Kaljurand / K6nele

An Android app that offers speech-to-text user interfaces to other apps
Apache License 2.0
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Add testing/evaluation/calibration functionality #15

Open Kaljurand opened 9 years ago

Kaljurand commented 9 years ago

Original issue 11 created by Kaljurand on 2011-11-03T12:10:04.000Z:

There should be a built-in tool which guides the user through a list of written utterances (with their corresponding normalizations) and asks to speak each of them, showing continuously the speech recognizer performance of getting the matching transcription.

The purpose is to test/evaluate the speech recognizer, or to train the recognizer (for the latter, the API needs to provide a way to communicate the existing written utterance to the server, e.g. with every query).

In terms of the UI

All this functionality could also be packaged as an independent app, but it's probably easier to start building it as part of RecognizerIntent.