Kalhama / Gluwave

Web based open loop application for diabetes management
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Fat and protein absorption models #36

Open Kalhama opened 3 weeks ago

Kalhama commented 3 weeks ago

Protein absorption: Body primarily uses amino acids as a building blocns and its not insulin deoendent. However excess protein loads (over 75 g/d ?) the rest gets processed to carbs thus requiring insulin.

Fat absorption: On isocaloric diet also fats are used for building blocks, secondarily burned through ketone process. Neither of are affected by insulin.

On excess calories fats are stored in adipose tissue. Insulin plays some role in this. Might increse insulin resistance.

Kalhama commented 3 weeks ago

Pathways for protein and fat to affect insulin needs

m_dci190039f1 https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/43/1/13/35953/Insulin-Dosing-for-Fat-and-Protein-Is-it-Time

Low fat vs high fat meal required insulin delivery

810fig2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609492/

Meta study: The Role of Protein and Fat Intake on Insulin Therapy in Glycaemic Control of Paediatric Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Research Gaps
