Kaljurand / K6nele

An Android app that offers speech-to-text user interfaces to other apps
Apache License 2.0
267 stars 83 forks source link

Temporarily disabling "Microphone access" centrally breaks access to Kõnele services #99

Open Kaljurand opened 1 year ago

Kaljurand commented 1 year ago


Rebooting the device fixes the issue.


Kaljurand commented 1 year ago

Perhaps follow some of the best practices discussed in https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/explaining-access, e.g.

Wait to access the device's microphone until the user has granted the RECORD_AUDIO permission to your app.

Also, consider that

When the user turns off microphone access, your app receives silent audio.

and make sure Kõnele correctly deals with silent audio, e.g. when the Microphone access is temporarily disabled during a longer recording.