KallistiOS / kos-ports

Ported library collection for KallistiOS
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updated libtremor git repo #6

Closed Bhaal22 closed 4 years ago

Bhaal22 commented 4 years ago

5 https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/tremor.git is the new git repo

ljsebald commented 4 years ago

We were using the lowmem branch before... Can you update the PR to pull that instead of master? I'll be happy to merge it then.

andressbarajas commented 4 years ago

No need for the KOSMakefile.mk changes @Bhaal22. You can undo those and then change master => lowmem in the other makefile like @ljsebald suggested

Bhaal22 commented 4 years ago

cool will update PR then!

Bhaal22 commented 4 years ago

PR is updated. only one file changed