Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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MOR - Summary of session from 5/18 #8057

Closed ReiVL closed 4 years ago

ReiVL commented 4 years ago

Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.9.2 Kaiserreich version: Dev 5/18

Summary of session

Not much to say on this one. It's fully functional, but fairly barebones with few real options. Anything I can think of to improve it, however, either: A) Falls under the label of things that are geographically impossible and irrelevant since it's a North African desert state or B) More of a rework territory like adding more political options which I'm not qualified to comment on

Ultimately, while the early game's barebones and kinda bleh, once 2WK kicks off you can create your own fun by being a helpful supporter of the RP. In my case this mostly involved an Iberian campaign beating back various offensives towards Castille and Catalonia, only to end up responding to a naval invasion in Portugal and Andalusia that finally drove France and Britain out of southern Iberia. Memorable stuff! But yeah, if the tag's ever reworked I'd try to add more content in the earlier parts of the game.

Since it's a small tag that I doubt either will get or warrants huge attention in the future, I'll keep it short and leave it at that.

ReiVL commented 4 years ago

Actually, I'll expand a tiny bit on this after letting it roll around in the back of my head for a bit.


While it makes sense for the place to be very underdeveloped, you have no resources, almost no way of gaining factories, and this remains true for a very long time. I think maybe adding 1 offmap of each type could be justified, but made in the context of economic/military cooperation with Germany - perhaps even as some cost to the MOR player.

These areas of the focus tree could be good locations for them, possibly in the repeated infrastructure segment on the left side of the economic tree.


And somewhere in this area of the military tree. image

They shouldn't gain a lot, just one of each, and naturally these disappear if Germany does or if you break your ties to Germany. Another thing I could see handy would be getting some steel placed in your home region to represent trade deals. Again, temporary, goes away if you lose control over the region, if Germany dies or if you go traitor. But economicaly, the player has to go, "do I want to build stuff with my one free factory before I can go to war economy or do I import 8 steel so I can produce more than half a gun a day?"

Again, might be worth considering somewhere in the middle of the economic tree.


If I ever could change sides, it was never made clear to me. I think if France had taken a more active role in upsetting politics on my country or if it was possible to feel a spillover from the SCW or some internal antics, that could've been a good way of providing early game content and replay value if it could amount to big practical changes. At least in my playthrough, I experienced none of this. It think a few changes like this could be interesting, especially if Morocco turns on the Germans given the implications that might have for naval dominance in the Mediterranean and access through the Strait of Gibraltar. How politically realistic this is, I can't tell as I am (as aforementioned) not qualified to speak about Moroccan politics with any degree of authority. Assuming it is realistic though, I think it could turn the tag into a more dynamic player on the world stage, rather than just being the minor ally of Germany that provides a handy-dandy naval base right next to the Atlantic.


To make a more neat list out of it:

I think these could improve gameplay a lot, provide logical ways of making the tag feel less restricted while not making the tag feel unrealistic, and provide some variety to the tag in terms of politics/alliances (if it can work out without being super unrealistic).

Thank you for your time! 👍

Pietrus69 commented 4 years ago

I think adding more political stuff as an idea will have to wait for a rework. But I guess the other part is fixed so closed.

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it hasn't been touched in over a month. Any dev is now free to close or implement it.

Rylock commented 4 years ago

Not sure why this was reopened. Any larger political changes should, indeed, wait for a rework.