Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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CHI - Idea Revision #5728

Closed Drozdovite closed 4 years ago

Drozdovite commented 4 years ago

Quick questions HoI4 version: Latest Kaiserreich version: China Rework

Boy here we go again Describe the change you would like: 1) image First section of the tree. You make a series of decisions. Now, I think there is a lore issue here, in that it seems that if you implement expropiation in, what I assume is Fujian and whatever you take at the start, now you're locked into expropriating everyone in China from now on, which seems like a pretty big decision to take from the get go. The rewards for doing so though far outweight not doing it. Expropiating gives you a flat consumer goods buff, which is always a great buff in every nation, whereas the other side just gives stability and war support, which are totally redundant bonuses because both are stats you can get without the tree and without waiting. Not to mention the amount they give you is laughable, it's less than what a war support decision and stability decision give. The way to solve this would be removing the stability and war support bonus on both sides, or swap them to flat bonuses in the focuses, and making the left one give consumer goods and the right one give a nice boost in pp, a substantial one, like 0.30 daily or more, since -5% consumer goods is a really good bonus as a whole. Second part of this is the Popular support idea. Again, gives war support and Stability. Why is this here? What purpose does it serve? Because like, the way this works it basically means you're impopular in Fujian, and by the time you unite the West of China, you're now popular all around China? and now you're even more stable even though you've triplicated your size and population? I don't get it. Maybe just move this to a different bonus. Stability and War support are, again, bonuses you can get via other means, and the debuffs that apply here are really weird in context. Maybe add a pp gain scaling since PP is so important in China, something like -0.30 at first, then -0.20 -> -0.10 -> 0.10 -> 0.20 ->0.30? That'd make it somewhat more valuable and important. Right now, it's not really a bonus that matters or even makes a lot of sense in context. Maybe even have it reduce recruitable pop at the start, since China isn't exactly short on manpower? We can discuss this later. Third part is actually somewhat balanced, albeit the PP gain has to be higher since the consumer goods debuff is just better. Also, banning opium should probably not be a permanent debuff, and eventually go away as a buff/debuff since Opium prohibition would eventually settle in and stop costing you consumer goods, and if you leave Opium, you should probably get a latter decision to fully purge it since, again, an early game decision to have an edge should probably not impact the nation building once you've united the entirety of China. 2) Army ideas: They're pretty confusing. The Left side seems to be a Mass Assault type of deal but only gives recruitable pop and rifle production reduction. If this is meant to be a late game type of deal, then it should probably just outright boost factory output and reinforce rate, and, this may surprise you, but you don't need recruitable population as China. You have like 5M cores just on volunteer only depending on the land you own. So the effects of that side are really hindered by the fact none of what it gives is something you can put to use, specially since you can only do it after taking the congress or on a major war. The right side is not much better, it seems marketed as a SF/MW type of deal whereas the bonus aim towards a GBP type of deal. Not a major issue, but it should probably be rebranded if that was the case, or changed if that wasn't the case. 3) image Ok, so, let's dive into this: Left side, democracy, gives you attack on core territory. Why. Just....Why. Like, if the argument is that having local democracy makes people more willing to defend their homes...that'd give defense which is the first stage (which is already a stretch), but by the second one we're assuming you take this way after you take Beijing, which is usally after taking on Japan, which usually by the time you're China. Considering you don't get cores on anything but the territory you own, this wouldn't help you until someone happened to invade your land and you happened to attack them on one of your core states. When would this happen? I have no idea. By the stage you can get this there's certainly little people who will attack you and actually penetrate your territory, and since the areas you're gonna be attacking are not cores, then....this doesn't do anything. The fact people having the vote gives attack and defense on cores is a debatable issue and war support bonus is ....really useless. The Center path, Wang Gang, starts off pretty nicely with a 0.10 pp boost, which is pretty small, but considering China needs every PP boost it can get, it's a pretty nice bonus to give in this type of tree. Problem is that again, in the second section we get core defense, which I just explained isn't really all that useful now. It's also equating a study club with being a democracy? so like, people like defending their homes more because they can defend them but if they aren't democratic they also like to do it because they have some more education? Like, what's the logic here? Wouldn't giving a research time reduction simply make more sense?. Consulative conference is also a filler focus too, but that's a different issue I should've brought up in the other report. Right Path, Government by shadows, is by far the most useful one. You get a PP boost an encryption /decryption one (and while we will have to think on something else for the next DLC since those stats won't exist anymore) it's a pretty good idea, pretty logical. My only complain with this one, as well as with Wang, is that the PP gain is too small. I haven't managed to see the last level of both of them, so maybe there was something that corrected these at the end, but I doubt it, frankly. EDIT: I forgot this one 4) image This does absolutely nothing all game. You can't remove it, it's given to you at the start, it gives you no benefits whatsoever, it doesn't fire anything. So why is it there? at the very least make it give a pp boost or something, that way it's not a completely useless idea. Like, the logic here would be that the Kuomintang creates an affair commission that does absolutely nothing but slow down construction of buildings. reduce pp gain and make factory repair slower. Even if you argue this is some case of bureaucratic corruption or something, the comission would still need to do something to favour the government to exist. It'd be completely stupid from a government to create an agency that actively makes ruling worse.

Additional context or comments: Contact me if you wish to further discuss these.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I intend to rework most of these in due time so I might as well close this issue but thank you for the detailed report, I most certainly will take this into account.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I have now implemented the suggested ideas in point 1 to a much better state in my opinion and have taken most of your advice, here are a list of the changes I made the are of course still subject to change. Here are the screenshots:

Land Rent:






Popular Support:


Something of not is that I have made political power a lot more valuable of a resource for CHI as they now have awful industry effects post LEP war. This means that if they are in the league war the -5 consumer goods is much more appealing whereas if you are in the post league war the political power might be better as the consumer goods won't outweigh the bad debuffs.