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Alternate back Ashcan Pete deckbuilding rules not working correctly #625

Open antherem opened 10 months ago

antherem commented 10 months ago

"Ashcan" Pete with the alternate back is able to take level 0-3 Survivor cards and level 0-4 cards with the Improvised or Tactic trait, and up to 5 other level 0 Guardian cards, but there is an issue with decks that meet these rules being reported as containing forbidden cards. I believe it is the "up to 5 other level 0 Guardian cards" rule that isn't working 3167357 - "contains forbidden cards" 3182496 (clone of 3167357 with all non-Tactic Guardian cards replaced with Survivor cards) - no error message 3181446 (upgrade of 3167357 with one Dynamite Blast(0) replaced by On The Hunt(3)) - no error message