Kaljurand / K6nele

An Android app that offers speech-to-text user interfaces to other apps
Apache License 2.0
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IME: Turning off screen starts recording #2

Open alumae opened 9 years ago

alumae commented 9 years ago

When I turn off the screen (from the physical button) when the Kõnele IME is active, K6nele starts a new recording session itself at the same moment.

When I do this repeatedly, Kõnele gets into strange inconsistent state where nothing works any more -- nothing happens when I push the yellow button, message "VIGA: lindistamine luhtus", nothing happens on the server.

Using latest apk from IME branch, compiled by you.

Kaljurand commented 9 years ago

I cannot reproduce the bug with these exact conditions. However, something similar happens when the device is rotated: Kõnele's GUI is reset, but recording continues, and the audio recorder is not released, i.e. no app can record afterwards until Kõnele is killed.

alumae commented 9 years ago

Also happens with the latest version. Actually, the first time it behaves unexpectedly is when you turn off the screen with Kõnele IME active (nothing goes wrong at that time) and turn on again (Kõnele starts recording). This is probably due to Kõnele thinking it was just activated and it should auto-start recording? Anyway, after that, it gets more confused, with seemingly random recording starts. Made a small blurry video to demonstrate: http://youtu.be/iHBSlQOHwig

alumae commented 9 years ago

Autostart seems to have caused it. Issue doesn't happen with the 0.8.48.