Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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SWI - Should not be able to declare war on 3I right after peacing out with them #24390

Closed ltallen closed 4 months ago

ltallen commented 5 months ago
Please Note (click to expand) Suggestions that don't match this template will be closed. We understand this can seem harsh, but in order to ensure we are able to keep on track of bugs other serious issues it is vital our issue tracker is kept organised. The kinds of suggestions that will get close and directed elsewhere include, but are not limited to: - Anything that suggests adding new content - Anything that is focused around changing lore - Anything that will take a significant amount of time to implement - Anything that isn't specific and actionable change about existing content, as the template specifies Please know that this isn't out of any disrespect for the ideas you might have for the mod, and encourage people with a passion to get involved either on the subreddit, the discord or even via joining the team itself. But that being said, suggestions that don't match this template will be closed.

Quick questions HOI4 version: Bolivar v1.14.3.6de2 (21de) Kaiserreich version: 1.1

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: I was playing as Ireland, and in early 1941 the Syndintern was losing to the Reichspakt. France had earlier taken Romandy, causing SWI to go NatPop. Since France was losing, they surrendered to SWI and gave up all of Savoy. However, about a month later SWI declared on SRI for Valdaosta, meaning that the 3I gave up land to SWI in exchange for nothing.

Describe the specific change you would like: When making this peace deal, SWI should either get all their claims on the target faction, or they should be inhibited from declaring against that faction either permanently or for an extended amount of time.

Additional context or comments: Save file

Alpinia commented 4 months ago
