Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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All Nations - Countries Not Producing Tanks #23014

Closed Minuda closed 1 year ago

Minuda commented 1 year ago

Quick questions: OS: Windows 10 HOI4 version: Avalanche v1.12.14.50e7 (5555) Kaiserreich version: Beta 0.26 List any other mods used: All mods in "The OFFICIAL Kaiserreich Collection" MINUS the Internationales Music Mod. Were you using Steam? Yes Were you in multiplayer? No Which expansions do you NOT have? I have every expansion minus the pre-order bonus for BBA.

Save file:


Logs: (At least game and error log)

I cannot upload either the game or error log from my PC. I had originally already made most of this entire error report, but I needed to relaunch KR for screenshots since I forgot them. Unfortunately KR crashed everything including the github that was opened on Chrome, meaning I lost my draft, and the uploaded logs with them. While I would just use the newer logs as a replacement, they are for some reason not on my PC. I have no files pertaining to my PC's KR logs at this time, just ones from Vanilla*

Explanation of the issue: Upon starting a new game, there will be no ai nations putting factories on any tanks regardless as to whether or not tank divisions are being used. It is worth noting that in the save game I had manually tagged over to Germany and gave them factories on tanks, but after tagging back, Germany removed the factories on tanks.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch the game with all DLCs enabled, and all official KR mods minus the Internationales playlist.

  2. Set the AI with the following changes: (Unsure if necessary, continue reading)

    • Aftermath of Feb. 17: Reforms KP/DC
    • Disruption in Pillars: PvdV/VVD
    • Future of Ita. Rep.: Republic Surv - PLD
    • Sejm Elections: MKP Kingdom
    • Path of Resistance: No Revolt
    • Watch on Skagerrak: Democracy
    • King's Deadlock: Democracy - NSA Coalition
    • All The King's Men: Democracy
    • March on Hel: Mannerheim's Ascendancy
    • Pleb. in North Atlantic: Remain with Denmark
    • Aftermath of Ass: No Civil War
    • Russian Foreign. Pol: Expansionism
    • Disunited Duchy: Dem - DbDP
    • Congress of Hramada: NDA Ascension
    • Blood on the Dnipro: Hetmanate - All the Hetman's Men
    • The Ottoman Reformation: Mustafa Kemal
    • Rus-Oto Convention: Failure

Possible cause: Uncertain, testing this again on my laptop even without setting any AI routes presented the exact same bug; however I was able to observe Germany removing it's two factories on tanks in the first week of the game.

*(Pertaining to missing logs) I do have the game logs from my testing on the laptop, which show ai errors coming from presumably trying to load every single ai preset I've made at once, this is something that I saw on the PC logs before I lost them. I am unsure if this is causing the AI to remove factories on tanks, but for clarities' sake, I have attached the game and error logs from my laptop in the hopes that it might aid the investigation.




The first three screenshots depict Germany, France, and Russia not building any tanks. The forth screenshot depicts Germany and France engaged in a tank duel in Spain, with Germany is suffering from a massive strength issue.

Screenshot (35) Screenshot (36) Screenshot (37) Screenshot (38)

Cazadorian commented 1 year ago

This seems to be working as designed. The AI will focus tank production exclusively on medium tanks, and nations like Germany or France that start with heavies or lights will generally use up their starting tanks through volunteers and switch over to medium tank divisions by the 2WK.