Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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FNG - Reorganized Government Forming Issues #7517

Closed AlyMar1994 closed 4 years ago

AlyMar1994 commented 4 years ago

Quick questions OS: Windows 7 Home (64-bit) HOI4 version: v1.9.1 Kaiserreich version: 0.11.2 - "The Long Road Home" List any other mods used: KR Music Mods, Toolpack, HOI4 - Texture Overhaul (sans shaders). Were you using Steam? Yes Were you in multiplayer? No Which expansions do you NOT have? N/A

Explanation of the issue: During my playthrough of Li Zongren's Lianggung Military Government, I've encountered a bug when playing against the Fengtian Government. Please follow the uploaded images in order, to follow the events properly. I'll highlight this in the section by using a bold number. Forgive the strange images, I don't have many saves from this and I only have what I uploaded to the Discord.

1). "The world at large in 1941." For a few years, I've been at war with the League of Six Provinces, but Fengtian defeated Qing and declared war on Sichuan, Hunan, the LoSP and I somewhere in 1939-1940. In 1941, the image I've linked shows my progress into capitulating Fengtian (Japan had not intervened).

2). "Push to Bejing." For the most part, my front line was held here at Beijing, but I was slowly advancing per-tile around Shanxi. Extra image included for clarity. Japan still wasn't included.

3). "The Question." Then this happened. The Fengtian AI did a focus named "The Question of the Presidency," and broke the war/the game. When completed, Zhang Zuolin stepped down from his presidency, Yang Yuting took power, Fengtian became Market Liberal, and became a Japanese puppet. They were also renamed to the "Reformed Government of China."

Despite me testing around, taking Beijing, rushing the war into Manchuria, nothing worked. In this image is the result of about 3-years work of fighting in China. The RGoC steals back all the territory it gained from both Qing and what I gave it from the war with the LoSP (I gave it Shandong out of fairness), and I "peace out" with the RGoC. But, as you see in the image, despite me "peacing out," the game still thinks I'm at war and I am forever soft-locked. I cannot reform the Republic of China, because I need to be at peace, but I cannot peace out due to the RGoC (I assume) becoming a puppet of Japan. The focus they're currently doing in that photo is directly after "The Question of the Presidency," if I recall, and that the RGoC, and the entire East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere were still at war with the Reichspakt.

4). "The Focus in Question." This focus has no prerequisites, other than it's predecessor. To form China, it doesn't need Beijing, or whatnot to do so. I don't know what can be done to fix this, nor do I specifically know how Fengtian forms the RGoC. I ended up console-annexing Fengtian to fix this, but it ended up giving me a bugged event spam claiming the Fengtian Government was constantly being annexed by Flanders-Wallonia.

EDIT (4/20/2020, 10:41 AM EST): Note that it may not just be the focus which causes this, as it mentions nothing of being a puppet of Japan. It's possibly an event, or decision which they can take which they did simultaneously. If the Lianggung Military Government cannot reform the Republic of China while at war, then nor should Fengtian, especially if they don't have Beijing.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I have no idea.

  2. Get into a war with Fengtian, after their conquest of Qing and the beginning of their Pacification Wars.

  3. Push far into their territory. Wait for them to question Zuolin's place in the presidency.

  4. Watch as the territory resets, and your game gets soft-locked.

The chain of events I've mentioned above could also be used as a reference point.

Screenshots: 1). "The world at large in 1941." 1 - Push to Beijing

2). "Push to Bejing." 2 - Close-up

3). "The Question." 3 - Post Reform

4). "The Focus in Question." 4 - Culprit Focus

Alpinia commented 4 years ago
