KalvinCK / Solar_System_made_in_OpenGL

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Any possibility to covert GLSL 460 to GLSL 410 #1

Open tingspain opened 1 year ago

tingspain commented 1 year ago


i was wondering if there is any chance or if would be possible to translate your shaders from 460 to 410. I would be more than happy to work on it.

Thanks in advance!

KalvinCK commented 1 year ago

This shader works equally in version 410 without any problem just change the version, but these shaders are crap they are very old I made them when I was starting to learn opengl there are many others out there much better!

tingspain commented 1 year ago

Thanks @KalvinCK, Indeed. I tried before to change all the shader to 410. But i didnt manage to make it work. But today i gave another try, starting from fresh and I managed to make it work. No problem using version 410. I found other problems because I am compiling and run it from osx arm. But everything is working fine. Thanks!!