Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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HOL - Netherlands shouldn't get to join Entente *after* Japan declares war #6439

Closed bnormoyle closed 4 years ago

bnormoyle commented 4 years ago

Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.8.1 Kaiserreich version: 0.10.1

Describe the change you would like: Currently, the Netherlands join the Entente after Japan's declared war on them. I think instead it should be part of an event chain resulting from the JAP focus that gives them a chance of joining the Entente.

Explain the reasoning behind this change: 1) Every other nation Japan's focuses target plays out like that, so it's currently inconsistent. 2) Unlike the Philipines or Hawaii joining the Reichspakt, where Germany is defeatable in the Pacific and the war can reasonably end in time for Japan thanks to the east Asian peace events, the Entente joining the Netherlands makes the war nearly impossible to win in a timely manner, and tends to be particularly destructive for Japan as it takes on Australia and the Dominion of India, let alone Canada if they start island hopping. 3) It's a complete blindside - no other event chain I'm aware of has a faction join mid-war, and politically it doesn't make a ton of sense? That's politically equivalent to a declaration of war, and they don't have a casus belli as the Entente weren't attacked and weren't allied with the Netherlands until it's already happened.

Additional context or comments: It is rough that Japan's expansion to the Indies is basically a 1/3 chance of 'oops you're in the Pacific Weltkrieg'. If Japan can't get a warning ahead of time about the Entente intervention, maybe at least put a warning flag on the focus "Hey this could royally piss everyone off?"

bnormoyle commented 4 years ago

"It's a complete blindside - no other event chain I'm aware of has a faction join mid-war," Look at this dolt forgetting about Austria intervening in the Weltkrieg, literally the point of the other bug he filed. I think the other points are still relevant, though, especially the 'oops Weltkrieg' one as taking the Indies as Japan seems like what you're expected to do as a new Japan player.

Myrten commented 4 years ago

I agree with OP's suggestion, futhermore there should be a peace event between Netherlands and Japan if DEI capitulate

Thomahawk2k commented 4 years ago

You cannot expect to take the world's rubber supply and encroach on Australia and expect the world to just shrug and move on. I personally don't think this needs to be flagged as requiring special attention, as this appears rather obvious from the start, but I'll defer that decision to the Japanese team.

Thomahawk2k commented 4 years ago

There is already a peace event for the fall of the Dutch East Indies btw

Myrten commented 4 years ago

You cannot expect to take the world's rubber supply and encroach on Australia and expect the world to just shrug and move on. I personally don't think this needs to be flagged as requiring special attention, as this appears rather obvious from the start, but I'll defer that decision to the Japanese team.

If anyone should react it's Germany, Entente is simply too weak to fight war on both Atlantic and Pacific and taking back Britain and France is their obvious priority so they should avoid war with Japan at all costs.

bnormoyle commented 4 years ago

The DEI peace event doesn't fire if Netherlands is in the Entente.

bnormoyle commented 4 years ago

And if the East Indies aren't deserving of special mention, why do Phillipines and Hawaii, two far less important areas guarded by powers that are much easier to fight off, DO have special warnings and event chains? Not to mention how extremely offputting it is that Japan doesn't even get an event announcing this - they're invading the East Indies and then one day "Netherlands has called its ally Dominion of Canada". It took me diving into the code just to figure out what was causing it.

As to 'the world's rubber supply' - as long as Netherlands isn't in a faction, then there's no difference to anyone else mechanically if they're buying from the Dutch or the Japanese. Meanwhile, taking the Phillipines which can cause them to join the Reichspakt which ends up being a fairly minor war all told has a full event chain, so I don't see the justification for why DEI is different. Also, declaring war on GEA is a far more drastic offense that actually can hobble Germany and they have a peace out event. Either DEI should be treated like Phillipines and Hawaii with the event chain warning you, or the Netherlands should join the Entente long before Japan declares war (like towards the beginning of Nanshin-ron).

Note that I'm not asking for a peace event if you take DEI when they're in the Entente - if Netherlands has joined the Entente, then that's the Entente declaring that they are actively opposed to Japanese imperialism and are willing to commit their forces to it, as if the Dutch lose DEI then they do basically nothing to advance Entente goals and them being in the alliance makes no sense. My problem right now is in communicating to the player why you're suddenly in a massive total war across the globe when you only declared to take some islands that the Netherlands would willingly give up 66% of the time. Currently there is no communication.

(A side note: I also am not a huge fan of the Entente being staunchly anti-Japanese expansion to the point of death or just not even caring being down to a dice roll, and wish that it was tied a bit more to existing focus choices or anything that the Japan player could see and actually interact with. That is very far outside the scope of this ask, however.)

Zankoas commented 4 years ago

I've added an event chain giving Japan the option to back down if Indonesia manages to join a faction. I've also made some other tweaks so that Indonesia doesn't join a faction part way through the war. Thanks for the suggestions!

bnormoyle commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much!!!!! That's absolutely awesome!

Zankoas commented 4 years ago

Np, glad you're happy