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DOM Loc #3438

Closed TheGrandPoba closed 5 years ago

TheGrandPoba commented 5 years ago

In Game DOM_rojo_victory_2_4_desc:0 "The bountiful lands of our republic are held hostage by corrupt absentee land owners. These lands must be redistributed to both individuals and companies with a clear track-record of responsibility and profitability." Should be DOM_rojo_victory_2_4_desc:0 "The bountiful lands of our republic are held hostage by corrupt absentee landowners. These lands must be redistributed to both individuals and companies with a clear track-record of responsibility and profitability."

In Game DOM_republicano_victory_2_3_desc:0 "Backroom dealings and under-the-table handshakes have been the hallmark of our party's rise to power. This strategy is as valid in governing or foreign policy as in securing power, yet the skillset needed to successfully conduct this sort of diplomacy is difficult to learn. Such dealings must be normalised and encouraged." Should be DOM_republicano_victory_2_3_desc:0 "Backroom dealings and under-the-table handshakes have been the hallmark of our party's rise to power. This strategy is as valid in governing or foreign policy as in securing power, yet the skill set needed to successfully conduct this sort of diplomacy is difficult to learn. Such dealings must be normalised and encouraged."

In Game DOM_coup5_desc:0 "To lose all control must be a dreaful feeling indeed. Perhaps though, those who once were the brokers of power could still be of some use; their fate must be decided." Should be DOM_coup5_desc:0 "To lose all control must be a dreadful feeling indeed. Perhaps though, those who once were the brokers of power could still be of some use; their fate must be decided."

In Game DOM_coup12_desc:0 "Elections, the hallmark of democracy. While our last election was indeed something of a farce, the need then to begin to consolidate our regime more than justifies such a move. Now, at last, we can return democracy to the people, which of our carefully selected candidates will win has the entire country holding its breathe in anticipation. Should be DOM_coup12_desc:0 "Elections, the hallmark of democracy. While our last election was indeed something of a farce, the need then to begin to consolidate our regime more than justifies such a move. Now, at last, we can return democracy to the people, which of our carefully selected candidates will win has the entire country holding its breathe in anticipation.

In Game "DOM_fight_corruption_desc:0 "Bribery and graft, on both a local and national level and in both the public and private sectors, abound. All oof our reforms may well come to nothing if such insidious behavior undermines them. We should actively attempt to root our corrupt businessmen and officials and impose strong legal penalties on them." Should be DOM_fight_corruption_desc:0 "Bribery and graft, on both a local and national level and in both the public and private sectors, abound. All of our reforms may well come to nothing if such insidious behavior undermines them. We should actively attempt to root our corrupt businessmen and officials and impose strong legal penalties on them."

In Game DOM_eternal_enemy_desc:0 "Our fair Republic has always clashed with our neighbour to the west. From the time we arose from their subjugation with God Himself at our backs to today, Haiti has always shown disregard for our people and our nation's sovreignty. Let us put them in their place." Should be DOM_eternal_enemy_desc:0 "Our fair Republic has always clashed with our neighbour to the west. From the time we arose from their subjugation with God Himself at our backs to today, Haiti has always shown disregard for our people and our nation's sovereignty. Let us put them in their place."

In Game DOM_commission_flagship_desc:0 "While we lack the industrial capacity to produce capital ships in significant number, many large ships have been recently decomissioned or are soon to meet that fate. Perhaps we could acquire one of these aging behemoths and completely retrofit it to serve as the pride of our own small navy." Should be DOM_commission_flagship_desc:0 "While we lack the industrial capacity to produce capital ships in significant number, many large ships have been recently decommissioned or are soon to meet that fate. Perhaps we could acquire one of these aging behemoths and completely retrofit it to serve as the pride of our own small navy."

In Game DOM_angryrich_4_desc:0 "While many were concerned that he may double cross them, with their man holding the Presidency and working to appease them, the Dominican Republic's elite families have been restored to their former positions of power. The state, however, has worked to limit their corruption without comprimising their support." Should be DOM_angryrich_4_desc:0 "While many were concerned that he may double cross them, with their man holding the Presidency and working to appease them, the Dominican Republic's elite families have been restored to their former positions of power. The state, however, has worked to limit their corruption without compromising their support."

In Game DOM_constitution_retained_idea_desc:0 "The Dominican consitution of 1924 has been retained with only minor modifications to ensure that it is not again undermined by predatory individuals." Should be DOM_constitution_retained_idea_desc:0 "The Dominican constitution of 1924 has been retained with only minor modifications to ensure that it is not again undermined by predatory individuals."

In Game DOM_aux_idea_desc:0 "The Dominican Republic has established a modern army auxillary force, freeing up substantial numbers of soldiers for frontline duty and improving treatment of the wounded." Should be DOM_aux_idea_desc:0 "The Dominican Republic has established a modern army auxiliary force, freeing up substantial numbers of soldiers for frontline duty and improving treatment of the wounded."

In Game DOM_ad_security_idea_desc:0 "While the old Rojo government briefly discussed establishing a new security service under the authority of the department of state, the plan has only now been completd at the urging of moderates within the Dominican Patriotic Party." Should be DOM_ad_security_idea_desc:0 "While the old Rojo government briefly discussed establishing a new security service under the authority of the department of state, the plan has only now been completed at the urging of moderates within the Dominican Patriotic Party."

In Game DOM_ad_security_2_idea_desc:0 "While the old Rojo government briefly discussed establishing a new security service under the authority of the department of state, the plan has only now been completd at the urging of moderates within the Dominican Patriotic Party." Should be DOM_ad_security_2_idea_desc:0 "While the old Rojo government briefly discussed establishing a new security service under the authority of the department of state, the plan has only now been completed at the urging of moderates within the Dominican Patriotic Party."

In Game domrep.1.d:0 "In a non-descript building on the edge of Santo Domingo, two of the most powerful men in the Dominican Republic sit around a table. Rafael Estrella Ureña, candidate in the upcoming Presidential Election and head of the Republicano party, and Rafael Trujillo Molina, Chief of the Armed Forces - both seeking the same increasingly scarce commodity: power. The two men have entirely different visions for the country, however, and in the short time since the meeting began, Estrella has become increasingly wary of Trujillo and the role that is demanded of him should they endeavor to take power together." Should be domrep.1.d:0 "In a nondescript building on the edge of Santo Domingo, two of the most powerful men in the Dominican Republic sit around a table. Rafael Estrella Ureña, candidate in the upcoming Presidential Election and head of the Republicano party, and Rafael Trujillo Molina, Chief of the Armed Forces - both seeking the same increasingly scarce commodity: power. The two men have entirely different visions for the country, however, and in the short time since the meeting began, Estrella has become increasingly wary of Trujillo and the role that is demanded of him should they endeavor to take power together."

In Game domrep.9.d:0 "The Constitutional Assembly is often considered by outside observers to be the upper-house of the supposedly bi-cameral legislature of the country, and indeed the Assembly does approve or reject legislation passed by the lower-house known as the 'Congress'. It's role, however, is much greater than that. Upon a Presidential decree, the Assembly can be convened to amend the Constitution or even replace the it entirely.\nNow, with President Martínez's decree and the agenda for this special session of the Assembly finalised, the Assembly has convened. The order of the day is to overhaul the Dominican Constitution. To what degree the document will be modified, or if it will even be replaced entirely remains to be seen.\nWhile so far small changes have been agreed to, one particular issue has caused much disagreement among the members of the Assembly. That being that given the political manoeuvring of the military, whether or not the military should be moved to a so-called Constitutional Department. Such a move would place the actions of the military under constant review by the Assembly in the future to assure that all of its actions, no matter how small, agree in full with the Constitution. While obviously doing so would restrain the military, it would also add a new layer of bureaucracy to it and possibly prevent decisive action in times of crisis." Should be domrep.9.d:0 "The Constitutional Assembly is often considered by outside observers to be the upper-house of the supposedly bicameral legislature of the country, and indeed the Assembly does approve or reject legislation passed by the lower-house known as the 'Congress'. It's role, however, is much greater than that. Upon a Presidential decree, the Assembly can be convened to amend the Constitution or even replace it entirely.\nNow, with President Martínez's decree and the agenda for this special session of the Assembly finalised, the Assembly has convened. The order of the day is to overhaul the Dominican Constitution. To what degree the document will be modified, or if it will even be replaced entirely remains to be seen.\nWhile so far small changes have been agreed to, one particular issue has caused much disagreement among the members of the Assembly. That being that given the political manoeuvring of the military, whether or not the military should be moved to a so-called Constitutional Department. Such a move would place the actions of the military under constant review by the Assembly in the future to assure that all of its actions, no matter how small, agree in full with the Constitution. While obviously doing so would restrain the military, it would also add a new layer of bureaucracy to it and possibly prevent decisive action in times of crisis."

In Game domrep.15.d:0 "Since Estrella's departure from the presidency, our nation's political structure has become increasingly convoluted, with various aspects of the civilian government being sufficiently, but not entirely, subverted by the military. From this, a peculiar situation has developed, where, inspite of Trujillo's dominant position, other military leaders have begun to act like warlords in the military districts in which they operate, with Trujillo becoming akin to a crime boss, loosely lording over them. General Trujillo has recognised that this sorry state of affairs must come to an end; where there is jurisdictional overlap, some must be dismissed from their posts, where some commanders grow too big for their britches, they must be forcibly removed, and the Presidency can no longer be simply provisional. Whether Troncoso should continue to serve, or Trujillo should simply assume the position earlier than previously planned, is still a matter of debate, however." Should be domrep.15.d:0 "Since Estrella's departure from the presidency, our nation's political structure has become increasingly convoluted, with various aspects of the civilian government being sufficiently, but not entirely, subverted by the military. From this, a peculiar situation has developed, where, in spite of Trujillo's dominant position, other military leaders have begun to act like warlords in the military districts in which they operate, with Trujillo becoming akin to a crime boss, loosely lording over them. General Trujillo has recognised that this sorry state of affairs must come to an end; where there is jurisdictional overlap, some must be dismissed from their posts, where some commanders grow too big for their britches, they must be forcibly removed, and the Presidency can no longer be simply provisional. Whether Troncoso should continue to serve, or Trujillo should simply assume the position earlier than previously planned, is still a matter of debate, however."

In Game domrep.20.d:0 "Many of the nation's most prominent families and individuals remain staunchly opposed to our government, especially given our treatment of Estrella, a man deeply in their pockets. Indeed, military men are cut from a different clothe than the country's traditional ruling class, and they will not stand to be unceremoniously replaced. Some, however, are open to collaboration with our regime, and indeed, many prominent lawyers and businessmen do owe our regime their loyalty already. What approach should be taken in settling this issue?" Should be domrep.20.d:0 "Many of the nation's most prominent families and individuals remain staunchly opposed to our government, especially given our treatment of Estrella, a man deeply in their pockets. Indeed, military men are cut from a different cloth than the country's traditional ruling class, and they will not stand to be unceremoniously replaced. Some, however, are open to collaboration with our regime, and indeed, many prominent lawyers and businessmen do owe our regime their loyalty already. What approach should be taken in settling this issue?"

In Game domrep.22.d:0 "Our nation sorely lags behind the rest of the world in electrification. As emerging technologies and industries rely heavily on electrical power, it is pertinent that the gap be closed immediately. While Trujillo has argued for substantial state investment in the process, the sheer cost of such an endeavor has thrown many others for a loop. Alternative proposals to cut costs by working with various industrial concerns throughout the country to create a privitised electric grid, or to focus on electrifying military installations and state-owned industries first have been made in response." Should be domrep.22.d:0 "Our nation sorely lags behind the rest of the world in electrification. As emerging technologies and industries rely heavily on electrical power, it is pertinent that the gap be closed immediately. While Trujillo has argued for substantial state investment in the process, the sheer cost of such an endeavor has thrown many others for a loop. Alternative proposals to cut costs by working with various industrial concerns throughout the country to create a privatised electric grid, or to focus on electrifying military installations and state-owned industries first have been made in response."

In Game domrep.23.d_1:0 "Through generous incentive packages, backroom meetings, and shady informal cash transfers, the nation's industrial concerns were made to immediately shift their focus to the construction of a new electrical grid. The new privatised system, while cost effective, cannot be fully utilitised by the state. Regardless, the new electrical grid has already been a boon to the state, the people, and private enterprise alike." Should be domrep.23.d_1:0 "Through generous incentive packages, backroom meetings, and shady informal cash transfers, the nation's industrial concerns were made to immediately shift their focus to the construction of a new electrical grid. The new privatised system, while cost effective, cannot be fully utilised by the state. Regardless, the new electrical grid has already been a boon to the state, the people, and private enterprise alike."

In Game domrep.30.d:0 "As the nations of the world again compete to produce newer and larger designs as they did during the dreadnought race, smaller countries such as ours only grow more unable to resist invasion. To avoid a new occupation, we need a navy able to go toe to toe, for a short time at least, with the great powers and hold its own. To accomplish this, we could, as has been advocated by many in our growing navy, to build a flagship from the husk of whatever outdated behemoth we can acquire to retrofit as the lynchpin of the new fleet, a dreadnought of our own. This, however, while enticing, idea would undoubtedly be extremely costly and require our entire economic aparatus to pivot, and potentially have long-lasting financial effects." Should be domrep.30.d:0 "As the nations of the world again compete to produce newer and larger designs as they did during the dreadnought race, smaller countries such as ours only grow more unable to resist invasion. To avoid a new occupation, we need a navy able to go toe to toe, for a short time at least, with the great powers and hold its own. To accomplish this, we could, as has been advocated by many in our growing navy, to build a flagship from the husk of whatever outdated behemoth we can acquire to retrofit as the lynchpin of the new fleet, a dreadnought of our own. This, however, while enticing, idea would undoubtedly be extremely costly and require our entire economic apparatus to pivot, and potentially have long-lasting financial effects."

In Game domrep.301.d:0 "After months of disruption to the national economy to accomidate the construction of a new dreadnought flagship, production has gotten fully underway." Should be domrep.301.d:0 "After months of disruption to the national economy to accommodate the construction of a new dreadnought flagship, production has gotten fully underway."

In Game domrep.303.d:0 "After months of disruption to the national economy to accomidate the construction of a fleet of modern cruisers, production has gotten fully underway." Should be domrep.303.d:0 "After months of disruption to the national economy to accommodate the construction of a fleet of modern cruisers, production has gotten fully underway."

In Game domrep.40.d:0 "Our threat was not taken lightly by the Dominican regime. They have denied our ultimatum and begun to hastily construct defensive positions along the border, readying their researves in case war really does consume the island. Shall do as we promised and tear Hispaniola asunder or back away from the potential conflict?" Should be domrep.40.d:0 "Our threat was not taken lightly by the Dominican regime. They have denied our ultimatum and begun to hastily construct defensive positions along the border, readying their reserves in case war really does consume the island. Shall do as we promised and tear Hispaniola asunder or back away from the potential conflict?"

In Game domrep.59.d:0 "As was expected, the American syndicalists sided with their Haitian compatriots. While we may wish to protest the decision, there is little we can do, lest of course, we would so foolishingly risk a confrontation with the CSA itself." Should be domrep.59.d:0 "As was expected, the American syndicalists sided with their Haitian compatriots. While we may wish to protest the decision, there is little we can do, lest of course, we would so foolishly risk a confrontation with the CSA itself."

In Game domrep.80.d_1:0 "Even from within, the new puppet regime is unstable. At every opportunity, the civilian administration does everything it can to undermine Haitian control, and many among the general public are disatisfied with the humiliation of defeat and wish to see Haiti put in its place. Trouble is brewing and we may not even wish to stop it." Should be domrep.80.d_1:0 "Even from within, the new puppet regime is unstable. At every opportunity, the civilian administration does everything it can to undermine Haitian control, and many among the general public are dissatisfied with the humiliation of defeat and wish to see Haiti put in its place. Trouble is brewing and we may not even wish to stop it."

In Game domrep.80.d_2:0 "Even from within, the new puppet regime is unstable. President Pedro Henríquez Ureña, installed by the Haitians for his seemingly worldly outlook given a lack of more suitable candidates, is nearly openly in defiance of his Haitian puppetmasters, weakening their control over the country at every opportunity. Beyond just an unhappy puppet however, many are disatisfied with the humiliation of defeat and wish to see Haiti put in its place. Trouble is brewing and we may not even wish to stop it." Should be domrep.80.d_2:0 "Even from within, the new puppet regime is unstable. President Pedro Henríquez Ureña, installed by the Haitians for his seemingly worldly outlook given a lack of more suitable candidates, is nearly openly in defiance of his Haitian puppet masters, weakening their control over the country at every opportunity. Beyond just an unhappy puppet however, many are dissatisfied with the humiliation of defeat and wish to see Haiti put in its place. Trouble is brewing and we may not even wish to stop it."

In Game domrep.81.d_2:0 "The Dominicans are becoming restless. Even the President who we ourselves installed, Pedro Henríquez Ureña, is proving difficult to control. As well, our military forces in the country suffer steady harrassment from the Dominican civilian population. Overall, the situation is becoming increasingly difficult. Perhaps we could even have a rebellion on our hands at some point." Should be domrep.81.d_2:0 "The Dominicans are becoming restless. Even the President who we ourselves installed, Pedro Henríquez Ureña, is proving difficult to control. As well, our military forces in the country suffer steady harassment from the Dominican civilian population. Overall, the situation is becoming increasingly difficult. Perhaps we could even have a rebellion on our hands at some point." domrep.81.d_2:0 "The Dominicans are becoming restless. Even the President who we ourselves installed,

In Game domrep.85.a:0 "This Must Not Get Our Of Hand" Should be domrep.85.a:0 "This Must Not Get Out Of Hand"

In Game domrep.92.d:0 "As our valiant soldiers march through the streets of Santo Domingo, a great burden seems to have been lifted from our nations shoulders. Mere months ago, we were humiliated, our national pride shattered, now we stand triumphant. Obviously, we cannot relinquish this prize. The Dominican Republic shoulder become a part of Haiti once again." Should be domrep.92.d:0 "As our valiant soldiers march through the streets of Santo Domingo, a great burden seems to have been lifted from our nation's shoulders. Mere months ago, we were humiliated, our national pride shattered, now we stand triumphant. Obviously, we cannot relinquish this prize. The Dominican Republic shoulder become a part of Haiti once again."

PPsyrius commented 5 years ago
