Kaldaien / SoulsUnsqueezed

Aspect Ratio and Performance Fixes for Dark Souls III (PC)
MIT License
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Crash on Achievement Get #20

Open Person-Mc-Gee opened 1 year ago

Person-Mc-Gee commented 1 year ago

So I originally tried using this through SpecialK like I've done in the past and that didn't work, so I've resorted to installing it from here manually. It works perfectly fine for the most part except when I get an achievement or try to open the OSD it will instantly crash 100% of the time. I don't really need to ever use the OSD, but it's the only way I know how to disable the stupid extra achievement popup that SpecialK has on by default for no good reason.

I suspect this may be due to the fact that for whatever reason it "updated" me to an older version (0.5.3 I think?) of SUS when I first booted it. I have no way of confirming this because I have no idea how to fully uninstall this or how to manually update back to 0.6.0.

Thank you in advance