Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

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RUS, TRM - Suggestions #24586

Open BasedDepartmentGuy opened 4 months ago

BasedDepartmentGuy commented 4 months ago

Quick questions HOI4 version:current Kaiserreich version:current

Describe the specific change you would like: 1) image

Remove the first option in this event (state religion variant) if Russia's ideology is soclib/socdem or marklib.

2) Change the flag of Russia, reunited by democratic Transamur, to simple Russian tricilour that non-socialist/non-imperial/non-natpop have one. image

3) Rename all socialist parties into something one, for example "Far Eastern Socialist Party" image

4) Rename soclib party into the same as marklib party, and make marklib leader also a leader of soclibs. image

5) Make impossible to get Zinoviev as a minister if he's a leader image

6) Socialist Russia should be buffed in terms of ideologies's popularities. When socialist coup happens, it looks like nothing really happened, you stay with same small leftist popularities and huge rightist popularities of ideologies. I would probably make effect in this event for minus of NatPop, Pataut, Authdem and Soccon popularities tbh


7) Not sure should this suggestion be or not.... but its strange that cossack ataman and white officer has any chance to be a minister for socialists. Considering that current Radsocs are the most right wing in socrus, only they should be able to get this minister


8) Make Mikhail Dieterikhs as a natpop leader of Transamur


Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change:

1) Russian soclibs, socdems and marklibs historically were secularist parties (SRs, Mensheviks and Kadets), so it makes non sense for them to declare a state religion.

2) Democratic Transamur that united Russia uses same flag as a pataut reunited Russia by Transamur, which makes little sense. Maybe simple tricolour should be used for socdems, soclibs and marklibs?

3-4) Transamur have a strange tendency by having a same leader for all socialist parties, described as a separate ones. Considering that this guy was a bolshevik OTL, why not just rename all parties into one socialist party?

As for soclibs, its very strange that OTL bolshevik also uses soclib slot. Marklib leader Pepelyaev was a member of Kadets, a liberal party. So probably he should also lead a soclibs and soclibs should be same party as a marklibs.

5) Other leaders cannot be a ministers if they're already leaders (Sverdlov, Spiridonova, etc)

6) Explained above

7) Explained above

8) Dieterikhs was confirmed to be a natpop leader for Transamur in future rework. Current Transamur have a generic leader for natpops, so it could be a problem's solution.

Additional context or comments:

Why930 commented 4 months ago

I think p6 is necessary.we had 50% popularity in SOV,But just 30% popularity in RUS now(can rise the focus”help the people“ bonus from 5% to 20%