.
- **Explains:** Although born in Hunan, they were members of the New Guangxi Clique.

Zhang Jinghui was born in a peasant family. When he was young, he followed his father to sell tofu for a living. Later, he set up a self-defence regiment in Bajiaotai Town. He served as the head of the regiment and guarded the homes of the wealthy businessmen in the town. After meeting Zhang Zuolin, he supported the latter as the leader of the self-defence regiment and preferred to be an assistant. He served as commander-in-chief of Fengtian West Road Army in the First Zhili-Fengtian War, but his lack of determination and slow action caused the whole situation of the West Road Army to collapse. After the war, he lived in Beijing and was appointed by Cao Kun to be the supervisor of the State Administration of Highways. In 1925, after his mother's death, Zhang Zuolin allowed him to return home to deal with the funeral as the interceding of other elders in Fengtian. After returning to Fengtian, he was soon forgiven by Zhang Zuolin and rejoined Fengtian.\nBecause of his Manchu identity, the Qing government had recruited him through secret channels. Although he has no opinions on what to do, he is loyal to Marshal Zhang Zuolin. After consulting with his relatives, he ignored the invitation at will.\nThe Japanese feel that he has no knowledge and ambition - a person that could be easily manipulated. At a banquet full of foreign famous goods, he became a member of the Concordia Association.

- [x] **Suggestions:** Delete some sentences.
- **Explains:** Description of **Zhang Jinghui**. I confirmed that he is probably **Han Chinese**. So, please delete these sentences: `\nBecause of his Manchu identity, the Qing government had recruited him through secret channels. Although he has no opinions on what to do, he is loyal to Marshal Zhang Zuolin. After consulting with his relatives, he ignored the invitation at will.`

Zhang Guohu

- [x] **Suggestions:** Rename
- **Explains:** He appeared in **kumul.8**, **kumul.9**, **kumul.10** and **xin.25** under the name **Zhang Mu**. It is a mistranslation of **Zhang Guohu**. **Zhang Mu** means **张某** in Chinese, which means **"Zhang Who?"**.

Ye Ju

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Fix bugs
- **Explains:** In **lnggxwar.13**, **Ye Ju** will escape to another tag because `GXC_federalists_flee = yes`, but he is still optional army minister of **GXC**.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him or move him to **LEC**.
- **Explains:** He is a minister transferred from **AOG**. He was a pilot, but not involved in air combat. He was appropriate as the Air Force Minister in **LEC** (and formerly AOG) as a small tag, but not in **GEA**.

ANQ_Jiang_Weiqiao_for_sco ANQ_Wu_Yinchan_for_sco ANQ_Wu_Zhuozhi_eco_mli ANQ_Leng_Yu_eco_sco ANQ_Wei_Yanshou_eco_sco ANQ_Shi_Liangcai_sec_sco ANQ_Zhang_Yilin_sec_sco

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Authoritarian Democracy**.
- **Explains:** In OTL, they are against Japan.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change his ideology to **Paternal Autocracy**.
- **Explains:** In OTL, he defected to Japan.

LEP_Chen_Yuguang_eco_mli LEP_Yin_Ruli_eco_sco LEP_Zhang_Xinyi_eco_sco

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Authoritarian Democracy**.
- **Explains:** They served in **Sun Chuanfang**'s government, but were less enthusiastic. Near the end of the OTL Northern Expedition, they all persuaded Sun to cooperate with the Nationalist government.

LEP_Ding_Wenjiang_eco_sco LEP_Zhang_Taiyan_sec_ade

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Paternal Autocracy**.
- **Explains:** They support **Sun Chuanfang**.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** He retired in 1923 and was **Sun Chuanfang**'s enemy.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** He opposed **Sun Chuanfang** from the beginning and didn't serve in his government.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** He is a Cantonese and gained air force knowledge in Guangdong. After joining the Air Force, he has been active in the interior, not the concessions.

KUM_Ma_Hushan_hog_ade KUM_Ma_Fuyuan_for_ade KUM_Ma_Zhancang_eco_ade

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **National Populism**.
- **Explains:** They are **Ma Zhongying**'s cabinet.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him and replace him with **Ma Zhongjie**.
- **Explains:** He is part of **Ma Zhongying**'s cabinet, but he has little to do with Xinjiang. Please create a new minister named **KUM_Ma_Zhongjie_sec_npo** (Ma Zhongying's younger brother) to replace him (Zhongjie's portrait doesn't exist, please find a portrait at will).


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him and replace him with **Zhao Youde**.
- **Explains:** He wasn't a member of the **Ma Clique**, and he has no chance to appear in the Ma Clique. Please create a new minister named **XSM_Zhao_Youde_cair** to replace him. Zhao is from Qinghai and is also related to Ma Clique. Zhao's portrait doesn't exist, please find a portrait at will.

HNN_Hu_Shuhua_eco_sco HNN_Yi_Peiji_sec_sco

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Social Liberalism**.
- **Explains:** Their ideology is pro-progressive.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change his ideology to **Authoritarian Democracy**.
- **Explains:** His ideology is pro-reactionary.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change his ideology to **Paternal Autocracy**.
- **Explains:** He is a member of **Yan Clique**.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him and replace him with **Liu Zhennian**.
- **Explains:** He wasn't a member of the **Shandong Clique**, and he has no chance to appear in the Shandong Clique. Please create a new minister named **SQI_Liu_Zhennian_for_pau** to replace him. Liu is the other minister of SQI, no need to look for his portrait.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** He bombed the Royal Palace during the Manchu Restoration in 1917. In 1923, he hated the warlord government and wanted to join Sun Yat-sen's faction, but he didn't get a position related to the Air Force. After that, he retired.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove
- **Explains:** Although he is Manchu, he is also a staunch member of the **Fengtian Clique**. In OTL, he didn't join Manchukuo.


- [ ] **Suggestions:** Remove him and replace him with **Zhang Junmai**.
- **Explains:** He supported the restoration of **Yuan Shikai**, but soon became a republican and didn't participate in the Manchu Restoration in 1917. In 1922, when **Sun Yat-sen** was expelled from Guangdong by **Chen Jiongming**, he actively supported Sun and joined the **Kuomintang**. In 1929, with the help of **Zhou Enlai**, he joined the **Chinese Communist Party**. He believed that the constitutional monarchies of **Yuan Shikai** and **Zhang Xun** were actually military dictatorships, not democracy. Therefore, it is impossible for him to serve in the Qing government controlled by **Wu Peifu**. Unless, he wants to be a spy :) Please replace him with **QIE_Zhang_Junmai_for_sde**.

QIE_Kunggur_Guanglu_sec_sco QIE_Guo_Lin_eco_sli QIE_Yang_Junsheng_eco_sli QIE_Zhang_Dongsun_for_sco

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Social Democracy**.
- **Explains:** Their ideology is pro-progressive. **Guanglu** is deeply influenced by **Liang Qichao**'s philosophy and is a Sibe people born in Xinjiang, not Manchu. **Zhang Dongsun** and **Zhang Junmai** created a social democratic party together, so they are both social democrats.

QIE_Hu_Boyuan_eco_sli QIE_Wu_Shaozeng_eco_sco

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Market Liberalism**.
- **Explains:** They are businessmen without obvious political attitude.

QIE_Wang_Zhichang_for_sde QIE_Victor_Zai_for_sli QIE_Philip_ZC_Diao_for_sco QIE_Chen_Guangyuan_eco_mli QIE_Zhang_Guogan_eco_sco

- [ ] **Suggestions:** Change their ideology to **Authoritarian Democracy**.
- **Explains:** They are politicians or warlords without obvious political attitude.

### Flavor
Here are some of my original plans.


- Planned **HoG** for **Chen Duxiu**.


- Planned **HoG** for **Fang Zhimin**.

CHI_Cai_Hesen_hog CHI_Li_Fuchun_hog

- Planned **HoGs** for **Zhou Enlai**.

CHI_Bai_Wenwei_hog CHI_Li_Liejun_hog

- Planned **HoGs** for **Sun Fo**.


- He is unavailable at the start of the game.
- Planned **Chief of Army** for **Dai Chunfeng**.
- If you want to use him, you have to add **clr_country_flag = He_Zhonghan_dead** to the event.


- Planned **HoG** for **Tan Kah Kee**.
- I once mentioned **Tan Kah Kee** and **New Zhi Gong Party** to the **developer of GXC**. He said would consider it, but never implemented.


- Planned **HoG** for **Sun Dianying**.


- Planned **HoG** for **Sun Suzhen**.

SHX_Cao_Haosen_cos SHX_Ji_Hongchang_cos SHX_Liu_Yufen_cos SHX_Sun_Liangcheng_cos SHX_Wen_Chenglie_cos SHX_Wu_Guangjie_cos SHX_Gong_Boling_carm SHX_Han_Duofeng_carm SHX_Liu_Ruming_carm SHX_Liu_Zizhen_carm SHX_Tong_Lin'ge_carm SHX_Zhang_Weixi_carm SHX_Zhao_Xipin_carm

- They were Feng Clique, who planned to retire after Yan Xishan defeated Feng Yuxiang.

SHX_Dong_Yingbin_cos SHX_Guo_Zongfen_cos SHX_Liang_Peihuang_cos SHX_Sun_Chu_cos SHX_Zhao_Chengshou_cos SHX_Zhou_Dai_cos SHX_Chu_Xichun_carm SHX_Lei_Yangtang_carm SHX_Li_Fuying_carm SHX_Li_Shengda_carm SHX_Lu_Yinglin_carm SHX_Wang_Jingguo_carm SHX_Zhu_Shouguang_carm

- They were Yan Clique, who planned to retire after Feng Yuxiang defeated Yan Xishan.


[Biography and Portrait of Chen Lu](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%99%B3%E7%B1%99)
[Description of the Failed Loan](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8B%92%E6%AC%BE%E8%BF%90%E5%8A%A8)
- **OTL:** He was the ambassador to France from 1920 to 1928, and only obeyed the government's orders and didn't care about the overseas Chinese. In 1921, the Beiyang government wanted to borrow money from France, in return for China's stamp duty, deed tax and railway construction rights. The deal fell through due to protests from international students. Chen Lu, who was in charge of the deal, suffered a failed assassination in France. In 1928, the Nationalist government transferred him back to China.
- **KRTL:** Because of the French Revolution, the Beiyang government wouldn't try to borrow money from France, and Chen wouldn't be assassinated. He will also become ambassador to France, because he has studied in France and is very familiar with France. In 1928, the LKMT in exile in France would have the overseas Chinese condemn him and force him to return to China. Well, we can reproduce this failed assassination. However, the person who negotiated the deal with Chen changed from French to Japanese.


[Biography and Portrait of Jiang Weiqiao](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%92%8B%E7%BB%B4%E4%B9%94)
[Description of Jing zuo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jing_zuo)
[Description of Zazen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zazen)
[Biography of Torajirō Okada](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B2%A1%E7%94%B0%E5%BC%8F%E9%9D%99%E5%BA%A7%E6%B3%95)
[Biography of Fujita Reisai](https://researchmap.jp/hide1127/published_papers/18932167?lang=en)
[Description of Tiantai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiantai)
- He is an educator, former Minister of Education and President of a university. He was frail and sickly since childhood, suffering from tuberculosis and hemoptysis. In 1914, under the influence of Torajirō Okada and Fujita Reisai, he wrote "Yinshizi Sit-in Regimen" (Yinshizi is another name for Jiang Weiqiao) based on Taoism and his training experience. In 1918, he entered the Tiantai School of Buddhism and wrote a sequel based on Concise Śamatha-vipaśyanā and Concise Śamatha-vipaśyanā. In 1933 and 1937, he studied Buddhism in Tibet and Nanjing respectively.
- "Yinshizi Sit-in Regimen" proposes a form of Qigong that uses meditation to exercise the body. Jiang believes that illness is due to poor blood circulation. Since half of the blood accumulates in the abdomen, meditation is to allow the blood to return to the heart and participate in the blood circulation. His theories were popular in medically underdeveloped China that Peking University even hired him to teach. Intellectuals, including Lu Xun, criticized him, arguing that he just replaced the terms of traditional Chinese medicine with the scientific terms of modern medicine, without changing its essence.
- Buddhists also don't encourage learning this method, believing that it is different from that of Buddhism, and it is easy to become mentally abnormal. In fact, Jiang's reports and diaries show that he may have fallen into madness.
After the May 4th Movement, this method was no longer popular, but it did not disappear and survived to this day.
- **KRTL:** In 1937, when he was studying Buddhism in Nanjing, this flavor event could be triggered. Also, it can be related to Tang Shengzhi (HNN's Buddhist general).


[Biography and Portrait of Wu Yinchan](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%90%B4%E5%8D%B0%E7%A6%85)
- He is a biologist, proficient in botany. He protected democrats and later served in the PRC government.
- In 1934, he went to the University of Berlin, studied under Ludwig Diels, and studied at the Berlin Botanical Museum. During this period, he discovered that many materials of the Chinese Botany belonged to foreigners, so he recorded and painted for more than 10,000 Chinese botanical specimens in the museum.
- In 1940, he returned to China as a university professor. During this period, he wrote several high-level papers published in the German Botany Annual Journal.


[Portrait of Wu Zhuozhi](https://www.rednanjing.cn/upload/default/20200529/7dd63101a79cd0af923d890eeb3fd6d3.png)
[Description of Jiangnan Automobile Company](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%85%AC%E4%BA%A4#%E5%8E%86%E5%8F%B2)
- **OTL:** He went to study in France in 1919 and returned to China in 1928. In 1931, the Nationalist government founded the Jiangnan Automobile Company, and he was the manager. This company dominates Nanjing's public transportation, so for decades, Nanjing people have been calling the bus "Jiangnan Automobile".
- He attaches great importance to the spirit of service and the company's reputation, and emphasizes driving on time, even if there are no passengers in the car. There is such a case: in 1935, the business of Jinghu Road (Nanjing to Hushu) wasn't good. A peasant in Hushu was eager to return to Nanjing to report the funeral because of the death of his family. He estimates that there will be few pedestrians during the Spring Festival, and there may not be cars. When he walked to Hushu, he saw a bus in front of the bus station. The driver replied: "Drive as usual", so he got into the car and was the only one in the bus. He never imagined that Jiangnan Company would drive a bus on time for him alone. After this rarity event spread, the number of peasants get on the bus increased, and the business boomed.
- The company operates an eight-hour workday with various forms of perks and bonuses. Their drivers became a high-end profession at the time, and many had suitors.
- In 1937, he undertook military transportation, mainly transferring supplies from overseas to the inland provinces. In 1942, he went to Guiyang to reorganize the Jiangnan Automobile Company and founded the Southwest Reclamation Company (the task was to reclaim wasteland and afforestation, which was a sideline of the Jiangnan Automobile Company). In 1949, he stayed on the mainland and later served in the PRC government.
- **KRTL:** Due to the French Civil War, he was going to study in Germany. Jiangnan Automobile Company will be established by Sun Chuanfang. Because of the Germans, the company's influence won't be strong. This flavor event can appear after Anqing's victory.


[Biography and Portrait of Leng Yu](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%86%B7%E9%81%B9)
- He was a military strategist and participated in the Xinhai Revolution. After 1921, he retired from the military and vigorously developed the silk industry. He established a silk company in Zhejiang and improved the silk textile industry. (The silk industry is an important business in Zhejiang. In the early 20th century, the rise of Japanese silk gradually surpassed that of Chinese silk in sales.)
- There is an interesting anecdote about him: in 1925, Zhang Zongchang occupied Jiangsu, and he asked his subordinates to ask Jiangsu businessmen for 500,000 for military pay. When his subordinates knew that the opposite representative Leng Yu used to be Zhang Zongchang's superior, he only took 50,000.


[Biography and Portrait of Wei Yanshou](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AD%8F%E5%B2%A9%E5%AF%BF)
[His paper in the Science magazine](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.70.1813.307.b)
- He is the first microbiologist in China to publish a scientific paper in the Science magazine.
- In 1929, he isolated Mucor sufu in fermented bean curd and published the paper in Science magazine. This may be the first paper in China to describe fermented bean curd with modern science, and it introduces the manufacturing method of fermented bean curd in detail.
- In 1931, together with Fang Xinfang, he published "Several Yeasts in Chinese Soy Sauce".
- In 1935, he experimented with sweet potato as raw material to produce alcohol, which became a precedent for research on renewable energy production in China.
- He devoted his life to researching traditional Chinese fermentation technology and published a research report on fermented bean curd in 1968.


[Biography and Portrait of Lu Gongwang](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%95%E5%85%AC%E6%9C%9B)
[Description of the Refugee Factory](http://wwj.zj.gov.cn/art/2019/9/6/art_1676213_37810134.html)
- He participated in the Xinhai Revolution and the National Protection War, and served as the governor of Zhejiang. In 1938, he opened the Refugee Factory in Yongkang, Jinhua, and transformed the ancestral halls there into factories. Until 1945, the factory was producing large quantities of cloth and cotton yarn, helping three to four thousand refugees a year, while donating enough money to buy a plane.


[Biography and Portrait of Shi Liangcai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shi_Liangcai)
[Description of Shen Bao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shen_Bao)
- He is the general manager of Shen Bao. In 1932, he was the president of the Shanghai Civic Association and the president of the Shanghai Provisional Council. At this time, Du Yuesheng was the vice president of these two organizations.
- **OTL:** He was assassinated by Dai Li for angering Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang said he had a million troops and told him to shut up, he responded that he had a million readers). After his death, Du Yuesheng pretended to be sad, and then became the president of the Shanghai local association and the president of the Shanghai Provisional Senate, and controlled Shen Bao.
- **KRTL:** Although Chiang is dead, you can write a flavor event where he was assassinated by Du Yuesheng.


[Biography and Portrait of Zhang Yilin](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BC%B5%E4%B8%80%E9%BA%90)
- In 1937, he organized the Elder Man Army (similar to the Boy Scouts), calling on the elderly to join the army and fight the Japanese army, but was stopped by Chiang Kai-shek. Members of the Elder Man Army must be at least sixty years old. Those who are fifty-five to fifty-nine years old are the reserve army, and those who are fifty to fifty-four are the reserve army in low priority. Their mission is to destroy the enemy's heavy industry and ordnance, kill bullies and traitors, and die with the enemy if necessary.


[Biography and Portrait of Gao Shidu](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AB%98%E4%B8%96%E8%AE%80)
- He is Sun Dianying's enemy. In 1924, Sun Dianying looted in Bozhou, preparing to defect to Zhang Zongchang's Shangong Clique together with Hua Yu'an of Chen Tiaoyuan's army. Gao and Hua trapped his troops in Bozhou. Sun kidnaps Gao's daughter and bribes Hua to escape. Gao reported the news of Hua's betrayal to Chen. Under Chen's orders, Gao executed Hua and became enemies with Sun. 
- **OTL:** In 1927, seeing that Sun Chuanfang continued to retreat, Gao resigned and went to Tianjin. On the way, he was kidnapped by Sun Dianying. However, seeing that he had a lot of connections, Sun didn't kill him and offered a ransom of 400,000. Gao asked Sun's Chief of Staff Zhao to relay that the Tianjin branch of Yokohama Specie Bank had his deposits and could only be withdrawn by Gao. Sun sent a person to follow Gao to Tianjin. But after arriving in Tianjin, Gao hid in the concession, didn't keep his promise, and told the newspaper the truth about Sun's kidnapping of him. Sun was very angry after being deceived and sent someone to assassinate Chief of Staff Zhao, but after the incident, he pretended to be sad for Zhao's family.


[Biography and Portrait of Choi Yong-deok](https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%B5%9C%EC%9A%A9%EB%8D%95_(1898%EB%85%84))
- He went to China in 1910 and studied at Nanwan Aviation School in the 1920s. After that, he joined the air force of Wu Peifu and Sun Chuanfang. During the Northern Expedition, he joined the Nationalist government. After WW2, he returned to South Korea and became the father of the South Korean Air Force.


[Biography and Portrait of Ding Wenjiang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ding_Wenjiang)
- He was a geologist and a political idealist. He believed that Sun Chuanfang could manage the southeast well, so he became the mayor of Shanghai appointed by Sun and started the Greater Shanghai Plan.
- He was a non-corrupt mayor, re-planned and unified Shanghai's administrative system, and developed health and medical services.
- He also took back foreign jurisdiction in the concession and demanded taxation on horse racing events organized by foreigners (both of which are impossible in KRTL).
- Eight months later, Sun failed. He re-studied geography, but didn't give up politics completely. He published two articles titled "If I Were Chiang Kai-shek" and "If I Were Zhang Xueliang".


[Biography and Portrait of Zhang Xinyi](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BC%A0%E5%BF%83%E4%B8%80/6316749)
[Description of the Solar Terms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_term)
- He is an Agricultural Economist, a expert of Land Use and a expert of Soil and Water Conservation, founder of Chinese Agricultural Statistics. He presided over the construction of China's first earth dam reservoir and the first Soil and Water Conservation Station (both in Gansu during WW2. Zhang is from Gansu.)
- **OTL:** The Republic of China switched to the Gregorian calendar, but the Gregorian calendar wasn't popularized throughout China until the Nationalist Government was established. The Nationalist Government used the police and regulations to force citizens to give up the lunar calendar. The Nationalist government used the police and regulations to force citizens to give up the lunar calendar. Therefore, Zhang wrote the modern version of "Song of Solar Terms" in 1929 based on the Gregorian calendar to promote the Gregorian calendar to the whole country. The Song has been around for a long time, but there was no unified and easily disseminated version before 1929.
- **KRTL:** The Northern Expedition failed, so the laws mandating the use of the Gregorian calendar didn't exist, and Zhang wouldn't have composed this song in 1929. So, it can appear in the game.


[Description of the Pavilion of Prince Teng](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavilion_of_Prince_Teng)
- In 1926, his subordinates Zhang Fengqi and Yue Siyin were afraid that the NRA would use the houses outside the city to hide and dig tunnels to attack the city, so they burned these buildings (including the Pavilion of Prince Teng). Previously, the Pavilion of Prince Teng was burnt down several times and restored several times. In 1942, Liang Sicheng drew eight sketches of "Reconstruction of the Pavilion of Prince Teng" based on the picture of "Pavilion of Prince Teng". But the Pavilion of Prince Teng wasn't rebuilt until 1985.


[Biography and Portrait of Shi Yousan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shi_Yousan)
[Description of the Shaolin Monastery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaolin_Monastery)
- **OTL:** In 1928, he was in Feng Yuxiang's army and defeated Fan Zhongxiu in Chiang Kai-shek's army in Henan. Fan Zhongxiu went to Shaolin Monastery when he was a teenager, so he got their help. Shi burned the Shaolin Monastery for this.
- **KRTL:** Due to the failure of the Northern Expedition, Shi defected to Zhili Clique, so this won't happen. I don't know how to rewrite it into flavor events.

ANQ_Wang_Geng_cos LEP_Wang_Geng_cos

[Biography and Portrait of Wang Geng](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%8E%8B%E8%B3%A1)
[Biography and Portrait of Lu Xiaoman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lu_Xiaoman)
- (He is the shared minister of ANQ and LEP. He won't appear on both tags at the same time, don't be nervous.)
- Graduated from West Point Military Academy, Sun Chuanfang's artillery commander and armored train commander. His ex-wife was the famous dramatist at that time: Lu Xiaoman.

ANQ_Li_Erkang_carm LEP_Li_Erkang_carm

[Biography and Portrait of Li Erkang](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8E%89%E5%B0%94%E5%BA%B7)
[Biography and Portrait of Yu Dawei](https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E4%BF%9E%E5%A4%A7%E7%B6%AD)
- (He is the shared minister of ANQ and LEP. He won't appear on both tags at the same time, don't be nervous.)
- He published "National Defense and Materials" in 1927, which influenced Jiang Baili, Yu Dawei (in 1933, he became the Minister of Military Industry of the Nationalist Government) and Yan Xishan.

ANQ_Xu_Huansheng_cair LEP_Xu_Huansheng_cair

[Biography and Portrait of Xu Huansheng](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Huansheng)
[Description of the 1938 Air Raid](https://inf.news/en/military/c0112253ffe49973bf8d01af54d2cef4.html)
- (He is the shared minister of ANQ and LEP. He won't appear on both tags at the same time, don't be nervous.)
- He "bombed" the Japanese mainland in 1938, dropping anti-war leaflets instead of bombs.

SIK_Chingskhan_hog SIK_Ha_Dewan_for

[Biography and Portrait of Chingskhan](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%89%BE%E6%9E%97%C2%B7%E7%B2%BE%E6%80%9D%E6%B1%97)
[Biography and Portrait of Ha Dewan](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%93%88%E5%BE%B7%E4%B8%87)
- They are husband and wife. Chingskhan was the Kazakh leader of Altay Prefecture.


[Biography of Manchuk Zabu](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%BB%BF%E6%A5%9A%E5%85%8B%E6%9C%AD%E5%B8%83)
[Biography of Wu Jingbin](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%83%8F%E9%9D%9C%E5%BD%AC)
[Description of Torghut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torghut)
[Detailed Description of Torghut](https://kknews.cc/zh-sg/history/mb45kl6.html)
[Portrait of Manchuk Zabu](http://img.mp.sohu.com/upload/20170626/2905dae071604b16b8291f82fda25eb8.png)
[Portrait of Wu Jingbin](http://img.mp.sohu.com/upload/20170626/6812f9d930cd497bb2d87e912f24a552.png)
- He was the penultimate Khan of Torghut (a branch of the Mongolian people in Xinjiang). His father, who broke the Qing rule against them being armed, created a cavalry division and died in 1917. Manchuk Zabu was only 2 years old at this time, so his uncle Sengchen Rinpoche became the regent. Sengchen Rinpoche was a Nasir-like political reformer and trained Manchuk Zabu as a cavalry general.
- **OTL:** In 1932, Sengchen Rinpoche refused to send troops to Kumul and was killed by Jin Shuren. In 1937, Sheng Shicai arrested Manchuk Zabu, disbanding the Torghut Cavalry Division. Manchuk Zabu became insane from Sheng's poison, and he handed the reign of Torghut to his wife: Wu Jingbin.
- **KRTL:** Yang Zengxin didn't die early, so this Torghut cavalry division could be a flavor event.


[Biography and Portrait of Basbai Chorac](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B7%B4%E4%BB%80%E6%8B%9C%C2%B7%E4%B9%94%E6%8B%89%E5%85%8B)
[Description of Basbai Sheep](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A1%94%E5%9F%8E%E5%B7%B4%E4%BB%80%E6%8B%9C%E7%BE%8A)
- He is a Kazakh Chinese and bred the red-brown fairy-faced big-tail sheeps in 1919 (called "Basbai Sheep" by the folk, which became the official name in 1989). In addition, he has also built infrastructure such as "Basbai Bridge", "Basbai Power Station" and "Basbai School". During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Korean War, he donated a plane to the government respectively (he and others raised funds to buy planes from other countries, which may be the Soviet Union).


[Biography of Bao Qingshan](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8C%85%E9%9D%92%E5%B1%B1)
[Portrait of Bao Qingshan](https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-31b7e48f52ddd495af0576e5c6c7af9d_b.png)
- He was born in Fengtian in 1887. He may have been brought to Russia by a Russian general, geologist or traveler. He studied at a church secondary school in Tbilisi. In 1918, he joined the Red Army, leading a battalion of 800 Chinese.
- **OTL:** After the end of the Russian Civil War, he disappeared.
- **KRTL:** He was found by me. As far as I think, after the defeat of the Red Army, he fled to Xinjiang.


[Biography and Portrait of Liu Ding](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%88%98%E9%BC%8E)
[Description of the Flying Thunder](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A3%9E%E9%9B%B7)
[Photo of the Flying Thunder](https://i1.read01.com/4JJ9hoTBUzQ0h1NtHNXPvm4/0.jpg)
[Photo of the Flying Thunder](https://i4.ponews.net/a194f9b2de52486aba1d4f5d017473a8988626.jpg)
[Another Description of the Flying Thunder](https://inf.news/en/military/6e699532089296ae19087efaee0b3831.html)
- He invented an improvised mortar called the "Flying Thunder". This weapon was concentrated in the latter stages of the Second Chinese Civil War and was quickly phased out (replaced by better equipment) in the Korean War. Due to the incompetence, the Kuomintang army were intimidated by this weapon and named it "The Unscrupulous Artillery".


[Biography and Portrait of Li Pinxian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Pinxian)
[Biography of King Huai of Chu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Huai_of_Chu)
[Description of the Grave Robbery](https://www.sohu.com/a/492461949_120147746)
- In 1938, he robbed the tomb of King Huai of Chu in Shou County, Anhui.


[Biography and Portrait of Li Yuri](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9D%8E%E6%B5%B4%E6%97%A5)
[His research on Sun Tzu's Art of War](http://www.leeyuri.org/sunzibingfa.html)
- He was the first person to study and modernize "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in the ROC era.


[Biography and Portrait of Fan Xudong](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%8C%83%E6%97%AD%E4%B8%9C/7365386)
[Detailed Description of Fan Xudong](https://www.hunantoday.cn/article/202108/202108101740362522.html)
- He founded China's first refined salt factory, the first soda factory, the first ammonium sulfate factory, etc.
- In 1925, Li Jinglin of Fengtian Clique asked Fan to donate 200,000 to the army, but Fan refused and was imprisoned. Later, Fan's company sent someone to bring 80,000 to redeem him.
- In 1937, he produced the first batch of ammonium sulfate products in China.


[Biography and Portrait of He Lian](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BD%95%E5%BB%89)
[Description of the Sinicization of Economics](http://www.nkear.com/News/201605/201605101716266.htm)
- He proposed the sinicization of economics.


[Biography and Portrait of Long Bojian](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%BE%99%E4%BC%AF%E5%9D%9A)
[Description of Huangdi Neijing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huangdi_Neijing)
- He has been engaged in the research and arrangement of "Huangdi Neijing" for a long time.


[Biography and Portrait of Yi Peiji](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%98%93%E5%9F%B9%E5%9F%BA)
[The truth about the Theft of Cultural Relics](http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2005-09-28/04367052484s.shtml)
- The Palace Museum was established in October 1925, and he was its first director.
Zhang Ji, one of the leaders of the right wing of the Kuomintang, was chairman of the National Cultural Relics Management Committee in 1928. Zhang had a feud with Yi because he couldn't control the Palace Museum. In 1933, the government decided to transfer the antiques from the Palace Museum. However, a large number of antiques were found to be fakes, and it was suspected that Yi stole those genuine items. Coupled with Zhang's bewitchment, Yi was dismissed.
- In fact, there are many fakes in the museum's collection. Because the inspection is not detailed and there are few experts, many genuine products are mistaken for fakes. The "report" made a lot of mistakes in the names of the collections, not to mention the authenticity.
- From 1949 to 1959, the Palace Museum counted many genuine items from those fakes.


[Biography and Portrait of Kunggur Guanglu](https://site.douban.com/125457/widget/notes/4971340/note/823724951/)
- Because he is mainly active in Xinjiang, and with his pictures, he can be a puppet leader of Xinjiang.


[Biography and Portrait of Yang Junsheng](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%A8%E4%BF%8A%E7%94%9F/9695370)
[Description of the Icebreaker](http://www.shtzb.org.cn/shmj2011/node632/node636/u1a15327.html)
- He designed the Icebreaker named Tianxing (天行) in 1934. In 1936, an ice disaster unseen in a century occurred in North China, and the waters around the Dagu Port route froze. In this event, Tianxing stood out among other Icebreakers.


[Biography and Portrait of Li Linsi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Linsi)
- He was an educator and diplomat who promoted military exchanges between China and Germany before World War II, and translated a book called Thoughts of a Soldier that Hans von Seeckt gave to Chiang Kai-shek. He is a friend of Jiang Baili and helped Jiang translate many military works. After Shanghai was occupied by Japan, he stayed in Shanghai to initiate the Non-cooperation movement, known as China's Mahatma Gandhi.


[Biography and Portrait of Luo Zhenyu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luo_Zhenyu)
[Biography and Portrait of Luo Zhenyu](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%BD%97%E6%8C%AF%E7%8E%89/119186)
- He was one of the first scholars to decipher the oracle bone script, and produced many important scholarly works researching the bronzeware script. 


[Biography and Portrait of Sa Bendong](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%90%A8%E6%9C%AC%E6%A0%8B)
[More photos about him](https://posts.careerengine.us/p/61b32cc75f16a172cc3d20af?from=latest-posts-panel&type=title)
- He is a physicist. In 1936, he published the "Dyadic Algebra Applied to 3 Phase Circuits" in the journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, which aroused a strong response from the international electrotechnical theoretical circle and it was considered to have a new research branch of electrical engineering.


[Biography of Zhang Fuliang](https://www.meiwen.com.cn/subject/emrvxhtx.html)
[Description of Ruralize the Christian Church](https://www.sohu.com/a/275278205_99912564)
- He is a Christian and has participated in the rural construction in Jiangxi. He favors gradualist land reform, and favors KMT's land reform in Taiwan rather than the CCP's in mainland China. He isn't important, the important thing is the phenomenon of "Ruralize the Christian Church". Like CCP, the Christian Church discovered the majority of China's population was peasants, and more missionary work should be done in the countryside. From 1920s to 1930s, they also participated in the rural construction. By 1949, the largest percentage of Christian believers in China were peasants.


[Biography and Portrait of Zhang Yuanshan](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%90%A8%E6%9C%AC%E6%A0%8B)
[Biography and Portrait of Zhang Yuanshan](https://m.thepaper.cn/baijiahao_6321851)
[Description of the China International Famine Relief Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_International_Famine_Relief_Commission)
- He was mainly involved in disaster relief and was the chairman of China International Famine Relief Commission.


[Biography and Portrait of Jin Yun'e](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%9D%B3%E4%BA%91%E9%B9%97)
[Description of Mount Jigong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Jigong)
- From 1898 to 1936, over 300 villas of various styles were built on Mount Jigong by foreign missionaries of different countries and the area became a famed summer resort. Mount Jigong has almost become an international concession.
- In 1921, Jin Yun'e couldn't find a Chinese villa in Mount Jigong, he took control of the mountain by force and built a luxurious villa named "Yi Lu" (颐庐) on it. "Lu" (庐) means shabby house, implying that Chinese shabby houses are better than foreigners' villas. After the villa was completed, many Chinese celebrities congratulated him, and the Wuhan military also sent a visiting group. Also, many foreign envoys also come to visit. This move greatly increased the Chinese people's self-esteem, so "Yi Lu" is also known as "Aspiration Villa" (志气楼).
- After that, many Chinese celebrities, like Wu Peifu, also came here to visit or build villas. In pursuit of a female dramatist, Jin Yun'e built a small version of "Yi Lu" next to original "Yi Lu".


[Biography and Portrait of Kang Baiqing](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BA%B7%E7%99%BD%E6%83%85)
- He was a poet and student leader. In 1923, after studying in the United States, he formed the "New China Party". In 1926, the pretentious Kang gave up his studies and returned to China. Without him, the Party was dissolved immediately. Disappointed, Kang became Liu Xiang's secretary-general and smoked opium.


[Biography and Portrait of Zhou Junshi](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%91%A8%E5%9D%87%E6%97%B6)
- He studied in Germany under the tutelage of Max von Laue and studied the theory of relativity. He is a physicist and author of "Advanced Physics" and "Ballistics". Liu Xiang had hired him to come to Sichuan to instruct weapons production. Under unfavorable conditions, he produced weapons of better quality than the Hanyang Arsenal, especially the German heavy machine guns.


[Biography and Portrait of Zhang Weihan](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BC%B5%E7%B6%AD%E7%BF%B0)
[Description of the Garden City Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden_city_movement)
[The Garden City Movement in Yunnan](https://kknews.cc/culture/m6lbnpz.html)
- He is a jurist and a supporter of the Garden City Movement.


[Biography and Portrait of Wei Shizhen](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AD%8F%E6%97%B6%E7%8F%8D)
- He is a mathematician and physicist, and one of the first to introduce the theory of relativity to China. In 1936, his "Partial Differential Equation" was published, which was the first university textbook on Partial Differential Equation in China.


[Biography and Portrait of Wei Shizhen](http://www.tuanjiewang.cn/2020-04/02/content_8870630.htm)
- He is a botanist. Between 1928 and 1931, he led China's first large-scale scientific expedition and biological collection: The expedition to Mountain Yao in Guangxi. This expedition found more than 10,000 animal specimens and more than 40,000 plant specimens.


[Biography and Portrait of Shi Shenghan](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%9F%B3%E5%A3%B0%E6%B1%89)
- He is an agronomist and botanist who participated in the expedition of Mountain Yao. After the establishment of PRC, he wrote many ancient Chinese agricultural books with modern annotated annotations, such as "Fan Shengzhi Shu" (氾胜之书), "Qimin Yaoshu" (齐民要术), "Simin Yueling" (四民月令) and "Nongzheng Quanshu" (农政全书).
Flamefang commented 2 years ago

Hi Noel and IDCWYA,

Our conversion to the new character system is ongoing, and mainly happening on-branch, so a lot of these oversights/errors are either a product of that, or will be fixed during it. Because that's an involved and lengthy process, I can't promise anything above will be individually addressed, but it's definitely a convenient point of reference as we move forward.


ghost commented 2 years ago

@PPsyrius Updated portrait related issues at the end, please check.

ghost commented 2 years ago

@Flamefang Also updated the category of Bugs (including Typos), please check.

ghost commented 2 years ago

@PPsyrius @Flamefang This page have been reordered and a lot of new content has been added. Don't worry, Noel says this is the last update. Many of the sources are in Chinese. If you guys don't understand, you can ask the Chinese Translation Team of Kaiserreich. Noel and I don't care and don't take on the translation work.

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it was created more than a month ago. Any dev is now free to relabel, close or implement it.

Pelmen323 commented 2 years ago

With ministers yeeted, the report is no longer actual. Closing it