Kaldaien / SoulsUnsqueezed

Aspect Ratio and Performance Fixes for Dark Souls III (PC)
MIT License
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[Request] Run HLSL code on 32bit frame buffer #5

Open FiftyTifty opened 7 years ago

FiftyTifty commented 7 years ago

Seeing as how SoulsUnsqueezed already deals with the frame buffer, I figured this wouldn't be too astronomical a task.

Essentially, SoulsUnsqueezed would have a single .hlsl file, where all the HLSL code would go. An on-screen gui would just be unnecessary agony; for testing changes to variables, a way to recompile the shader would suffice just fine.

Would something like this be readily implementable? There is of course ReShade/SweetFX, but the problem with those wrappers is that they:

  1. Run HLSL code on the final 8 bit frame
  2. Affect the UI