Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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GXC - Chen Mingshu head of gov description #9402

Closed liach closed 4 years ago

liach commented 4 years ago

Quick questions

OS: Windows HOI4 version: 1.9.3 Kaiserreich version: 0.13 List any other mods used: None Were you using Steam? :x: Were you in multiplayer? :x: Which expansions do you NOT have? Any purchased separately from base game

Explanation of the issue

Chen Mingshu, as head of government in ministers, has an incorrect description when viewed in the diplomacy tab (i.e. right click country, not left click flag)

Steps to reproduce

(Note: you don't have to be GXC; you can be anyone since anyone can view diplomacy with GXC)

  1. Get Chen Mingshu in power in any mean, such as KMT coup, succession after assassination of Chen Jiongming, etc.

  2. On the map, right click GXC Liangguang clique to open the diplomacy of GXC.

  3. Observe that Chen Mingshu the "Head of Government" minister has a problematic description. It apparently uses the description for that "A feast in Hami" event in which Han influence gained supremacy. hoi4_202

Note: This problematic description does not appear when viewing from the flag tab! In other words, it does not happen when viewing from the political tab (from clicking the flag, where you can spend political power to change laws/companies) hoi4_203

Possible cause


In minister ideas file, his definition is like

        GXC_Chen_Mingshu_hog_sde = {
            allowed = { original_tag = GXC }
            available = {
                custom_trigger_tooltip = {
                    tooltip = head_of_gov_available
                    always = no
            cancel_if_invalid = no
            on_add = {
                log = "[GetDateText]: [Root.GetName]: add idea GXC_Chen_Mingshu_hog_sde"
            traits = {

So there is nothing that would give Chen Mingshu minister a description. wat

\"For many months, ministers, bureaucrats and government officials have been working hard at securing Kumulilik control in Xinjiang. People have been working across the province, and communication has been slow. Therefore, [TAN.GetLeader] decided to call a great meeting in the city of Kumul, accompanied by an even greater feast. Though the stated intention of the gathering was to catch up on information and celebrated continued stability, it is clear this has more underlying motives. Many believe [TAN.GetLeader] and Yulbars Khan aim to stop the growing influence of multiple key figures in government: the renegade Uyghur Hoja-Niyaz, the Han bureaucrat Fan Yaonan, and the butcher of Gansu Ma Zhongying. Though they claim to be loyal to our government, many fear they may have other intentions...\n\nWith everyone arriving in Kumul, the city was bustling with activity. Soldiers, peasants, and bureaucrats all rushing around making preparations for the great meeting. Hoja-Niyaz arrived first, with a group of Uyghur soldiers from the mountains of Hotan. An hour later than expected, came Ma Zhongying, the stench of opium following his party of soldiers as they wandered through the city. However, someone was noticeably missing. Fan Yaonan, though he stated in a letter just the other day that he was to be joining, was no where to be seen. As [TAN.GetLeader] and Yulbars exchanged worried looks, the meeting was forced to begin without him.\n\nHowever, Fan Yaonan did intend to join the meeting. While he walked into the city of Kumul, behind him marched 250 loyal Han soldiers. The city guards, instead of fighting off the force, joined Fan, having been paid off by him before he arrived. Ma Zhongying’s soldiers, distracted in an opium house, were easily dispatched. Following this, Fan's force surrounded the leaders palace, while Fan himself walked into the meeting with 20 of his troops. Quickly they took over the meeting, arresting Hoja-Niyaz, Ma Zhongying, [TAN.GetLeader] and Yulbars Khan. It appears they most likely will not be seeing freedom again. With great influence in the government already, Fan Yaonan's power is already secure."

thindicalist The description has kumul.102.d localization key. When I searched in the mod, kumul.102.d only appears in the translation file and the event definition file for Kumul.

Yes, this bug looks senseless, but I happened to replicate it again after closing hoi4 and reopening it. ascendedsheikh

Since there is nothing spotted on mod file's side, I'd expect this to be something wrong with hoi4 itself, or its caches. Maybe they are using some hashing function and by a very slight chance, two different things got the same hash and hence conflicts. Just like how gamma ray can invert bits in the RAM of computers.

Save game

The save game at whether Chen Mingshu should coup Chen Jiongming's event prompt for easy observation of this bug. Enter this save and choose coup so you can have Chen Mingshu as head of gov minister

falling-robin commented 4 years ago

Checked this on the master and couldn't replicate it. Mingshu's description is just "Liberal" like his description in the author's internal politics view. It might already be fixed, but the author doesn't have LaR, so maybe check without it just to be safe.

Alpinia commented 4 years ago

This is another loc collision - it happens when the engine mismatches the hashes for two loc strings, causing them to overwrite one another, and can only be fixed by Paradox themselves.

Alpinia commented 2 years ago

No longer an issue as of NSB.