Describe the specific change you would like:
Make the "Recovering from Civil War", "Economic Devastation from the Civil War" and the Resistance Spirits be either better or worst depending on:
The Amount of Causalities all factions have taken during the Civil War
What Year the Civil War ended
Overall damage of all states (States that seen combat)
Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change:
Every single time the USA joins without any real consequences with the debuffs not reflecting the direness across the country. But of course, inflicting an absolutely brutal debuff for a civil war (Olson-Reed Compromise being an example) is not fair. But its also not fair for a CSA to win in 1943 and immediately join the 3I to steamroll Europe.
Additional context or comments:
I will be willing to support and try provide drafts on how this dynamic debuff will work
Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.14.8 Kaiserreich version: 1.1.4
Describe the specific change you would like: Make the "Recovering from Civil War", "Economic Devastation from the Civil War" and the Resistance Spirits be either better or worst depending on:
Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: Every single time the USA joins without any real consequences with the debuffs not reflecting the direness across the country. But of course, inflicting an absolutely brutal debuff for a civil war (Olson-Reed Compromise being an example) is not fair. But its also not fair for a CSA to win in 1943 and immediately join the 3I to steamroll Europe.
Additional context or comments: I will be willing to support and try provide drafts on how this dynamic debuff will work