Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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GXC - Bug summary #4980

Closed willmosko1 closed 4 years ago

willmosko1 commented 4 years ago

Quick questions OS: Windows 10 HoI4 version: Kaiserreich version: Master Branch List any other mods used: none Were you using Steam?: Yes Were you in multiplayer?: No Which expansions do you NOT have?

Explanation of the issue: Submission events for Yunnan and Sichuan don't work properly

-As the United provinces, when you get the Unite China Decisions, you have the ability to give ultimatums to Yunnan and Sichuan. I tagged switched over to both countries to see if the events work because the AI would refuse every time. As Yunnan or Sichuan when you get the event, if you click the "For China" and accept annexation, you successfully tag switch over to the UPC as the event says, but the said country (Yunnan or Sichuan) remains independent.

Overtures to Zhang Zoulin also doesn't work properly

-When as the UPC and you fulfill all the requirements do the "overtures to Zhang Zoulin" it says that the Fentiang will receive a "invalid event". Thus nothing happen after accepting the decision

Small Issues with the Federalist China Tree

When unlocking the Federalist China Tree as the UPC, upon completing the Foci that give you infrastructure decisions and unite china decisions, you do not receive any. I expect that this simply hasn't been put in yet. I wanted to put a marker here just in case.

Also the amount of time it takes to get to the Unify China Foci under its current time is about 2 and a half years. Seeing that by the time you unlock the Federalist Foci Tree it is already going to be the late game and the multiple 70 day foci means that the player will feel slogged. I understand if the factory and infrastructure foci are 70 days, but the political foci like, "call a national Assembly" dont need to be 70 days long. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Become the United Provinces of China
Vidyaorszag commented 4 years ago

-Submission events have been fixed -Attempt to negotiate with Zhang and Wu added, will inevitably fail for the time being -The post-unification decisions aren't in yet -Focus times adjusted, that was definitely my bad and neglected to change it before pushing. Thank you for your feedback!