Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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Events Firing for Wrong Nations #7975

Closed nario308 closed 4 years ago

nario308 commented 4 years ago

Quick questions HOI4 version: Husky 1.9.2 Kaiserreich version: 0.12 (Steam version)

Explanation of the issue:

Hello, I was playing as democratic Japan (Defend democracy/Electoral reform, etc.) keeping the Seiyukai at power, without interfering with the europeans alliances (staying in the co-prosperity sphere), until 24:00, 1 Dec, 1941, when an event (lithuania.12) triggered. It kept my government party as the Seiyukai, stopped the elections (the lastest ones were in 1940 and the next supposed to be in 1944), and put Mindaugas III (leader of Lithuania) at the head of state (replacing Hirohito), and adding a government that is composed of Lithuanian people. I never played as Lithuania before playing Japan in this game, nor changed with the tag command for cheats, so I have no idea how this can be happening. All the cheats I used in the game were teleport or deleteallunits, but never did it on Lithuania or any Reichspakt member.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Played as democratic Japan with the Seiyukai at power

  2. The event triggered at 24:00, 1 Dec, 1941

Possible cause:

No idea of a possible cause, like I said I never interfered with any member of the Reichspakt before. The Second Weltkireg was ongoing and I took part of it against France/Australia/Union of Britain. The only thing that was "different" from my other games as Japan was that the German East Asia accepted my ultimatum (which never happened in my 3-4 games I played as Japan).


Bug Mindaugas Japan Kaiserreich

Bug Mindaugas Japan Kaiserreich_1

Thank you for reading my report (and sorry for posting it in the wrong git at first).

Rylock commented 4 years ago

@nario308 Were you using a save from before the 0.12 update? Or any sub-mods? As lithuania.12 is fired by a Lithuanian focus... on Lithuania.

nario308 commented 4 years ago

@Rylock No, that's a save I started yesterday, and there was no other mod that was activated.

Rylock commented 4 years ago

@nario308 Then, at the very least, I would need the logs... though I doubt they would point at the cause. There's no way for us to reproduce it, and the code wouldn't allow for a focus to fire on a different country like that. Still, maybe the log might give us some insight.

nario308 commented 4 years ago

Here they are (if it was what you were searching for). Like you said, there is no way it would happen, I checked a bit and found nothing that could explain it. However, I found that Mexico had the same problem as me at 18:00,13 March, 1942:

[12:32:58][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 18:00, 13 March, 1942: Mexico: event mittel.136 [12:32:59][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 18:00, 13 March, 1942: Mexico: add idea MAF_Hermann_von_Goering_hog_npo [12:32:59][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 18:00, 13 March, 1942: Mexico: add idea MAF_Arthur_Zimmermann_for_npo [12:32:59][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 18:00, 13 March, 1942: Mexico: add idea MAF_Fritz_Thyssen_eco_npo [12:32:59][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 18:00, 13 March, 1942: Mexico: add idea MAF_Hermann_von_Goering_sec_npo [12:32:59][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 18:00, 13 March, 1942: Mexico: event worldnews.181

I'm sorry if this is a normal one, I never played Mexico, but once again it seems to trigger an event from another country in a wrong one, and this time on an AI.

Just in case you don't find them, here are the lines that talk about my problem:

[10:56:27][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: event lithuania.12 [10:57:01][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941 Empire of Japan on_government_change [10:57:01][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: event kr.political.41 [10:57:01][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Stasys_Salkauskis_hog_sco [10:57:01][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Stasys_Lozoraitis_for_sco [10:57:01][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Fabijonas_Kemesis_eco_sco [10:57:01][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Antanas_Tumenas_sec_sco [...] [11:19:25][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: event lithuania.12 [...] [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2257]: [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: event kr.political.41 [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2257]: [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Stasys_Salkauskis_hog_sco [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2257]: [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Stasys_Lozoraitis_for_sco [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2257]: [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Fabijonas_Kemesis_eco_sco [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2257]: [11:23:32][effectbase.cpp:2243]: 24:00, 1 December, 1941: Empire of Japan: add idea LIT_Antanas_Tumenas_sec_sco

(The second one, I assume, is because I had the debug mode open.)

Sorry if you don't find an answer to my problem, that is quite the weird bug, I never had it before, but it didn't troubled me eitherway, I could keep playing, just that I was recording my game, so it surprised me. I also restarted a new save as Japan an hour ago, to make sure if the bug just appeared randomly or if it will trigger once more.


PPsyrius commented 4 years ago

Just double check, mittel.136 is fired by MAF NF Tree and should have scoped to itself, something similar goes for lithuania.12 for LIT.

The only thing I found in common between the two is that the country scope isn't there, but it works fine before since it's supposed to fire for itself anyway. Perhaps something gone wrong on PDX end when they released the new patch

PPsyrius commented 4 years ago

For tracking purpose, something similar happens in #7964, might be something on PDX end

klink-mit-panzerslip commented 4 years ago

Ok, so it really looks in the end like a serious bug, not affecting a few random countries but even major countries not played by AI but human, not so hard to get since we are already a few to have noticed it in a few days after the latest hoi4 patch (not to mention the fact it may easily be overlooked when affecting some minor distant country).

I guess we should ask PDX if they are aware or made any changes in this regard (I've the latest changelog but found nothing obviously relevant)

Rylock commented 4 years ago

@klink-mit-panzerslip Yes, but the issue is on your end - it's not happening to us (we can't reproduce the issue), or to most people playing the mod. We just don't know what the commonality is between you and the few other reports we have of this. Personally, I'd suggest a clean reinstall and see if it happens again.

Zankoas commented 4 years ago

@Rylock It is worth noting we had a single tester get a very similar issue. It isn't common by any means, but it also isn't just a single dodgy install

Rylock commented 4 years ago

@Zankoas I'm not saying it's a "single dodgy install". I'm saying there is something in common between the people who have the issue, and we just don't know what it is. If this is something that "just happens" and there's no way for us to detect, reproduce, or prevent it... well, then there's absolutely nothing that we or even Paradox could do about it.

Rylock commented 4 years ago

@klink-mit-panzerslip Can we possibly get you to double-check your checksums?

The vanilla checksum is the four letter code you can see here in your launcher: checksum1

The KR checksum is the four letter code you see under the main menu after you've launched: checksum2

Assuming you're just using the Steam version of 0.12, with no other mods, they should be the same.

klink-mit-panzerslip commented 4 years ago

A 20200520213127_1

The checksums are the same.

Software isn't black magic. If something happen, code make it happen. :-) It is not random that at least three differents users, that changed nothing of their setup, hit the same bug at the same time after the same update.

So far it looks the clausewitz engine get confused about which focus applies to which countries. There has to be some explanation in the code. And since you KRR people apparently made no changes in this regard, then it has to be in clausewitz code.

We are not talking about graphical glitch, real file corruption. Apply a focus to the wrong country tag is something else (and maybe already noticed by at least one other modder - to be confirmed https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/issue-with-countries-stealing-each-others-focus-trees-in-mod.1388760/ ).

Unfortunately, with no access to clausewitz code, it is actually impossible to conclude anything, since we cannot even say whether they changed something in this regard. But people at Paradox should be able to tell if they possibly caused this.

Sure it is impossible to debug right now with the info that us users can provide. But a a few diff checks, some git log, should tell.

Zankoas commented 4 years ago

We've been keeping an eye out in testing and no more reports of this have come up. I won't close it yet, but that does lean on it being an issue with the inital patch rather than something more systemic

Zankoas commented 4 years ago

Info from that report indicates it is something todo with reloading saves, does make me think it is the old bug with reloading saves after minor changes to the game files in a new form

Alpinia commented 4 years ago

We haven't received new reports of this since June, so it can be considered fixed, whatever its cause was. If it does re-appear, please open a new issue.