Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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bharatiya commune/dominion of india. problem using bharatiya commune, dominion of india doesnt stop existing. #24703

Open rimreporter opened 3 weeks ago

rimreporter commented 3 weeks ago


windwos 11

HOI4 Version {5a08}

Kaiserreich Version


List any other mods used

useful rockets

Were you using Steam?


Were you in multiplayer?


Which expansions do you NOT have?

trial of allegiance

Explanation of the Issue

playing as bharatiya commune i took control of the dominion of india and capitulated them but never received a peace confrence to annex them and remove them from existence and when i used search bar to look up the dominion it says they still exist even though they have no territory it just zoomed into rajputana and so im stuck in a never ending war with them and the entente. unlike the princely federation which capitulated and then i annexed them and they stopped existing

Steps to reproduce

i was playing with historical ai off two times and you can reproduce it by either being attacked by the ai of dominon and princely federation or by declaring war on them with national focus the final showdown. and then fully controll all dominion territorys.

Possible Cause

i have no idea what could cause the dominion from continuing to exist after capitulating and losing all their territory. i heard form others on kr discord that usually you get a white peace with the entente which i never received because the dominion continued to be at war with me.


Screenshot 2024-06-11 083709

Save File

things going good.zip

Log Files


Important Files Attached

Alpinia commented 1 week ago

According to the save game file, you have already gotten a peace offer from the Entente, but it was refused.