[ ] Testnetwork of Kalipo's Lisk sidechain ready for assessment
[ ] The expectation of an Assessment Sidechain on Testnet (Edward)
[ ] It's already undergone a successful migration to SDK6 and can therefore be registered to the Lisk Testnet.
[ ] With that we should be able to additionally run it ourselves locally under the same conditions from the public code.
[ ] So all features should be functional. In order to become a sidechain, it must be registered through interoperability of the Lisk Testnet. When the time comes for this, you can consult the beta testing community and our developers, until then your main goal should be to make all listed and existing features functional with SDK6 as the basis of your app.
[ ] If for some reason the Lisk Testnet has not yet upgraded, I will accept a registration to the Lisk betanet as an alternative.