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RUS, UKR, WHR: Industry suggestions (mostly RUS). #3479

Closed Gideones closed 4 years ago

Gideones commented 5 years ago

Hello KR team, I have several suggestions about industry (companies) of RUS, TRM, UKR and WHR (mostly RUS). Mostly, this suggestions about adding of new factories and manufacturers, because russian industry have a great pottential (see soviet union) and in KR this 'pottential' not realise in mechanics. This suggestions group many factories in Petrograd and Moscow and this do this cities very important. And i appoloize for many not ready logos (only suggestions and sources for logos, i know this work is not hard, but not easy too) and for my English. Oh, and wall of text. Renaming according to GOST.


ROCKETRY - -15% rocketry research time, only after FOCUS "Rocketry Effort"

Energomash or "Energetika i Mashinostroenie" - source for logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8a/NPO_Energomash_logo.png Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPO_Energomash Established in 1929 like Aircraft Scientific Production Association. Reformed in Rocketry Scientific Production Association in 1947.


S. P. Korolyev - Source for photo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Sergey_Korolyov.jpg?uselang=ru Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Korolev

NUCLEAR - -15% nuclear research time, only after FOCUS "Kremlin Project"

Gosudarstveny Radievy Institut - source for logo (without words on right side - it's name of Khlopin):https://all-pribors.ru/pics/large/3a646399-d100-487b-a98f-ca8da36d8027.png Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V._G._Khlopin_Radium_Institute


I. V. Kurchatov - source for photo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Kurchatov_1930th.jpeg?uselang=ru (it's 1930th in Gosudarstveny Radievy Institut (State Radium University))

@PART 2 - Depending of manufacturers from state (owns and control, like USA, AUS, PSA and CSA) and adding new manufacturers


1.Degtyareva Oruzheiny Zavod Correct transcription (in this place and following): Oruzheyny Zavod Degtyaryeva (correct grammar) Owns and control (in this place and following):Ivanovo (ID 253)

2.Izjevskij Mekhanitsjeskij Zavod Izhevskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod Izhevsk (ID 399)

3.Sestroretskiy Oryzheynyy Zavod Sestroretskiy Oryzheyny Zavod Petrograd (ID 195)

4.Tulsky Oruzheyny Zavod Tulskiy Oruzheyny Zavod Tula (ID 223)


1.Gosudarstvennyy Obukhovskiy Zavod Gosudarstvenny Obukhovskiy Zavod Petrograd (ID 195)

2.Motovilikha Motovilikhinskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod (information: russian wiki, Motovilikha - it's just logo and river, not name of factory) Perm (ID 398)

3.Russko-Baltiisky Vagonny Zavod Russko-Baltiyskiy Vagonny Zavod Tver (ID 247)

4.Nizhegorodsky Avtomobilny Zavod Nizhegorodskiy Avtomobilny Zavod Nizhny Novgorod (ID 252)

5.Uralmash Yekaterinburg (ID 653)

6.Uralvagonzavod Yekaterinburg (ID 653)

  1. Chelyabinskiy Traktornyy Zavod Chelyabinskiy Traktorny Zavod Chelyabinsk (ID 572)

8.Avtomoblinoe Moskovskoe Obshchestvo - i suggest delete this factory. It's ZIR (really, it's ZIL)

Moskva (ID 219)

ADD NEW TANK DESIGNERS SUGGESTION - because dependencies from states. And it's important factories in soviet\russian industry.

1.Moskovskiy Vagonostroitelny Zavod Logo - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/4/4e/Metrovagonmash_logo.svg Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrowagonmash (russian wiki more informative) Characteristics: Light Tank Designer Armour research time - 5% Light tank production cost -10% Moskva (ID 219)

2.Pavlovskiy Traktorny Zavod (because located in Pavlovo, and because produced tractors) Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cc/Logo_manufacturer_of_buses_in_Russia_PAZ.png Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlovo_Bus_Factory Motorised Designer Motorisation research time - 5% Motorized and Mechanized: Hardness+5% Max speed +5% Nizhny Novgorod (ID 252)

3.Avtomobilny Zavod Lebedeva - Was open in 1918 in Yaroslavl. After that - soviets and nationalization. Logo: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/althistory/images/f/fa/%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/233?cb=20140321102801&path-prefix=ru Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaroslavl_Motor_Plant Motorised Designer Motorisation research time - 5% Motorized and Mechanized: Reliability+10% Defence +5% Yaroslavl (ID 248)

4.Aleksandrovskiy Zavod Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/8/85/Otz-logo.jpg Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onega_Tractor_Plant Medium Tank Designer Armour research time - 5% Medium tank production cost -10% Petrozavodsk (ID 216)

  1. AO Russko-Baltiyskiy Vagonny Zavod (original place of Russo-Baltic Factory was in Riga) - now Reval it's important for Russia! Yohooo! It's not only another state! Logo: Same Motorised Equipment Manufacturer Motorised Research -5% Motorized and Mechanized: Hardness +10% Max Speed +5% Production Cost -5% Reval (Riga) (ID 13)

6.ZIR Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/0/0d/ZiL.jpg (but I suggest replace last letter "Л" to "P" (because now it's logo of "ZIL" - it's same factory, but with soviet name) Light Tank Manufacturer Armour Research -5% Light Tank: Hardness +10% Defence: +10% Soft Attack +10% Production Cost -5% Moskva (ID 219) Only "ZIR" FOCUS


1.Mikoyan-Gurevich Maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo (It means Design Society. It's allusion to Design Bureau of soviets) Mikoyana-Gurevicha or KO Mikoyana-Gurevicha? Moskva (ID 219)

2.Lavochkin Maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo Lavochkina or KO Lavochkina? Historically in Moskva (ID 219) but I suggest located in Petrograd (ID 195) (because Petrograd it's capital)

3.Dux Aviazavod 'Duks' (historical name) Moskva (ID 219)

4.Yakovlev Maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo Yakovleva or KO Yakovleva? Moskva (ID 219)

5.Tupolev Maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo Tupoleva or KO Tupoleva? Moskva (ID 219)

6.Seversky Aviastroitelnaya Kompaniya Severskogo (it means Seversky Aircraft Company - yep, american company) Petrograd (ID 195)

7.Sukhoi Sukhoy or maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo Sukhogo or KO Sukhogo? Moskva (ID 219)

8.Ilyushin Maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo Ilyushina or KO Ilyushina? Moskva (ID 219)

9.Sikorsky Aviainzhenernaya Korporatsiya Sikorskogo (it means Sikorsky Aero Engineering Corporation) Petrograd (ID 195)

10.Baltiysky Verfi Baltiyskiy Zavod (means Baltic Factory, and yes, it's historical name, "Baltic Shipyards" doesn't and wasn't exist) Petrograd (ID 195)

11.Admiralteiskie Verfi Admiralteyskie Verfi Petrograd (ID 195)

12.Rubin Historically (in russian empire), it was Otdel Podvodnogo Plavaniya Baltiyskogo Zavoda (department of submarines of Baltic Factory in simple translation) Petrograd (ID 195)


1.Amurskiy Sudostroitelny Zavod - not sure about that, it's very strange - build factory in this region in conditions of TRM and RUS relations. Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Amur_ship_plant.png Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amur_Shipbuilding_Plant Nikolayevsk (ID 560) Naval research time -5% Destroyers and submarines: Production cost -10%

2.Putilovskaya Verf Logo: https://sdelanounas.ru/i/a/w/aW1nLWZvdGtpLnlhbmRleC5ydS9nZXQvNjQwMS82NzcwMDc2MS40Yi8wXzg1M2NhXzlkYzZhMDhiX29yaWcuanBnP19faWQ9MTk3NDk=.jpg or https://pics.meshok.net/pics2/58554602.jpg or you can use the logo of Putilovsky Zavod in style of first link. Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severnaya_Verf Petrograd (ID 195) Naval research time -5% Armoured Cruiser and Cruiser: Production cost -10%

3.Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo 'Sormovo' Logo: https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/doll_perian/14389905/499357/499357_900.jpg or https://pics.meshok.net/pics/74075629.jpg Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasnoye_Sormovo_Factory_No._112 Nizhny Novgorod (ID 252) Naval research time -5% Destroyers and submarines: Production cost -15%

4.Aviazavod 'Duks Irkutsk' (historical (WW2) branch office of Dux) Logo: Like Dux CHAR: Air research time -5% Fighter, Carrier Fighter and Heavy Fighter production cost -5% Irkutsk (ID 566)


1.Putilovsky Zavod Putilovskiy Zavod Petrograd (ID 195)

2.Oktava Maybe, rename it like Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo 'Oktava' or KO 'Oktava'? Or maybe delete it's completely? Because it's 60th or 70th created "factory". And I also suggest reduce characteristics: Electronics research time -10% Radar Station +10% Tula (ID 223)

3.Branobel I suggest rename it like "Branobel Petrograd" because head quarters of Branobel was in Baku (in Petrograd was a branch) Petrograd (ID 195)


1.Branobel Chemical Company Synthetic Resources Research Time -10% Industrial Research time -5% Refinery Construction Speed +10% Synthetic Oil +5% or Resource Gain Efficiency +5% (or, if possible, Oil Gain Efficiency +5%) Baki (ID 229) Only after Resources Programme FOCUS

2.Torgovy Dom Smirnova Logo: http://www.gornitsa.ru/images/products/oser2/al_oldotkr12_8231.jpg Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smirnoff Industrial Company Industrial Research Time-5% Trade deal opinion factor +30% Civilian Factory construction speed +10% Moskva (ID 219)

3.T.P.A.P.M. Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/75/%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%8A-1914.jpg/200px-%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%8A-1914.jpg Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA_(%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4) Chemical Company Synthetic Resources Research Time -10% Refinery Construction Speed +10% Trade deal opinion factor +10% Synthetic Rubber +10% Petrograd (ID 195)

  1. Izhorskiy Zavod Logo - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/a/a5/%D0%98%D0%B6%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8B_-_%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BF.jpg Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izhorskiye_Zavody Industrial Company Industrial Research Time-10% Resource Gain Efficiency +5% Civilian Factory construction speed +10% Military Factory construction speed +10% Petrograd (ID 195)

5.Kopikuz Logo: https://images.vector-images.com/42/kemerovo_obl_smallcoa_n24994.jpg (it's coat of arms of Kemerovo - main centre of work of Kopikuz) Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%B7 Industrial Company Industrial Research Time-5% Resource Gain Efficiency +10% Kemerovo (ID 569)

6.Kolyvanskaya Shlifovalnaya Fabrika Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/6/6b/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8B%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C.jpg Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8B%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4 Industrial Company Industrial Research Time-10% Resource Gain Efficiency +10% Barnaul (ID 40)

7.Vseobshchaya Kompaniya Elektrichestva or VKE (subsidiary of AEG - worked in 1916 and because of that i think it, maybe, might works further after WK) Logo: http://gpntb.dlibrary.org/system/pages/004/750/26/images/small/777818754130103c9defc43a891b98d351faa647.jpg Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B0 Electronics manufacturer Electronics research time -10% Industrial research -5% Radar Station +10% Petrograd (ID 195)

8.Bodaybovskie Rudniki (it means Bodaybo Mines) (it's lot of mines in this area) Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Coat_of_Arms_of_Bodaibo_%28Irkutsk_oblast%29.svg?uselang=ru (coat of arms of Bodaybo) Industrial Company Industrial Research Time-5% Resource Gain Efficiency +5% Bodaybo (ID 565)

9.Korporatsiya Yusupova Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Armoiries_de_la_famille_Iousoupov_%281799%29.jpg (Coat of arms of Yusupov family) Industrial Company Industrial Research time -10% Military factory speed +10% Civilian factory speed +10% Produced goods factories -5% Only FOCUS "Korporatsiya Yusupova" Moskva (ID 219)

@PART 3 - former Russian lands (renaming and adding for this countries, adding for Russia if they retake this lands)


Industrial Concerns

1.Vladivostok University - renaming for TRM and adding for Russia Gosudarstveny Dalnevostochny Universitet (historical name and only if Far East Republic exists(renamed in 1920 by Far East Republic)) or Vostochny Universitet (name in Imperial Russia, only if Far East Republic doesn't exists) Electronics Research Time -5% Industrial Research Time -5% Radar speed +10% I also suggest replace logo to logo of Far East State University https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/3/3d/FENU_emblem.gif Vladivostok (ID 408)

2.I suggest delete Eastern Siberian Railway - explanation in part 4 of suggestions.

Air and Naval Manufacturers

1.Dalzavod Naval Industries - renaming for TRM and adding for Russia Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/7/78/Dalzavod.jpg (upper words means "Centre of ship repair") Name: Mekhanicheskiy Dalnevostochny Zavod (it's combination of tsarist name "Mekhanicheskiy Zavod" (Mechanic Factory) and Soviets name "Dalzavod" (Far East Factory)) I also suggest increase bonuses: Naval research time -5% Production cost of Destroyers and Submarines -10% Production cost of Armoured Cruisers and Cruisers - 10% Why? Because it's main naval factory of TRM, which ruled by former admiral for ten years. Vladivostok (ID 408) TRM - required "Expand Vladivostok Dockyards" FOCUS RUS - required "Rebuild the Vladivostok Harbour" FOCUS

2.Nakajima Factory Vladivostok - only renaming for TRM Vladivostochny Zavod 'Nakadzima' (russian translation) Logo: Like Japanese Nakajima?

3.I suggest delete Siberian Aircraft Industries - explanation in part 4 of suggestions.

Tank Designers

1.Dalzavod Tank Industries - only renaming for TRM Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/7/78/Dalzavod.jpg (upper words means "Centre of ship repair") Name: Mekhanicheskiy Dalnevostochny Zavod (it's combination of tsarist name "Makhanicheskiy Zavod" (Mechanic Factory) and Soviets name "Dalzavod" (Far East Factory)) Vladivostok (ID 408)

2.Hino Automobile - only renaming for TRM Avtomobili Khino (russian translation) or replace Hino Automobile to Toyota (because Japan doesn't have Hino like Designer). Logo: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hino_Motors#/media/File:Hino.svg I also suggest replace characteristics. Motorised Equipment Manufacturer Motorisation research -5% Motorized, Mechanized: -5% cost Vladivostok (ID 408)

If replaced to Toyota: Avtomobili 'Toyota' (it means Toyota Automobiles) Logo: Like Japanese Toyota? Motorised Equipment Manufacturer Motorisation research -5% Motorized, Mechanized: -5% cost Vladivostok (ID 408)

Weapon Manufacturer:

1.Vladivostok Arsenals - renaming for TRM and adding for Russia #FICTIONAL Oruzheyny Zavod Vladivostoka (it means Weapon Factory of Vladivostok) Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Coat_of_Arms_of_Vladivostok_%28Primorsky_krai%29_%281883%29.png (Coat of arms of Vladivostok) Vladivostok (ID 408)

Adding (For Russia and TRM)

1.Khabarovskskiy Sudostroitelny Zavod - adding for Russia and TRM Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Khabarovskiy_sudostroitelnii_zavod.jpg?uselang=ru Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4 Small ship Manufacturer Naval research time -5% Destroyers and submarines: Production cost -10% Khabarovsk (ID 409)

2.Dalnemorskiy Produkt (it's russification of soviet abbreviation Dalmoreprodukt) or Krabomorzvertrest (historical name in this period) - adding for Russia and TRM Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/5/5c/Dalmoreprodukt_logo.jpg Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%82 Industrial Company Industrial research time +5% Trade Deal opinion Factor +20% Civil Factory speed +5% Military Factory speed +5% Vladivostok (ID 408)

3.Aviastroitelny Zavod Shavrova (Aircraft Factory of Shavrov. Completely Fictional. Shavrov - it's author of first soviet hydroplanes. In KR he is a possible Chief of Airforce of TRM.) - adding for Russia and TRM Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Soviet_Post_stamp_20_k_%281977%29_%27Shavrov_Sh-2_1930%27.jpg (It's post stamp with SH-2 - one of airplanes of Shavrov) Light Bomber Manufacturer Air Research Time -5% Close Air Support, Naval Bomber, Carrier CAS, CV Naval Bomber: production cost -10% Vladivostok (ID 408) TRM - required FOCUS "Subsidise the Aviation Sector" RUS - only OWN&CONTROL Vladivostok


Weapon Manufacturer

  1. KBP - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia I suggest replace KBP to modern "Fort". Because KBP don't exist in Ukraine (it's Tula located factory) and it's good option (I think).

Name: Zbroyniy Zavod 'Fort' - (Military Factory 'Fort') Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/uk/f/f9/%D0%9D%D0%92%D0%9E_%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82.jpg Vinnytsia (ID 198)

Adding for Russia: Oruzheyny Zavod 'Fort' Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/uk/f/f9/%D0%9D%D0%92%D0%9E_%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82.jpg Vinnitsa (ID 198))

Tank Designers

1.Deka - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia Name for UKR: Aktsionerne Tovaristvo (joint-stock company) 'Deka' Name for RUS: Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo 'Deka' Oleksandrivsk (Aleksandrovsk) (ID 200)

2.Zavod Abrahama Koopa - adding for Russia and only own\control for Ukraine Name for Russia: Zavod Abragama Koopa Oleksandrivsk (Aleksandrovsk) (ID 200)

3.KhPZ - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia (because soviet abbreviation) Name for UKR: Kharkivskiy Parovozobudniviy Zavod Name for RUS: Kharkovskiy Paravozostroitelny Zavod Kharkiv (Kharkov) (ID 221)

4.KB Morozova - adding for Russia and only own\control for Ukraine Name for RUS: KO (Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo. It means Design Society. It's allusion to Design Bureau of soviets) Morozova. Similar to Ukraine - KT. Kharkiv (Kharkov) (ID 221)

Air and Naval

1.KB Antonova - adding for Russia and only own\control for Ukraine Name for RUS: KO (Konstruktorsckoe Obshchestvo. It means Design Society. It's allusion to Design Bureau of soviets) Antonova. Similar to UKR - KT Antonova. Kiyv (Kiev) (ID 202)

2.Anatra - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia Name for UKR: Aviatsiyniy Zavod (Aircraft Factory)'Anatra' or Aviazavod 'Anatra' Name for RUS: Aviatsionny Zavod 'Anatra' or Aviazavod 'Anatra' Odesa (Odessa) (ID 192)

3.ChARZ - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia (because soviet abbreviation) Name for UKR: Chuguivskiy Aviatsiyniy Remontniy Zavod or Chuguivskiy Aviaremzavod Name for RUS: Chuguevskiy Aviatsionny Remontny Zavod or Chuguevskiy Aviaremzavod Kharkiv (Kharkov) (ID 221)

4.Lazarevskoe Admiralteystvo - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia (because russian name) New Logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/6/68/%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4.png Name for UKR: Lazarevske Admiralteystvo Name for RUS: Lazarevskoe Admiralteystvo Krym (Tavrida) (ID 137)

5.Naval - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia Name for UKR: Sudobudivnichiy Zavod (Shipyard) 'Naval' Name for RUS: Sudostroitelny Zavod 'Naval' Mykolaiv (Nikolaev) (ID 197)

Industrial Concerns:

1.Azovstal - adding for Russia and only own\control for Ukraine Yuzivka (Yuzovka) (ID 227)

2.AMK - renaming for UKR and adding for Russia (because soviet abbreviation and it's COMPLETELY SOVIET NAME) Name for UKR: Metalurgiyniy Zavod 'DYuMA' (historical name) Name for RUS: Metalurgicheskiy Zavod 'DYuMA' Yuzivka (Yuzovka) (ID 227)

3.Nemetsko-Ukrainskaya Selskokhozyaistvennaya Komissiya - only renaming for Ukraine (BECAUSE RUSSIAN NAME) FOR UKR: Nimetsko-Ukrainska Silskogospodarska Komisiya Kiyv (ID 202)



1.Belspetsvneshtechnika - adding for RUS and only own\control for WHR Miensk (Minsk) (ID 206)

Tank Designer

1.Miensk Automotive Factory - renaming for WHR and adding for Russia (because english name) Name for WHR: Minski Autamabilny Zavod Name for RUS: Minskiy Avtomobilny Zavod Miensk (Minsk) (ID 206)

2.MZKT - renaming for WHR and adding for Russia (because soviet abbreviation) Name for WHR: Minski Zavod Kolavykh Cyagachou Name for RUS: Minskiy Zavod Kolesnykh Tyagachey Miensk (Minsk) (ID 206)

3.BelAZ - renaming for WHR and adding for Russia (because soviet abbreviation) Name for WHR: Belaruski Autamabilny Zavod or Belaruski Autazavod Name for RUS: Belarusskiy Avtomobilny Zavod or Belarusskiy Avtozavod Miensk (Minsk) (ID 206)

Air and Naval

1.Baranavicy Aviation Repair Plant - renaming for WHR and adding for Russia (because english name) Name for WHR: Baranavicki Avijacyiny Ramontny Zavod or Baranavicki Avijaramzavod Name for RUS: Baranovichskiy Aviatsonny Remontny Zavod or Baranovichskiy Aviaremzavod Pinsk (ID 204)

2.Pinsk Shipyard - renaming for WHR and adding for Russia (because english name) Name for WHR: Pinski Sudnabudaunicha Zavod Name for RUS: Pinskiy Sudostroitelny Zavod Pinsk (ID 204)

Industrial Concerns

1.Belorussia State University - renaming for WHR and adding for Russia (because english name) LOGO: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Coat_of_arms_of_BSUpng.png?uselang=ru (because now it's logo of joint-stock company) Name for WHR: Belaruski Dzjarzhauny Universitet Name for RUS: Bellaruskiy Universitet (without 'state') And I also suggest change char: Synthetic Resources Research -5% Industrial Research - 5% Synthetic Oil +5% Miensk (Minsk) (ID 206)

2.Homel Radio Plant Name for WHR: Gomelski Radyjezavod or Radyjezavod 'Pramen' (historical name - belarussian wiki) Name for RUS: Gomelskiy Radiozavod or Radiozavod 'Pramen' Gomel (ID 241) - not part of WHR

3.Belarussian Railway - only renaming for WHR (because english name) Name for WHR: Belaruskaja Chygunka Miensk (Minsk) (ID 206)



1.Vilniaus Universitas - Adding for Russia: Vilnskiy Universitet And I also suggest change char: Electronics Research -10% Industrial Research - 5% Radar speed +5% Vilnius (Vilna) (ID 96)


I suggest add all of Russian OWN&CONTROL to TRM (and delete from TRM "Eastern Siberian Railway" and "Siberian Aircraft Industry" because in this case this concerns not needed - they replaced by "Bodaybovskie Rudniki" and "Aviastroitelny Zavod 'Duks Irkutsk'") But without "Korporatsiya Yusupova" and "ZIR" suggestions.

@PART 5 RECOVERY OF INDUSTRY DECISIONS (and connected events) - because historical russian tsarist industry (and soviet) have big potential, but in conditions of KR it's need large improvement (and lot of companies, which will suggested upper looks strange in conditions of "failed state") I suggest lock all of companies of RUS before this events. I suggest add to Russia new national spirits (negative), which will decreased in this decisions. Also, I think, this decisions looks good when Russia automatically recovering from Black Monday (with "government intervention" in text of events of recovering from BM) and i also suggest decrease negative effects of Black Monday spirit (because this suggestion decrease it too and because weak economy don't so much depended from economic collapses (small foreign investments and small sales markets) and because of game balance) I think, this part of suggestions make game for russia more special and russian economy bad and recovering not only on words, but in deeds.

INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS (NATIONAL SPIRIT "Consequences of NEP" (construction speed - 10%, resource gain efficiency -10%, industrial, synthetic resources and electronics research time -5%)) - Also, I suggest add this decisions only after end of Brest-Litovsk Reparations and establishing of government.

1.(Name of decision or event - in this place and following):Government Contract with Private Companies.

(Text of decision or event - in this place and following): Now, when our rule over Russia established, we have many suggestion from private companies about government contracts.

Cost:100pp Effect: Event. (SPIRIT: industrial, synthetic resources and electronics research time +5%, rename to "Recovering from NEP")

Event: Government Contract with Private Companies

Now, when our rule over Russia established, we have many suggestion from private companies about government contracts. No secret, our state in very bad condition after Brest-Litovsk reparations and this companies might help us, but we must be careful - our economic analysts tell us about risks of monopolization of economic spheres from this companies.
First company, who contacted with us - it's Putilov Factory, who suggest us contracts in many spheres, like motors, tanks, wagons, and modern factory equipment for state factories. Aleksey Putilov - it's old and reliable man, who worked with tsarist and republican government and his financial skills are recognized not only in Russia, but in other states. Second company, who contacted with us - it's Trade House of Smirnov. Former supplier of the imperial court and largest alcohol company in Russia. They suggest supplies to our government in exchange for subsidies. Family of Smirnovs have a several good economists, who might help us with trade contracts. Third company - the Partnership of the Russian-American Rubber Manufactory under the company 'Triangle' or simple 'Triangle'. It's first russian rubber company with old links abroad. If we wish increase production of rubber for motorisation of our army - it's good choice. Four company - General Electricity Company (VKE). It's former subsidiary of German AEG, but after Russian Civil War they broke all ties with they parent company to displeasure of the Germans. If we have a plane to continue of electrification of Russia - it's obvious choice, but Kaiserreich won't be happy. Fifth and last company, who contacted with our government - it's Izhorsk Factory, who has a large potential and in last years increase of number of production. In last years they have a government order for tank production and in Russian Civil War workers of Izhorsk Factory support us. It might be a good choice, if we want improve heavy industry. Or we have a choice to contact with Petroleum Production Company of Nobel Brothers, but in years after Weltkrieg they lost most of they influence and on our territory left only Petrograd branch of Branobel. It's not obvious choice, but they have they advantages.

Variants: 1.Putilov factory - old and reliable partner. (unlock and add like industrial concern Putilovskiy Zavod and unlock Putilovskaya Verf and I also suggest lock before that Putilov like Economy Minister and after that unlock and add him like Economy Minister) 2.Trade House of Smirnov - we needed in this 'vodka kings'. (unlock and add like industrial concern Torgovy Dom Smirnova) 3.T.R.A.R.M. - it's good choice for us. (unlock and add like industrial concern T.P.A.P.M.) 4.VKE - we must continue of electrification of Russia. (unlock and add like industrial concern Vseobshchaya Kompaniya Elektrichestva, -5 relations with Germany) 5.Izhorsk Factory - they was loyal to us, and now we must be loyal to them. (unlock and add like industrial concern Izhorskiy Zavod) 6.Branobel - we must increase of our oil production. (unlock and add like industrial concern Branobel Petrograd)

2.Recovering of Resource Industry

Our economy in better condition than previous and we have a opportunity to increase of our resource programme by re-opening of old tsarist resource companies and opening new mines in Siberia.

Cost:150pp Effect: Unlock Kolyvanskaya Shlifovalnaya Fabrika, Kopikuz, Bodaybovskie Rudniki. (SPIRIT: resource gain efficiency +10%, rename to "Recovering Industry")

3.Small government contracts (required one of following FOCUSes: Labour Army, War Preparation Programme, Construction brigades, Enrichment of The Russians and required previous decisions)

Now, when our economy in relatively good condition, we have a opportunity to sign a contracts with all of large companies of private sector and don't depending from monopoly of one of them.

Cost:200pp Effect: Unlock all INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS (and Putilovksaya Verf from Naval and Air) (SPIRIT: Remove spirit)

WEAPON MANUFACTURER (NATIONAL SPIRIT "Kerenskiy's Arms Manufacturing Policy" (Infantry Equipment Production Cost +10%, Weapon and Infantry Equipment Research Time +5%))

1.Government Contract with Weapon Factory

Our army needs in rifles, but in past years this question was avoided. Unfortunately, our government have money for contract only with one factory.

Cost:100pp Effect: Event. (SPIRIT: Infantry Equipment Production Cost -10%, rename to "Arms Manufacturing Recovery")

Event: Government Contract with Weapon Factory

Our army needs in rifles, but in past years this question was avoided. Unfortunately, our government have money for contract only with one factory. We must choose wisely. First option - it's sign a contract with Weapon Factory of Degtyaryev. It's old Dutch factory with new perspective owner and constructor, which specialised on machine guns. But Dutch Government won't be happy if will know it. Second option - it's Izhevsk Mechanic Factory, which workers fight against Bolsheviks in Russian Civil War. It's might be a good option, if we want calm our people and show them our appreciation for years of Civil War. Third option - it's Sestroretsk Weapon Factory, which specialized on production of Mosin Rifles. It's good choice for our unarmed army. Fourth and last option - it's Tula Weapon Factory. It's oldest and legendary Weapon Factory with large history, which have most talented and famous constructors in staff.

Variants: 1.Degtyaryev - good man and talented engineer and we don't care about Dutch reaction. (unlock and add like weapon manufacturer Oruzheyny Zavod Degtyaryeva, -5 relations with Netherlands) 2.Izhevsk Mechanic Factory - they fight against Bolshevism and we will show our gratitude for that. (unlock and add like weapon manufacturer Izhevskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod, +5 st) 3.Sestroretsk Weapon Factory - we need famous 'trekhlineyka'. (unlock and add like weapon manufacturer Sestroretskiy Oruzheyny Zavod) 4.Tula Weapon Factory - old and famous factory with talented engineers, and we still think? (unlock and add like weapon manufacturer Tulskiy Oruzheyny Zavod)

2.Government Weapon Factories Subsidise Programme. (only after end of Industrial recovery)

Now we have enough money for widescale weapon factories subsidise programme, which allow us to use of all production capacity of our nation.

Cost:100pp Effect: Unlock all WEAPON MANUFACTURERS (SPIRIT: Remove spirit)


1.Funding wagon and car factories. Our tank, artillery and motor production in horrible conditions. We must subsidise this area, if we want recover this sector of industry. Our state economists suggest to our government most effective plan and now we must give them money for that.

Cost:150pp Effect: Unlock all Tank Designers, Event

Event: Funding wagon and car factories.

Now, when we give to our economists enough money, we must decide, which factory will be funded first? We have many option, but our economists suggest to us several best variants in this conditions.

Variants: 1.Russko-Baltiyskiy Vagonny Zavod.(add like Tank designer) 2.Gosudarstvenny Obukhovskiy Zavod.(add like Tank designer) 3.Moskovskiy Vagonostroitelny Zavod.(add like Tank designer)


1.Funding air and naval factories. Our naval and air production in horrible conditions. We must subsidise this area, if we want recover this sector of industry. Our state economists suggest to our government most effective plan and now we must give them money for that.

Cost:150pp Effect: Unlock all Air and Naval Designers, Event

Event: Funding air and naval factories.

Now, when we give to our economists enough money, we must decide, which factory will be funded first? We have many option, but our economists suggest to us several best variants in this conditions.

Variants: 1.Aviazavod 'Duks'.(add like air and naval designer) 2.Aviainzhenernaya Korporatsiya Sikorskogo.(add like air and naval designer) 3.Baltiyskiy Zavod.(add like air and naval designer) 4.Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo 'Sormovo'. (add like air and naval designer)


1.Constitutional monarchy or legitimise Tsar with Dmitiriy like head of government (Oktyabristy)

I suggest add Grand Duke Dmitriy like possible head of government for RUS. I think it was very strange if former president fell all of his political positions in government in case of constitutional monarchy or autocratic rule of Kirill. In case if Grand Duke Dmitriy declares constitutional monarchy or invite legitimise Tsar, I suggest add him like head of Government (in case of constitutional monarchy like head of gov. of auth. dem. (it's party of Dmitriy when he is a president); in case of invitation of legitimise tsar like head of gov. of pat. aut.) He died in 1941 (event 'splitting within conservatives') and splitting will looks more realistic in this case (I think).

Char. suggestions of Duke Dmitriy: Name: Dmitriy Pavlovich Romanov or Grand Duke Dmitriy or Velikiy Knyaz Dmitriy (russian variant of Grand Duke) Authoritarian Democrat Happy Amateur or Grand Duke (Daily Political Power +0.05, st +5, trade deal opinion factor +5%)

Also now I making descriptions of generals and admirals of RUS and TRM (maybe, UKR). After that i planned do revision of politicans and war theorists (chiefs of army etc.) of Russia and TRM, UKR and WHR. I have to do all this and offer you, or not - do you do it yourself? Also, the descriptions will need to be corrected - my English is not very good (or good, or acceptable). And also also, I can make descriptions of technologies of RUS and TRM (based on real technologies). Do you need this?

Futhington commented 4 years ago

Agreed with Ropa to close these now that Gid is working on the rework with him.