Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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ROM - Romanian endonyms for Southern/Southwestern Ukraine + state border change for those same two states. #24165

Open MrWowski opened 5 months ago

MrWowski commented 5 months ago

Quick questions: HOI4 version: Latest Kaiserreich version: Latest (1.0.3?)

Describe the specific change you would like:

Vinnitsya should perhaps become Vinnicea(? - Romanians among the devs could perhaps think of a better name), but OTL that nane was never changed as it was never under Romanian control, which is why I'd suggest changing the Vinnitsya state and its borders. The eastern border of the so-called Transnistria Governorate was the Bug river. That's not the case in KR and I'd suggest that be changed in here too, again, to the Bug River as a border for the current Vinnitsya state (which would also see the Vinnitsya victory point move elsewhere into a neighboring state) and renaming that same state to Mogilev/Mohyliv.

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: It's mostly a case of "why not?". Greece can have Greek names over most of Asia Minor without any possible claims/cores on most of it and it did not ever control most of that territory after the year 1071AD (and at the time ''Greece" was actually the Eastern Roman Empire), meanwhile Romania has a strong case for owning this territory, including in OTL. Also, sometimes Ukraine may end up in a faction with Austria and it's at least somewhat satisfying to take something from them should you fight it as Romania.

Additional context or comments: I've attached an image explaining how my suggestion should, in theory, work. Orange X is the Odessa state. Yellow X is the current Vinnitsa state. The red lines are their current borders. The green line is my suggested border change. Of course that'd leave Vinnitsya outside of its own state, which is why that state should be renamed to Mogilev/Mohyliv/Moghilau. The rest of Vinnitsya state as well as the VP itself can/should be attached to any of the neighboring states 1, 2 or 3 (I personally believe 1 would work best). If changing states and their borders is not an option, just change the victory point names to more Romanian ones. I've also attached a map of the historical Transnistria governorate of WW2. KR-suggestion

PPsyrius commented 5 months ago

I doubt the border change suggested here could be done as that's under @MatoroTBS and @katieluka01 's jurisdiction, but renames are a fair game here - will try to get this implemented tonight.

PPsyrius commented 5 months ago

Romanian endonyms for those two states are now implemented, but gonna keep the issue open until a decision is given on the border adjustment here.

MrWowski commented 5 months ago
