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Thoughts/plans for various parts of the world #81

Open mechu1205 opened 3 years ago

mechu1205 commented 3 years ago


Russia offers diverse choices and rich domestic/foreign policy event chains, and I see no urgent reason to change that. However I see two problems:

1) It can get riciulously overpowered very quickly

So I'd like to 1) Nerf Russian IC down to a reasonable level

3) Cap the number of times the free MP/dissent events can occur

Additional changes I'd like to bring include:

mechu1205 commented 2 years ago

Commune of France

The biggest issue with France is that it rarely wins against Germany, and after FRA is defeated the Internationale is little more than UoB with some minor~regional powers scattered here and there.

I see the following reasons behind/regarding this issue:

  1. Germany has too many troops

I need to back this up with exact numbers, but I feel that their military should be smaller, especially with the Black Monday and all. Maybe there should be events about reducing the army after the BM to save spendings, which offers a trade-off between fast recovery from the BM and military size.

  1. Calling the Central Powers to Arms

Germany can call BUL, OTT, and AUS/U24/U25 for help if they are losing against FRA. The AI has 45% chance of calling all 3, and 45% chance of calling only AUS/U24/U25.
Currently, the chances of the countries called-to-arms accepting is only lowered by them being at war with Balkan countries or RUS. (+ ITA in the case of AUS/U24/U25) These chances should be influenced greatly by whether the Germans backed them up in/at

Also the options to support AUS/BUL/OTT should come at a higher cost, so that it is not just a "be smart VS shoot your own foot" choice for Germany.
German policy towards the Danube Crisis especially should have a bigger impact on German politics, as Austria is much more closer to Germany both ethnically and geographically.

  1. French is alone in the war

This does NOT mean that France does not have any powerful allies. Socialist Italy and UoB are both guaranteed to join WK2. But the lack of land connections to France makes it difficult for the AI to send help. The fact that most of UoB's land forces in 1936 are garrison units does not help either. Maybe the RSI AI, at least, could be tweaked to be more eager to ship units over to France, as long as it is not at war against ITA.
In the New World, I have noticed that CSA has quite a high chance of winning the ACW. From my observations, they seem to win about 50% of the time, and the other 50% the USA will win. However, even if CSA (and potentially Mexico as well) joins the 3Int, it is too busy steamrolling Canada that it is unable to send troops quickly enough to save CoF. Now I'm not saying Canada should be nerfed (Entente is already the weakest faction among the three), but that the CSA actively participating in the war in Europe could make a big difference, and it would be nice to encourage the AI to do so.

  1. Russia/Soviets not participating

While RUS/SOV has the potential to DoW Germany and turn the tide of the war, they usually stay passive throughout the WK2.
See above comments on Russia.