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BUL, OTT, ETS - changes and additions #24560

Closed MrWowski closed 2 weeks ago

MrWowski commented 4 months ago

Quick questions HOI4 version: Latest. Kaiserreich version: Again, latest. I think it's 1.1.2. (In case one of the devs views it, can they explain why HOI4 and KR versions are required for a suggestion? I get why about bugs, but why is it there for suggestions too?)

Describe the specific change you would like: BUL:

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: BUL:

Furthermore, it is a case of ''why not'': Tito can become an easter egg leader of Yugoslavia in KR, and Zhivkov is pretty similar to him; both are considered the personifications of the Communist past in their respective countries. Now, OTL Zhivkov was pretty much a nobody in the Communist party in the 30s, but in KR this could change and have a logical reason for it.



I'm not sure if it can join the MA on its own volition even or only Russia can invite it. In the KR universe, I'd expect ETS to wish to join (or form on its own) a greater Turkestan spreading from Xinjiang to the Caspian, with great influence coming from the only other major Turkic state - the Ottoman Empire. (Can they join the Istanbul pact as of the current update? While I'm writing this suggestion I started an Ottomans game just to check that.)

I suppose that formation of an ETS-formed Turkestan could go a bit like this: Germany could, with Afghan and Ottoman assistance (Afghanistan can join the Reichspakt now and help invade Russia) form a Central Asian bloc of nations, which in-game would be represented as Germans and/or Ottomans having military access, the member nations having military access to each other and a national spirit. It would include East Turkestan and (maybe, but highly unlikely if the Ottomans eat it) Iran. WW2 ends with a German victory and the formation of a greater Turkestan. Once Turkestan becomes unified, which would be post-Weltkrieg, Germany and the Ottomans could fight over it by the use of an influence mechanic of sorts. If Iran remains independent during the course of this and joins the Reichspakt through the ''pact with Iran'' decision Germany gets, then there could be some infighting within that potential Central Asian bloc. Turkestan would probably claim Ashghabat as its own, but it'll likely be under Iran still, Afghanistan would want Badakshan (which in-game is represented by a claim)

I absolutely believe that especially an OHF/Kemalist government would be very amicable with ETS and form a tight bond with it, and that a Liberal/HIF government wouldn't refuse assistance to the Uyghurs either. I firmly think that ETS's most logical partner and biggest supporter on the world stage would be the Ottomans and not so much the Russians.

Considering that, I also think that a potential ETS revamp or rework, especially if it's not as in-depth as I suggested (and my suggestion is a VERY rough example) should absolutely be released together with an Ottoman rework.

Additional context or comments: Not much else to add, except, devs, please answer me down here if you think I am wrong on something. And not just devs, but others too. Thank you for the attention.

Limfjorden commented 4 months ago

I think you should split these suggestion into three issues. They have nothing to do with eachother, so why are they in the same issue?

MrWowski commented 3 months ago

@Limfjorden For two reasons. One; the Ottomans and Bulgaria are obviously related and so is East Turkestan, with the Ottomans being a major advocate (according to ETS lore) for their independence.

Secondly, I did not want to spam multiple suggestions, much easier and less of a spammy mess to just put them into one.

Limfjorden commented 3 months ago

One; the Ottomans and Bulgaria are obviously related (...)

You'll have to explain why

  • change Georgi Dimitrov's ideology from Radical Socialist to Totalist.
  • add Valko Chervenkov as an alternative Totalist leader.
  • add Todor Zhivkov as a RadSoc.

has anything to do with

  • Turkish endonyms for the entire Arab Peninsula, perhaps maybe the SocLib path could convert them to vilayets.

Because I don't think it's obvious what their relation is.

Secondly, I did not want to spam multiple suggestions, much easier and less of a spammy mess to just put them into one.

If you seperate your suggestions into more issues, it will be easier for the team to manage, because they can close each issue once (if) it gets implemented. When you have these three unrelated suggestions in one issue, you are not making it easier to manage; you are making it harder. They may agree with your suggestions about bulgaria, but not the other two. When the issue is closed as resolved it would create ambiguity over which exactly of your suggestions were implemented.

MrWowski commented 3 months ago

Well, yes, in that specific regard all these aren't related, true. You're correct. I was about to say the two are related historically in real life, but realized it doesn't matter much in the context of this conversation.

And for the other thing, what do I do with this suggestion now? Do I just break it into two (or three? or four even?) and make as many specific issues as needed, or can this post stay the way it is and I should just not merge things like this in the future? I mean, making three or more posts at this point WILL indeed be a spammy mess, wouldn't it?

Whatever the case, answer me please instead of deleting it, since I'm far too lazy to re-write the thing. I want to have somewhere to copy and paste it from. I don't see how to draft it, so yeah.

Limfjorden commented 3 months ago

I think if you just make two more issues and seperate it by tag, it will be fine. I like your bulgaria suggestion, so keep it here, while moving the others to new issues. It shouldn't take long :)

MrWowski commented 3 months ago


DerEherneRaecher commented 2 weeks ago

(Closing this since it has been split into two issues)