Closed Akfiz closed 6 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to write this down! Iron Guard Romania is slated for a complete rework, which will address many of the issues you raise. Let me go over them:
Almost no country has a military theorist right now, so that's something the mod needs to look at as a whole.
I checked the code and it should change the law from Free Trade to Limited Exports. If the export law is already changed it doesn't do that. This is done to simulate the loss of money from the nationalization.
Common setup for all countries, so again more something for the mod in general to look at.
This might be changed, but as it stands Romania doesn't have a lot of friends. They can join the Belgrade Pact which is more of an ad hoc coalition aimed at Bulgaria, and not out of ideological similarities. The Iron Guard is a really odd movement and with them in power, I don't really see a lot of opportunities for them to create a common alliance. That said, with the rework there will be more possible factions to choose from if they change away from Codreanu's leadership.
They get a slight boost in the Echipa Mortii idea now (this might only be in the dev build currently). Since the Iron Guard only recently came to power, their support is not as broad amongst the population as Serbia's regime for example.
Yep, this will be added in the future.
I'll look at it for the rework, though according to the lore Romania's failed invasion and Hungary's policy of Magyarization has lead to a lot of Romanians fleeing to Romania. So there will be more Hungarians and Germans compared to OTL.
Core setup is very outdated, and yeah it doesn't make sense that Szekelyland is a core. They probably won't have any cores in the future outside Romania itself though, because even though there live a lot of Romanias there, it isn't exactly a "core part" of their nation: it was never part of Romania in this timeline.
Same reason as above. Romania still will be able to get cores on Transylvania + Banat though.
We disabled both manual ideology boosting and factions creating, so this isn't really relevant for KR. See the earlier notes for alliances.
This is actually an interesting thing I didn't know about. Will certainly make for a great small flavor event chain.
Other spirit suggestions will probably be added in a similar form.
Again, thanks for taking the time to write down such a comprehensive and documented list. I will keep this at hand when the rework for Iron Guard Romania comes about (currently working on focus tree and content for the Kingdom of Romania). Let me know if you have any questions or more suggestions!
@Akfiz If you are really interested in Romania and would like to give us a hand feel free to message me on discord. I'm called 'Zankoas' there as well; you'll find me on our sever here:
@wyandotte The way I understand core states is not as de jure claims in the feudal age, but rather whether the population in those areas would be okay with being part of a certain nation. In the base game Alsace-Lorraine used to be part of the German Empire before World War I so they can still have a claim on it, but Nazi Germany doesn't have a core on it because there are mostly French people living there nowdays. After Bulgaria took Southern Dobruja there was a population exchange and Romania lost the core on Southern Dobruja. Spain considers Gibraltar an integral part of their country but the population there is mostly Gibralatarian and then British. Argentina considers Falkland an integral part of their country too but there are no Argentinians in that region and they would not be okay with Argentinian rule. The region of South Tyrol although part of Italy has a German majority of 60%, making the Austrian core justifiable, in case of war the people living there would be okay fighting for Austria.
@Akfiz In KR we use claims much more than cores to show parts of foreign nations that are claimed by a country. In this case it also makes more sense to me since Greater Romania was never achieved, even though there might be a Romanian majority in some states.
I get your point though and Romania will be able to get cores quite easily on Transylvania (probably earlier than they can now in the focus tree). When conquered it should take at least a small amount of time before it's really integrated into the country.
@wyandotte Glad to hear that. When will the new update come out?
For the 2nd point, why would a country lose money from nationalizing industries? They can still export oil (Germany will be pissed off and won't buy anymore, but there are a lot more countries in Europe, some even hate Germany and will be happy to help an enemy of Germany) and the state gets to keep all the profit so shouldn't they get more money instead of losing? If anyone Germany is the one losing money because their private company used to own the oil industries and now they don't.
A similar case happened during the Mexican nationalization of the petroleum industry in 1938. When foreign extraction companies refused to pay better wages and avoided to pay taxes, President Cárdenas issued a decree creating the national oil company Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) with exclusive rights over all the oil in Mexico. This pissed off the United States, United Kingdom, and Netherlands who demanded compensation, Mexico paid the full value of the property taken. Mexican finances suffered only due to the international boycott of US, UK and Netherlands which devalued the Mexican peso, but this was short lived as Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued the Good Neighbor Policy seeking to restore the US - Mexican relations. After the nationalizartion the profits were used for social programs and infrastructure. PEMEX developed into one of the largest oil companies in the world and helped Mexico become the world's seventh largest oil exporter. Nowdays Aniversario de la Expropiación Petrolera is a civic holiday in Mexico.
Gameplay Fixes:
1) Add a military theorist for Romania. -> For military experience to change divisons faster.
2) Don't change the trade law in "Closed Economy" after the completion of the "Nationalize Oil Industry" focus. -> That's the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. Most factories that Romania has are from that oil exports. Nationalizing the oil industry doesn't mean that you no longer export oil, it means that the state gets to keep all the profit.
3) Make only one infantry division type and one cavalry division type. - Remove Infantry Divsion I/II and Cavarly Divsion I/II. The only difference between them is 1 support artilery, I thought this is the case for every other nation but it isn't, just keep one of them, it's not much but it makes it unnecessary confusing when you start the game, if the player wants to make more he will.
4) There isn't or I couldn't find a Romanian focus to create factions. - Since the nation is almost fascist (populist) it would make sense to want to influence and expand its power. (See idea number 11 for a suggestion)
5) Add "Holy Legionary Youth" (Sfanta Tinerete Legionara) Army Focus Tree that gives +3.00% recruitable population. - I know it sounds like a generic focus but in interwar Romania it happened. It wasn't forced fascism but radical activism (propaganda, especially in centers of higher education), young people and especially male college students would voluntarily join dedicating their time, money, and often their lives to transform Romania into a fascist state. Not to be confused with the Death Squad who was just traveling and singing.
Gameplay wise, this is a must, the generic tress have +5.00% recruitable, Serbia has +3.00% recruitable, Romania has nothing. In the game I played, France lost to Germany but I managed to defeat the whole faction on the eastern front in 1942. The problem was that after I finished I had 150k manpower left which wasn't enough for Austria who became a federacy (worst case scenario because she's the strongest this way), combine that with the inability to form a faction and there was no way I could defeat a powerful Austria Federacy (Who also had Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece as puppets). The +5.00% population from simply land doctrine isn't enough to have a decent game. Even if I were to defeat Austria, I don't think I would have had enough manpower left for Russia. Before attacking Austria, Russia declared war on me and eventually I ran out of manpower, game lost. I couldn't attack Austria before Germany because Austria became a Federation and wasn't at war already either which made her way more powerful than Germany, besides Germany declared me war.
Alternatively, you can give Romania the same national spirit that Serbia has, "Jingoistic Reclaimers". With highly militarized that gives it +3.00% recruitable population. What state is more militarized than a fascist/populist one ?
Holy Legionary Youth - Fascist Activism in Interwar Romania
Historical Fixes:
6) Focus "Claim Transylvania" should include Western Banat and Eastern Alfrod - The territory Romania claimed during World War I was all Transylvania up to Tisa River. (The Alfrod region can be split into 2 regions, one remain Alfrod and the other "Western Crisana"). The claim was based on the "From Dniester to Tisza" expansionist concept, it argued that all territories between Danuble, Dniester and Tisza are Romanian by inheritance rights because that's the territory the Romanians' ancestors, the Dacians, used to have.
However, at the end of World War I Romania didn't get Western Banat and Western Crisana because Wilson's concept of self-determination was popular and those regions didn't had a Romanian majority, but there was a strong Romanian desire for them that led to conflict, Serbo-Romanian political conflicts for Western Banat and the Romanian-Hungarian war for Western Crisana, while Szekelyland also had no Romaniam majority it was right in the middle of Transylvania and couldn't be connected to Hungary. It doesn't make sense for a populist government to renounce those claims.
From Dniester to Tisza
7) The descriptions in many focuses mention Romanians as minority in Transylvania, this in 1910 was not the case. - According to Austria-Hungary's census in 1910 based on primary used language the population of Transylvania was: 53.8% Romanian, 31.6% Hungarian & Székelys, 10.7% German. Except for Western Banat, Eastern Alfrod and Szekelyland regions the Romanians were the majority in Transylvania. According to the official cannon the timeline changed in 1914, unless there was a mass deportation in the alternate timeline the Romanians should still be the majority.
History of Transylvania - see 5 Demographics
8) Romania should start with cores on all of Transylvania except for Szekelyland - Since it doesn't make sense for Romanians to be a colony of Romanians, Szekelyland on the other hand (that ironically is a core) had a Hungarian majority. The focus that turns Northern Transylvania, Crisana and Banat into cores (Greater Romania) could be changed to turn Szekelyland, Western Banat and Western Crisana into cores instead.
9) Bukovina should be Romanian core. - Bukovina's population in 1910 was: 38.88% Ukrainian, 34.38% Romanian, 21.24% German. Romanians are the minority but still a large one (larger than the Polish minority who gets to have a core), 34% is enough to form a solid loyal administration and have loyal troops. Poland is able to get a core on Bukovina while having an insignificant Polish minority. Bukovina used to be part of Moldavia until it was annexed by the Austrian Empire in 1774, in 1859 what remained of Moldavia united with Wallachia and formed Romania. During the collapse of Austria-Hungary both Romanians and Germans voted for a union with Romania where as the Ukrainians oppsed it as they wanted union with Ukraine. Also Bukovina has a large city: Chernivisti (or Cernauti in Romanian).
Bukovina - see 4.1 Historical Population.
10) Change "Greater Romania" focus to "From Dniester to Tisza" - Which will make Szekelyland, Western Banat and Western Crisana core states as well.
Ethnic Map of Europe in 1914
National Spirits Suggestions:
11) Bitter Loser -> Effects: Ideology drift defense: +50%; Can create factions. Description: Bitterness over defeat in the Weltkreig dominates the politics of this nation. (Since Romania's government is now the new Nazi Germany why not have this trait? This can also fix No.4 where Romania isn't able to create factions.)
12) Stolen Treasure -> Effect: -50 Relation with Russia. Description: "When Bucharest was occupied during the Weltkreig, the Romanian government decided to send the Romanian Treasure of 120 tonnes of gold to the Russian Empire for safekeeping until the end of the war. Two decades later Russia still didn't return the treasure."
Romanian Treasure
13) Romanian Revanchism (Only available while at war with Austria-Hungary). Effects: +25% Division Recovery Rate, +10% Attack on Core territory, +10% Defense on Core territory. Description -> "After the humiliating defeat in the Weltkrieg, Romania has one more chance to unite Transylvania and Bukovina with the rest of the country, and will make sure to make the most of it."
14) The Great Union (Banat, Crisana, Northern Transylvania, Transylvania, Moldova, Bukovina, Bessarabia, Oltenia, Muntenia and Dobruja are owned by Romania). Effects: +20% National Unity. Description -> "After centuries of domination and separation the national dream became reality, all regions with a Romanian majority stand united under a single independent Romanian state, a Romania for all Romanians."
Ideas for loading screen quotes:
Ion Antonescu: "National revolutions aren't acts of violence or revolts, but ideas on march." "The army is the last card a nation can play." "I want order. Let it be understood that we are a civilized army, that brings order and safety, not barbarian hordes that destroy and loot everything in their way." "I'm a man living by statistics and graphics. So I have done in the past war. I always used graphics and I was never wrong." "I can't form a healthy army from a sick state, you need to cure the state."
Nicolaie Iorga: "The snake is odious not because it bites but because it hides to bite." "Not only that heroism can't be ordered, but it is impossible to reward it." "History makes fun of those who do not know it, by repeating itself."