Hello, kaiyang. I'm trying to use your Dassl in some medical tasks. Due to the limit of my hardware, I have to train the network from two distruibuted GPUs...I'm using Horovod to finish the task, but I noticed that:"A drawback of Dassl is that it doesn't (yet? hmm) support distributed multi-GPU training", is that true while using Horovod ? I'm looking forward to have your answer, because it takes time to prepare the environment.
Hello, kaiyang. I'm trying to use your Dassl in some medical tasks. Due to the limit of my hardware, I have to train the network from two distruibuted GPUs...I'm using Horovod to finish the task, but I noticed that:"A drawback of Dassl is that it doesn't (yet? hmm) support distributed multi-GPU training", is that true while using Horovod ? I'm looking forward to have your answer, because it takes time to prepare the environment.