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Create a MD template for the creation of issues #2

Closed danielcdz closed 3 days ago

danielcdz commented 4 days ago


ShantelPeters commented 4 days ago

Hi @danielcdz please can I be assigned to this issue?

Oshioke-Salaki commented 4 days ago

I’d love to work on this task.

0xdevcollins commented 4 days ago

Can I try solving this issue?

JosueBrenes commented 4 days ago

Hi, I'm Josué Brenes and I'll be working on issue. I'm Dojo Coding member. ⛩️

I estimate this will take 1 day to complete.

Proposed Solution for Issue

I would resolve this issue in the following way:

  1. Create a Markdown Template: Start by creating a Markdown file named ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md to define a template that includes essential fields for issue proposals.

  2. Define Key Headers: Ensure the template includes headers for important details that need to be filled out, such as:

    • Title: A clear, concise title for the issue.
    • Description: A brief summary of the issue and any relevant context.
    • Steps to Reproduce: A list of steps to replicate the issue if it’s a bug.
    • Expected Behavior: What the expected outcome is.
    • Actual Behavior: What currently happens, including any error messages.
    • Environment: Information about the environment where the issue occurs (e.g., OS, browser version).
    • Additional Context: Any other relevant details or screenshots.
  3. Keep it Minimal: Since the requester asked for the template to be minimal, avoid adding any excessive instructions or filler text. Each section header should serve as a prompt, making it easy for users to fill in only the necessary information.

  4. Testing and Reviewing: After creating the file, test it by submitting a sample issue to ensure the format is user-friendly and achieves the intended goal.

Gerson2102 commented 4 days ago

Hey! I'm Gerson. 👋

Member of Dojo Coding. I have contributed before to other projects like:

Can I work on this issue?

Check my OnlyDust profile, I've contributed to many projects: Profile

Plan to Solve the Issue:

  1. Study the codebase to understand the current structure and functionality.
  2. Understand the problem that needs to be solved by thoroughly reading the issue details.
  3. Leverage all provided resources within the issue to get a better grasp of the task at hand.
  4. If I encounter roadblocks, I will ask questions ASAP in the Telegram group to move forward effectively.
  5. I will open a PR and wait for ur feedback

Benjtalkshow commented 4 days ago

Can I tackle this one?

diegoTech14 commented 4 days ago

Hello, I'm Diego a software engineer from Costa Rica and member of Dojo Coding ⛩️ I've created some documentation for projects like KaizenNodeLabs, ByteBeasts and Dipdup, I would love to contribute to this issue

I have some experience documenting projects and I have an idea of how the template will looks already:

  1. Issue Title
  2. Description of the issue
  3. Steps to solve the issue
  4. Acceptance criteria

Kind regards,

Diego Duarte Fernández

gadyrcdz commented 4 days ago

May I try my hand at this? I'm part of the Dojo Coding Community

lauchaves commented 4 days ago

Hey Im Lau Chaves Id would like to contribute to this one! Im a member of Dojo Coding Costa RicaI have already helped other mainteners creating issues and would love to do the md file for this project!

Please check some issues template on these links:

https://github.com/keep-starknet-strange/joyboy/issues/249 https://github.com/keep-starknet-strange/joyboy/issues/232 ....

Most of them got a description, issue, expected and screenshot sections

binayak9932 commented 4 days ago

Issue Title


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior


Possible Solution (Optional)

Additional Context/Screenshots

Example Template

omsant02 commented 4 days ago

I’d love to work on this task.