Your wrapper is amazing, however, trying to specify chart colors doesn't seem to apply:
Here is sample code, that doesn't work properly
const lineSeries = [{ color: props.color, borderColor: props.color, data: }]
Chart is displayed, yet coloring doesn't seem to apply :(
Your wrapper is amazing, however, trying to specify chart colors doesn't seem to apply: Here is sample code, that doesn't work properly
const lineSeries = [{ color: props.color, borderColor: props.color, data: }]
.... `` Chart is displayed, yet coloring doesn't seem to apply :(
Weirder still, adding empty candlestick ` const candlestickSeries = [{ data: [ ] }]
` will change series color (prob to another default color).
What is the way to add colors support to the library? Thx