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Including the Third Weltkrieg? #21

Open hbielenia opened 5 years ago

hbielenia commented 5 years ago

Hi! First, congratulations on moving to open source model. For a long time I felt this would be good direction for the project.

I'm opening this as an issue to try and discuss the possibility itself, but I'm also willing to contribute. I have save game ready where I could start working.

So, the thing to consider is adding some events that would kickstart WW3 some years after WW2 ends up in cold war. I remember that whenever this was brought up in old forums, the answer was that it's too difficult to account for all possible scenarios and that futher development of WW2 and pre-WW2 events has more priority. Now, to the second argument we can say that this timeframe is already very well developed and rich in events. To the first one, there are certainly many factors influencing the outcome, but I believe the following options cover the majority of cases pretty well:

Would such events be welcome, or is WW3 still considered to be outside the scope of the project?

Strategia commented 5 years ago

Ohai :)

Working towards the Third Weltkrieg is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, it was one of the long-term projects I was hoping to get going when I joined the team back in 2016. I believe it is possible, but it's not something we can do quickly or easily, it requires concerted long-term effort. Back in the day, when I was making these plans, I wanted to first build up to a major content freeze until about 1941, which in itself could easily have taken at least a year or two given the major overhauls that were in the cards at the time (primarily US and China) and the overall slow pace of work, so that we could work forward from there without suddenly having to deal with significant changes to the preconditions. Right now there's even more to work on, not only the US and China reworks but also porting over other reworks from KR4, such as South America, Italy, and Mittelafrika.

I definitely still want to eventually get a Third Weltkrieg going, I had some ideas planned out already that I could work out in a bit more detail, but it's something we can't actually work on just yet.

hbielenia commented 5 years ago

I see, thanks for answering! I didn't follow KR development closely (primarily because I'm still waiting with getting my hands on HoI4) so I don't really know about the bigger changes that are happening, but I'm sure I'll be doing some minor patches.

Hopefully Der Dritte Weltkrieg will get it's attention eventually :)

BlaneckW commented 4 years ago

Apart from needing to rebuild itself, or whatever participation in WW2, I imagine a Syndicalist U.S. would be promoting regime changes and maybe subsequent development in South American allies first, unless they felt they were in a position to handle a nuclear Germany quickly. Even if they obtained a position of power vis-a-vis Germany, you probably handle your own backyard first otherwise.