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Russia: Several suggestions about decisions (and focus tree) #3387

Closed Gideones closed 5 years ago

Gideones commented 5 years ago

Hello Kaiserreich Team, I have several suggestions about decisions for Russia.
Sorry for my English and wall of text.

@PART 1 SUGGESTIONS - NEW DIVISIONS BASED ON TYPE OF GOVERNMENT - because russian army don't trained and in first years this decisions may give Russia several well trained division. And, maybe, in this decisions you give a players more lore about governments.

1.Recreating of Russian Imperial Guard - Only "Invite legitimise tsar" and "Crown Dmitry" FOCUSES Text: Name of Decision (in this place and following): Re-establish Russian Imperial Guard Text of Decision (in this place and following): Now, when Tsar come back to power, we need more loyal to him soldiers. In this modern times we needed in old guard, but with experience and excellent training. We need re-establish Russian Guard on the basics of quality and lineage. This men will protect rule of our autocratic Tsar.

Cost - 200 PP

Effects - Create 4 divisions in Petrograd (EXP LEVEL - 5)


Names of divisions (based on historical names of guard regiments) 'Preobrazhenskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 'Semyenovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 'Izmaylovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 'Pavlovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya

2.Recreating of Russian Imperial Guard - ONLY CONSTITIONAL MONARCHY Text: Re-establish Russian Imperial Guard Now, when Tsar come back to power, we need more loyal to him soldiers. In this modern times we needed in not aristocratic guard, but guard with experience and excellent training. We need re-establish Russian Guard on the basics of quality, not lineage. This men will protect rule of our benevolent Tsar.

Cost - 200 PP

Effects - Create 6 divisions in Petrograd (EXP LEVEL - 4)


Names of divisions (based on historical names of guard regiments) 'Preobrazhenskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 'Semyenovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 'Izmaylovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 'Pavlovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 1ya Strelkovaya 'Ego Velichestva' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya 2ya Strelkovaya 'Tsarskoselskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya

3.Create aristocratic army corps - only "A republic of aristocrats" FOCUS and needed FOCUS "An Aristocratic Army" Text: Establish Aristocratic Army Corps In this modern times we need strong and powerful army who loyal to our government. Many young aristocrats needs in education and our country needs in they minds and hands. We establish Aristokraticheskiy Armeyskiy Korpus (Aristocratic Army Corps) which grant them proper education and give us excellent trained soldiers and officers.

Cost - 150 PP Effects - -5 ST, create 5 divisions in Petrograd (EXP LEVEL - 4)


Names of Divisions (fictional) 1y 'Presidentskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus (Presidential) 2y 'Slavny' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus (Glorious) 3y 'Synov Otechestva' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus (Sons of Fatherland) 4y 'Imeni Suvorova' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus (Name of Suvorov) 5y 'Rytsarey Rossii' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus (Knights of Russia)

4.Reorganize army - only "A democratic republic" FOCUS and needed "Reinforce Governmental Power" FOCUS Text: Reorganize army Now, when we strengthen democratic rule over Russia we need more experienced army formations. But unfortunately many of experienced soldiers and officers placed in our army without recognition. If we truly needed in well trained divisions, maybe we can put them together?

Cost - 150 PP Effects - -20 Army EXP, create 10 divisions in Moskva (EXP LEVEL - 3)

Template - simple divisions of Pekhotnaya Diviziya

5.Formation of Natsgvardiya Divisions - only "Savinkov is new Vozhd!" FOCUS and needed "Natsgvardiya" FOCUS Text: Create Natsgvardiya Army Wing In this cruel and chaotic time, we will need a new army. This new army, formed from veterans of NRPR, will include only the best of the best. Russia will become the safest place on Earth in only one case - when it will be protected of our new patriotic army.

Cost - 200 PP

Effects - add technology Military Police I, create 5 divisions in Moskva. (EXP - 5)


Names of Divisions (based on names of modern special forces squads of National Guard of Russia) - wait, what!? Oh, sh... 1ya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Rus' 2ya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Vityaz' 3ya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Vyatich' 4ya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Rosich' 5ya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Ermak'

6.Creation of Veteran Army Corps - Only "A military dictatorship" FOCUS and needed "Military Spirit" FOCUS Text: Create Veteran Army Corps Now, when weak liberal republic falls, we will need unite our nation under one banner. Our old comrades and brothers want to help us restored our beloved Russia in their former glory. We will create Veteranskiy Armeyskiy Korpus (Veteran Army Corps) consisting from veterans of Wieltkieg and Russian Civil War.

Cost - 200 PP

Effects - create 6 divisions in Moskva. (EXP - 5)


Names of Divisions (based on white forces in RCW) 1y Veteranskiy Korpus 'Yuga Rossii' (South of Russia) 2y Veteranskiy Korpus 'Severa Rossii' (North of Russia) 3y 'Kornilovskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus (Name of Kornilov) 4y 'Yunkerskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus (Junkers) 5y 'Belogvardeyskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus (White Guard) 6y 'Ofitserskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus (Officers)

LISTS OF NAMES FOR NEW DIVISIONS - semi-based on historical names, semi-fictional (maybe have a opportunity to do so this lists used in certain conditions?)

For Imperial Guard ( both Autocratic and Constitutional) - RUS_GRD_01 = { name = "Imperial Guard"

for_countries = { RUS }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" "mechanized" "motorized" }

# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { RUS_GRD_01 }

fallback_name = "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry). 
# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =
    1 = { "%dya Strelkovaya 'Ego Velichestva' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    2 = { "%dya Strelkovaya 'Tsarskoselskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    3 = { "%dya Strelkovaya 'Ego Velishestva' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    4 = { "%dya Strelkovaya 'Imperatorskoy Famlilii' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    5 = { "%dya Grenadyerskaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    6 = { "%dya Grenadyerskaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    7 = { "%dya 'Ee Velichestva Gosudaryni Imperatitsy Marii Fyedorovny' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    8 = { "%dya Grenadyerskaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    9 = { "%dya 'Ego Imperatorskogo Velishestva' Svodnaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    10 = { "%dya 'Ee Velichestva Gosudaryni Imperatitsy Aleksandry Fyedorovny' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    11 = { "%dya 'Ego Imperatorskogo Vysochestva Naslednika Tsesarevicha' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    12 = { "%dya 'Ego Imperatorskogo Vysochestva velikogo knyazya Pavla Aleksandrovicha' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    13 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    14 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    15 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    16 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    17 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    18 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    19 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    20 = { "%dya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    100 = { "'Preobrazhenskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    101 ={ "'Semyenovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    102 = { "'Izmaylovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    103 = { "'Pavlovskaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    104 = { "Moskovskaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    105 = { "Petrogradskaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    106 = { "'Belaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    107 = { "'Molodaya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    108 = { "'Staraya' Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }
    109 = { "Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Lichnaya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya" }


For Aristocratic Corps - RUS_GRD_02 = { name = "Aristocratic Corps"

for_countries = { RUS }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "cavalry" "mechanized" "motorized" }

# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { RUS_GRD_02 }

fallback_name = "%dy Aristokraticheskiy Korpus"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry). 
# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =
    1 = { "%dy 'Presidentskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Presidential
    2 = { "%dy 'Slavny' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Glorious
    3 = { "%dy 'Synov Otechestva' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Sons of Fatherland
    4 = { "%dy 'Imeni Suvorova' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Name of Suvorov
    5 = { "%dy 'Rytsarey Rossii' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Knights of Russia
    6 = { "%dy 'Otvazhny' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Brave
    7 = { "%dy 'Pobedonosny' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Victorious
    8 = { "%dy 'Naslednikov' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Heirs
    9 = { "%dy 'Velichiya Rossii' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Greatness of Russia
    10 = { "%dy 'Gvardeyskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Guards
    11 = { "%dy 'Senatorskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Senate
    12 = { "%dy 'Dumskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Duma
    13 = { "%dy 'Respublikanskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Republican
    14 = { "%dy 'Imeni Brusilova' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Name of Brusilov
    15 = { "%dy 'Shturmovoy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Assault
    16 = { "%dy 'Strazhey Rodiny' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Guardians of Motherland
    17 = { "%dy 'Imeni Aleksandra Nevskogo' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Name of Alexander Nevsky
    18 = { "%dy 'Mladshikh Synov' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Youngest Sons
    19 = { "%dy 'Ofitserskiy' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Officers
    20 = { "%dy 'Imeni Kutuzova' Aristokraticheskiy Korpus" } #Name of Kutuzov


For Natsgvardiya RUS_GRD_03 = { name = "Natsgvardiya"

for_countries = { RUS }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" "mechanized" "motorized" }

# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { RUS_GRD_03 }

fallback_name = "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry). Not all of these names historical. Several of them it's fictional names.
# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =
    1 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Rus'" }
    2 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Vityaz'" } 
    3 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Vyatich'" } 
    4 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Rosich'" }
    5 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Ermak'" }
    6 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Edelweys'" }
    7 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Tayfun'" }
    8 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Obereg'" }
    9 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Ural'" }
    10 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Merkuriy'" }
    11 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Bars'" }
    12 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Sibir'" }
    13 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Ratnik'" }
    14 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Bulat'" }
    15 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Svyatogor'" }
    16 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Peresvet'" }
    17 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Skif'" }
    18 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Rosomakha'" }
    19 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Yaguar'" }
    20 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Gepard'" }
    21 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Omega'" }
    22 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Bulava'" }
    23 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Zubr'" }
    24 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Bastion'" }
    25 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Berkut'" }
    26 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Rys'" }
    27 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Terek'" }
    28 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Grifon'" }
    29 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Mirotvorets'" }
    30 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Molniya'" }
    31 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Almaz'" }
    32 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Alfa'" }
    33 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Kobra'" }
    34 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Skat'" }
    35 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Skorpion'" }
    36 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Prizrak'" }
    37 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Platon'" }
    38 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Strazha'" }
    39 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Orel'" }
    40 = { "%dya Diviziya Natsgvardii 'Volga'" }


For Veteran Corps RUS_GRD_04 = { name = "Veteran Corps"

for_countries = { RUS }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" "mechanized" "motorized" }

# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { RUS_GRD_04 }

fallback_name = "%dy Veteranskiy Korpus"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry). 
# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =
    1 = { "%dy Veteranskiy Korpus 'Yuga Rossii'" } #South of Russia
    2 = { "%dy Veteranskiy Korpus 'Severa Rossii'" } #North of Russia
    3 = { "%dy 'Kornilovskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Kornilov
    4 = { "%dy 'Yunkerskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Junkers
    5 = { "%dy 'Belogvardeyskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #White Guard
    6 = { "%dy 'Ofitserskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Officers
    7 = { "%dy 'Denikinskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Denikin
    8 = { "%dy 'Vrangelevskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Vrangel
    9 = { "%dy 'Kappelevskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Kappel
    10 = { "%dy 'Drozdovskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Drozdovskiy
    11 = { "%dy 'Markovskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Markov
    12 = { "%dy 'Sibirskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Siberia
    13 = { "%dy 'Orenburgskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Orenburg
    14 = { "%dy 'Brusilovskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Name of Brusilov
    15 = { "%dy 'Udarny' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Assault
    16 = { "%dy 'Uralskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Ural
    17 = { "%dy 'Povolzhskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Povolzh'e
    18 = { "%dy 'Doborovlcheskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Volunteer
    19 = { "%dy 'Stepnoy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Steppe
    20 = { "%dy 'Narodny' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #People
    21 = { "%dy 'Izhevskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Izhevsk
    22 = { "%dy 'Studencheskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Student
    23 = { "%dy 'Donskoy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Don
    24 = { "%dy 'Kubanskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Kuban
    25 = { "%dy 'Kavkazskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Caucas
    26 = { "%dy 'Azovskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Azov
    27 = { "%dy Veteranskiy Korpus 'Svyatogo Kresta'" } #of Saint Cross
    28 = { "%dy 'Votkinskiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Votkinsk
    29 = { "%dy 'Kazachiy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Cossack
    30 = { "%dy 'Tsvetnoy' Veteranskiy Korpus" } #Collored (it means not russian)


@PART 2 - DECISIONS CONNECTED WITH ARMY PLANS - because Russian army don't really needed in army focuses - it fights well without them. Focuses don't stand the time spent on them. In case of really useful decisions it may be change (I think), because other option - it's increase focus effects and it isn't good. And all of this organisations was in Soviet Union (part of them was created in WW2) but with different names (Main Military Engineering Command was Main Military Engineering Control) And because Denikin plan has 3 spirits, but other plans have lower number of spirits - part of this suggestions add national spirits. Because now Denikin plan more profitable then others focuses. This step (i think) will equalize all focuses.

Tree 1 - Denikin's Plan

1.Adding rifles in stockpile. Text: Inventorying of our warehouses We need more rifles for our men, but with our economic situation we doesn't have potential for producing required amount. Maybe, if we make an inventorying, can we find additional rifles?

Cost - 100 pp Effect - adding in stockpile 5000 infantry_equipment_1

2.Establish local recruitment offices (needed for Local Training Barracks FOCUS) Text: Establish Local Military Departments If we want recruiting in army more men we needed in new system of recruitment. Denikin suggest establish Mestnye Voennye Vedomstva (Local Military Departments) instead of old brigade districts. It's first part of Denikin plan of mobilisation of the masses.

Cost - 150pp Effect - -3 ST, +50000 manpower.

3.Establish new standards of infantry equipment (needed for Standardised Infantry equipment FOCUS) Text: Create GOST Before we will start produce more guns we need establish new standards of infantry equipment. We must create commission from engineers, industry leaders and scientist whom create new standard for our nation - Gosudarstvenny Standart (State Standard).

Cost - 200pp Effect - +5 ST, +1000 support equipment

4.End of Denikin's Plan (after Finish the Modernisation and Local Training Barracks FOCUSES) Text: Establish Offices of Russian Army. Final step of Denikin plan - with new equipment and more men in our army we need modernised our command structure and establish Upravleniya Rossiyskoy Armii (Offices of Russian Army). It's intermediate structure between our head-offices and our armies, that allow us to manage our new massive army.

Cost - 300pp Effect - +100000 manpower, +1000 support equipment, + 10000 infantry_equipment_1

Tree 2 - Vrangel's Plan

1.More men. Text: Summon our old officers in ranks of our army again. In this time we need all of our forces, especially well trained and organized. More men fight on our side in Weltkrieg and Russian Civil War, but now we needed in they experience again. We will lower standards for our former officers and will give them extra money for they service once more.

Cost - 100pp Effect - +15000 manpower, +10 army EXP

2.Government Order on motorised equipment (needed for Develop Mechanised Divisions FOCUS) Text: Government Order on motorised equipment We need mobile and well equipment army, but Russian state factories are not in the best condition. Maybe, civil factories might satisfy our need?

Cost - 150pp Effect - +2000 motorised equipment

3.Create officer courses (needed for National Planning School FOCUS) Text: Create State Officer Courses Army based on men, but men based on orders. Our commanders is good, but not good enough for modern warfare. We will create Gosudarstvennye Ofitserskie Kursy (State Officer Courses), which would train our officers and improved they skills.

Cost - 200pp Effect - +50 army EXP.

4.End of Vrangel's Plan (after finish National Planning School and Military Infrastructure Development FOCUSES) Text: Establish Main Military Engineering Command Final step of Vrangel plan - with new equipment and new tactics we needed new command structure, which will provide supply for our armies and support our soldiers on the front lines. We establish Glavnoe Voenno-Inzhenernoe Komandovanie (Main Military Engineering Command) and from this day, our army was unstoppable.

Cost - 300pp Effect - +2000 support_equipment, +4000 motorised_equipment, +1000 artillery_equipment_1, add spirit Main Military Engineering Command (motorised equipment cost -5%)

Tree 3 - Shatilov's Plan

1.More men Text: Recruit new officers Our old guard is good, but not good enough. We need fresh look on our tactics and strategy. We will conscript new officers from all parts of Russia and replace our command lines, but our officers hardly approve this step.

Cost - 100pp Effect - -5st, +20000 manpower, +10 army XP

2.Special courses for officers (needed for Initiative to the Commanders FOCUS) Text: Establish Special Officer Courses Our new officers is green. Before this men will be command in battle, we will need train them. We establish Osobye Ofitserskie Kursy (Special Officer Courses), which improve quality of training and education of all new officers in our army.

Cost - 150pp Effect - +25 army XP, +10000 manpower

3.New artillery (needed for National High Command Formation School FOCUS) Text: New equipment for new army Our new well-trained officers might command our soldiers, but our soldiers need more equipment in order to fulfil their plans. We will buy this equipment from civil factories, but this take a time.

Cost - 200pp Effect - +1000 artillery_equipment_1, +5000 infantry_equipment_1, +500 support_equipment

4.End of Shatilov's Plan (after National High Command Formation School FOCUS) Text: Establish Main Artillery Command After formation of National High Command Formation School we have one more question - what about support of our armies on the front lines? Shatilov suggest increase our fire power and established for this goals Glavnoe Artilleriyskoe Komandovanie (Main Artillery Command). This structure will be coordinate fire support in our battles and train our new artillerists.

Cost - 300pp Effect - +3000 artillery_equipment_1, +30 army XP, +1000 support_equipment, add spirit Main Artillery Command (artillery equipment cost -5%)

Tree 4 - Markov's Plan

1.More equipment Text: Requisitions of equipment Russian army needs in many things - rifles, cars, men. But what we truly need it's personal equipment for our soldiers. Why people don't share with they protectors? We must requisition necessary stuff.

Cost - 100pp Effect - -5st, +500 support_equipment, +3000 infantry_equipment_0

2.More tanks (needed for Armoured Unit Modernisation FOCUS) Text: Establish Main Tank Command If we want increase of numbers of our tanks, we need special organisation, which control tank production and tank command in all spheres. We establish Glavnoe Tankovoe Komanodvanie (Main Tank Command), which will control our tank production lines and train our tank pilots.

Cost - 150pp Effect - +15 army XP, +300 light_tank_equipment_1, add spirit Main Tank Command (organisation of tank units +5%)

3.Even more tanks (needed for Import Foreign Specialists FOCUS) Text: Establish Special Engineer Command We need more tank engineers, but our devastated country can't handle with our request. But our enemies have tank designers and many of them might serve to Russia, if we will interest them. We establish Osoboe Inzhenernoe Komandovanie (Special Engineer Command), which provide our suggestion about new job to this specialists and will watch for new engineering novelties from all world.

Cost - 200pp Effect - -5 st, +40 army XP, +400 light_tank_equipment_1, +100 heavy_tank_equipment_1

4.End of Markov's Plan (after Import Foreign Specialists and National Armoured School FOCUSES) Text: Markov Recruitment Plan Now, we have well trained tank specialists, many of tank designs and our army is unstoppable! But if we recruit and train more men and increase of our production lines, we will have greatest and strongest army in the world.

Cost - 300pp Effect - -10st, +20 army xp, +30000 manpower, +500 light_tanks_equipment_1, +200 heavy_tank_equipment_1, add spirit Markov Recruitment Policy (recruitable population +1%, training time -5%, stability -5)


Russo-Japanese war and Second Weltkrieg

1.Mobilise masses in Siberia (maybe, only for player?) Text: Mobilise masses in Siberia If we want win in war, we need more men. Luckily, we have more men, when we needed in Siberia. If we recruit them in our army, we don't needed in men in few years.

Cost - 100pp Effect - +200000 manpower, -10st

2.Recreate Cossack Army Forces Text: Recreate Cossack Army Forces In time of war, we needed in well trained army with high experience. Our pre-Weltkrieg forces included cossacks, but, after Wltkrieg, many of them flee to Don-Kuban Union. It's a time for recreate of Kazach'i Voyska (Cossack Army Forces) formed from cossacks who loyal to our government.

Cost - 300pp Create 12 divisions (EXP - 3): Moskva - 1 Petrograd - 1 Tsaritsyn - 3 Orenburg - 3 Irkutsk - 4

Template  NAME - Kazachya Diviziya (it means Cossack Division)


Names (semi-fictional, semi-historic): Moskva: 1ya Osobaya Kazachya Diviziya (Special)

Petrograd: 2ya Osobaya Svodnaya Kazachya Diviziya

Tsaritsyn: 3ya Volzhskaya Kazachya Diviziya 4ya Tsaritsynskaya Kazachya Diviziya 5ya Volzhskaya Kazachya Diviziya

Orenburg: 6ya Orenburgskaya Kazachya Diviziya 7ya Saratovskaya Kazachya Diviziya 8ya Uralskaya Kazachya Diviziya

Irkutsk: 9ya Sibirskaya Kazachya Diviziya 10ya Zabaykalskaya Kazachya Diviziya 11ya Ussuriyskaya Kazachya Diviziya 12ya Amurskaya Kazachya Diviziya

Russo-Japanese War

1.I suggest replace Focus "Landing Effort" to Decision "Establish Russian Naval Infantry" with same description. But with different effect - add technology Marines I, add research bonus 50% for transport models.

Cost - 250pp

2.Convoys (only if own and control Okhotsk) Text: Creation of Far East Civil Fleet Now, when we at war with Japan, we need more ships on our Eastern borders. Far East don't easy to supply, because of that we need more convoys for our army. We will establish Dalnevostochny Grazhdanskiy Flot (Far East Civil Fleet), which will provide supply to our glorious army.

Cost - 100pp Effect - add 100 convoys

  1. Ships (only if own and control Okhotsk) - because Tikhookeansiy Flot is too small and weak for war with Japan Text: Creation of Siberian Flotilla. Now, when we at war with Japan, we need more ships on our Eastern borders. We need re-establish Sibirskaya Flotiliya (Siberian Flotilla) from converted civil ships, in this time not like our main fleet on Pacific Ocean, but like support fleet of our great Tikhookeanskiy Flot.

    Cost - 200pp Create fleet in Okhotsk (ID 12518)

    Fleet NAME - Sibirskaya Flotiliya Ships - 15 desroyers_1, 10 destroyers_2

    Names of Destroyers_1: Okhotskiy Rybolov (Okhotsk Fisher) Mongutay (historical name) Yakut (historical name) Angara (historical name) Mongoliya (historical name) Shkval (historical name) Sivuch (historical name) Kseniya (historical name) Tunguz (historical name) Zabiyaka (historical name) Gaydamak (historical name) Kolyma (historical name) Perepel (historical name) Ussuriets (historical name) Kamchadal (historical name)

    Names of Destroyers_2: Koreets (historical name) Okhotsk (historical name) Ermak (fictional) Sibiryachka (Siberian woman) Votyak (historical name) Manchzhur (historical name) Shilka (historical name) Ussuri (historical name) Sibiryak (Siberian man) Gornostay (historical name)

Russo-Mongolian, Russo-Chinese (Qing or another major China faction?) and Russo-Japanese Wars

1.Irkutsk (only if own and control Irkutsk) Text: Developing and fortifying of Irkutsk Now when we drawn in war on Far East, we need develop and fortify our main city in this area - Irkutsk. We put it off for too long, but now it's necessary.

Cost - 100pp Irutsk - add 2 Land Fort in ID 4797, add 2 infrastructure to ID 566, add 1 Air Base to ID 566

2.Сreation of Asian Native Corps (only if own and control Irkutsk) Text: Сreation of Asian Native Corps Now when we drawn in war on Far East and we need all of our forces to lead our country to victory. We need start formation (or recreation) notorious Aziatskiy Tuzemny Korpus (Asian Native Corps) formed from Asians in Russia whom will glad to serve to our great nation.

Cost - 100pp Effect - create 4 divisions in Irkutsk (ID 4797) (EXP 3)

  Template  Kavaleriyskaya Diviziya 

Division names: 1ya Aziatskaya Tuzemnaya Diviziya 2ya Aziatskaya Tuzemnaya Diviziya 3ya Aziatskaya Tuzemnaya Diviziya 4ya Aziatskaya Tuzemnaya Diviziya

Second Weltkrieg

1.Order "Not a step back!" (only if not control Kursk, Voronezh, Smolensk and Toropets) Text: Order "Not a step back!" In react on defeat of our forces and loss of our major cities we need issued an order which must give us new breath to fight.

Cost - 50pp

Effect - event.

Text of event: Order "Not a step back!"

"The enemy throws new forces to the front without regard to heavy losses and penetrates deep into the Russia, seizing new regions, destroying our cities and villages, and violating, plundering and killing the Russian population. The enemy already has captured Kaluga, Kursk, Voronezh, Smolensk, Vitebsk. Part of the troops of the Central front, following the panic-mongers, have left Kaluga without severe resistance and without orders, covering their banners with shame. The population of our country, who love and respect the Russian Army, start to be discouraged in her, and lose faith in the Russian Army, and many curse the Russian Army for leaving our people under the yoke of the German oppressors, and itself running east. Some stupid people at the front calm themselves with talk that we can retreat further to the east, as we have a lot of territory, a lot of ground, a lot of population and that there will always be much bread for us. They want to justify the infamous behavior at the front. But such talk is falsehood, helpful only to our enemies. Each commander, soldier and frontline commissar should understand that our means are not limitless. Now we do not have predominance over the Germans in human reserves, in reserves of bread. To retreat further - means to waste ourselves and to waste at the same time our Motherland. This leads to the conclusion, it is time to finish retreating. Not one step back! Such should now be our main slogan. It is necessary to defend each position, each meter of our territory, up to the last drop of blood, to cling for each plot of Russian land and to defend it as long as possible.

The Supreme General Headquarters of the Russian Army commands:

  1. Military councils of the fronts and first of all front commanders should form within each Front from one up to three penal divisions where commanders and appropriate commissars of all service arms who have been guilty of a breach of discipline due to cowardice or bewilderment will be sent, and put them on more difficult sectors of the front to give them an opportunity to redeem by blood their crimes against the Motherland.
  2. Military councils of armies and first of all army commanders should form within the limits of each army 3 to 5 well-armed defensive squads, and put them directly behind unstable divisions and require them in case of panic and scattered withdrawals of elements of the divisions to shoot in place panic-mongers and cowards and thus help the honest soldiers of the division execute their duty to the Motherland.
  3. Military councils of the armies, commanders and commissars of corps and divisions should unconditionally remove from their posts commanders and commissars who have accepted unwarranted withdrawal of their troops without the order of the commander, take from them their orders and medals and route them to military councils of fronts for court martial.


    Options: 1.Accept 2.This is madness. Decline.

    Effect (If accept): Add spirit "Not a step back!"(st-15, -15% war support, all divisions organisation +10%, all divisions defence +10%) Create 6 divisions (EXP 3)


Names (historic): Moskva: 1ya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya (Separate Penal) 2ya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya 3ya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya

Petrograd: 4ya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya 5ya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya 6ya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya

  1. Defence of Petrograd (only if not have full control over Petrograd state) Text: Defence of Petrograd Enemy on gates of Petrograd! We must protect our great city! We must issued an order to create city militia and form supply for them through Lake Ladoga. If Petrograd falls - we losses hurt and soul of our nation.

    Cost - 50pp

    Effect: Create 4 divisions in Petrograd (EXP 3)

    Template NAME - Opolchenie (it means Militia) RESERVES Special (not allow to disolve) MILITIA-MILITIA MILITIA-MILITIA MILITIA-MILITIA

Names (semi-historic): 1oe Petrogradskoe Opolchenie 2ye Petrogradskoe Opolchenie 3ye Petrogradskoe Opolchenie 4ye Petrogradskoe Opolchenie

For Cossack Division (semi-hisctorical names): RUS_CAV_02 = { name = "Cossack Division"

for_countries = { RUS }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "cavalry" }

# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { RUS_CAV_02 }

fallback_name = "%dya Kazachya Diviziya"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry). 
# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =
    1 = { "%dya Osobaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    2 = { "%dya Osobaya Svodnaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    3 = { "%dya Volzhskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    4 = { "%dya Tsaritsynskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    5 = { "%dya Volzhskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    6 = { "%dya Orenburgskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    7 = { "%dya Saratovskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    8 = { "%dya Uralskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    9 = { "%dya Sibirskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    10 = { "%dya Zabaykalskaya Kazachya Diviziya " }
    11 = { "%dya Ussuriyskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    12 = { "%dya Amurskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    13 = { "%dya Ufimskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    14 = { "%dya Sibirskaya 'Ermaka Timofeyevicha' Kazachya Diviziya" }
    15 = { "%dya Sibirskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    16 = { "%dya Sibirskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    17 = { "%dya Irkutskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    18 = { "%dya Baykalskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    19 = { "%dya Yeniseyskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    20 = { "%dya Beloretskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    21 = { "%dya Zlatoustskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    22 = { "%dya Chelyabinskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    23 = { "%dya Yekaternbirgskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    24 = { "%dya Voronezhskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    25 = { "%dya Donskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    26 = { "%dya Donskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    27 = { "%dya Kubanskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    28 = { "%dya Kubanskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    29 = { "%dya Semirechinskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }
    30 = { "%dya Astrakhanskaya Kazachya Diviziya" }



For Penal Division (non-historical names) - RUS_INF_02 = { name = "Penal Division"

for_countries = { RUS }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" }

# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { RUS_INF_01 }

fallback_name = "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry). 
# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =

    1 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    2 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    3 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    4 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    5 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    6 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    7 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    8 = { "%dya Otdelnaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Separate
    9 = { "%dya Offitserskaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Officers
    10 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    11 = { "%dya Offitserskaya Pekhotnaya Diviziya" } #Officers 
    12 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }     
    13 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    14 = { "%dya Kommissarskaya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" } #Commissars
    15 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    16 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    17 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    18 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    19 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }
    20 = { "%dya Shtrafnaya Diviziya" }




1.If Woman Divisions of Death has been formed - Decision about recruiting Bochkareva like general. Text: Recruit Bochkareva Maria Bochkareva it's colonel of the Russian Army and Hero of the Weltkrieg and Russian Civil War. Since we approved formation of woman divisions of death, maybe we should raise Bochkareva to the rank of army general?

Cost - 100 PP Effects - -5 ST, add new general

Name - Maria Bochkareva General characteristics: Level - 3; Attack - 3, Defence - 1, Planning - 2, Logistics - 2; Traits - Reckless, War Hero, Infantry leader, Commando. Sources for photo - https://obj.altapress.ru/picture/150249/435x.jpg or https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Bochkareva_Maria_LOC_ggbain_26866.jpg?uselang=ru or https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Bochkareva_ML.jpg?uselang=ru

IMPORTANT NOTE - Name of "Woman Division of Death" on Russian - Zhenskaya Diviziya Smerti (It's about names of divisions on event "Formation of Woman Division of Death")

  1. I suggest connected decisions and russian focuses on reorganization of army and fleet. In simple way. Only two decisions about army manoeuvres and fleet manoeuvres that unlock focuses with reorganisation of army and fleet. With low cost (like 10 or 20 PP)

3.I suggest connected event about new Russia capital with decision. This decision will appears only after establishing of government. Without cost. Because it's very stupid thing - In febrary of 1936 (after assasination of Kerensky and with chaos in Russia) Government decide move capital to Moscow. Yes, it's very important thing in this conditions and people accept this in all cases (Sarcasm).

Oh, and after "splitting within conservatives" (with const. mon path) if you have auth.dem like ruled party, you changed ruled party to Social Conservatives, but party popularity don't change (split). For example: You have ruled party "Oktyabristy", after event you change ruled party to "RS". "Oktyabristy" renamed to "Siloviki" and "RS" to "Civilians". Popularity of "Oktyabristy" before event was 60 and "RS" was 5, but now, after splitting, you have same popularity of this ideologies. "Siloviki" (former "Oktyabristy") with 60 popularity and "Civilians" (former "RS") with 5 popularity. And "Civilians" it's ruled party. And I also suggest rename major names of Civilians and Siloviki. Civilians to "Soyuz 17 Oktyabrya (Grazhdane)" (Grazhdane means Citizens, because non political party don't name himself Civilians (in way not soldiers, but in Russian language "civilians" means only not soldiers)) Siloviki to "Soyuz 17 Oktyabrya (Siloviki)" Because it's one spliited faction (original faction - "Soyuz 17 Oktyabrya") And also renamed minor name of Civilians to "Grazhdane" (including event)

Futhington commented 5 years ago

Agreed with Ropa to close these now that Gid is working on the rework with him.