Kaljurand / Diktofon

An Android app, a dictaphone with Estonian speech-to-text
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Shortcuts #22

Open Kaljurand opened 9 years ago

Kaljurand commented 9 years ago

Original issue 21 created by Kaljurand on 2014-01-02T20:07:09.000Z:

Shortcuts for recording related actions would be very useful. E.g., a shortcut that starts/stops recording.

Kaljurand commented 9 years ago

Comment #1 originally posted by Kaljurand on 2014-01-03T14:48:32.000Z:

Can you elaborate what do you mean by "shortcuts"?

In general, I'd advise against using Diktofon's own recorder. Other Android recorders are more powerful (offering compressed recording, silence removal, widgets, etc.). You can e.g. use Easy Voice Recorder (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coffeebeanventures.easyvoicerecorder) to record and then share the result into Diktofon (for transcription, transcription-synchronized playback, tagging, search etc.)

Kaljurand commented 9 years ago

Comment #2 originally posted by Kaljurand on 2014-01-03T17:28:12.000Z:

I see. The use case I was thinking of was recording quick notes, e.g., when driving. A shortcut, for instance, would be a in icon on Android's home screen that acts as a recording start/stop toggle. Sounds like your aim is more to provide post-recording functions, so I am not sure if my use case belongs here. However, if recording isn't the primary function then the name and description of the app are misleading, "Dictaphone with ... speech-to-text" suggests that the recording function is primary.

Kaljurand commented 9 years ago

Comment #3 originally posted by Kaljurand on 2014-01-03T22:48:12.000Z:

OK, thanks! I'll accept the issue, but it has low priority on my TODO list. Mainly because other Android recorders are currently so much better and it's too much work to catch up with them. At the same time, it's possible to use these other recorders together with Diktofon. E.g. you can set Easy Voice Recorder to store files into Diktofon's directory and then use EVR's shortcut/widget to control the recording.

Note also that it is currently possible also to launch directly into the Diktofon's Recorder activity, by setting up Nova Launcher's "Activity Shortcut". This should work also with a few other launchers. See more here:


However, in this case the recorded files are stored in Diktofon's recorder-directory, which is not shown by Diktofon itself (it shows the contents of the recordings-directory). So, you'd have to use a general purpose file manager to see your recordings.

Regarding the name, every dictaphone should do two things: (1) record and (2) manage/playback the recordings. Neither is more primary than the other, I think. With Diktofon, the idea has been to focus on the managing/playback and "outsource" recording to other apps, ideally via an intent call. Unfortunately very few Android recorders support the standard recording intent ("android.provider.MediaStore.RECORD_SOUND"), but communication between (1) and (2) is still possible via the Share-intent or simply writing into the same folder.