Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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USA - Adjust VPs #7971

Closed Zankoas closed 4 years ago

Zankoas commented 4 years ago

Since the CSA is usually capitulating fast, I propose to spread out the victory points more and give them a little more land, so that any of the other factions have to work a little more before they actually capitulate. I would argue that losing the capital of the resistance or even the two major cities would hurt the rebellion, but not crush it, since those rebels are devoted to the cause (they wouldn’t have risen in a CW if they weren’t), like other rebel factions seen in reality. There is still fighting even if they control close to no territory. And a spread of victory points could depict that in the ACW.

From: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylG3REp0Xr-oBm8OxtEzXNNhpJ1OAz_gkzCB1z0yyr8/

I think I mentioned this before, but can't remember. Close if I have already.

Alpinia commented 4 years ago
